The Frightened

The Commander now was frightened , he had never seen such power, but this match up was no cause Tom far surpassed the Commander no.

It was cause the commander underestimated himself, and that was the only reason Tom had him as his opponent.

'100Percent'. The Commander exclaimed

The battle began , Tom rushed towards the commander who dodged the attack, and went in for a counter attack, but Tom blocked it , he swinged his blade and the Commander's blade was sent flying in the air, Tom punched him hard in the guts, sending the commander stumbling back, Tom was shocked at his own strength, but the attack had close to no damage, The Commander was the weakest for he never showed his true power.

The Commander grabbed his blade mid-air and dashed towards Tom and stabbed him in his arm, Tom slashed him away doing minimal damage, as Tom started to panic he thought that

Iam way over my head I have no chance, Iam gonna get killed here.

Tom now was forced on the defensive, he can't use his medical injection for that would be too early, he tried to block, dodge and do anything he could to survive, this was no battle he could win by waiting it out, he had to win by experience, he decided to use the weapons of his past , dropping down several smoke bombs and shrouded the battle field in a dark mist.

The Commander was shocked by this and tried to escape but this was Tom's Domain

The Assassin's Playhouse

He now was in a battle for his life, he didn't know from where his enemy may attack, Tom slashed from the mist, his attacks were weakened due to his injured arm, so the battle was quite even, but with each the commander grew accustomed to the battlefield and now was able to dodge some attacks, everyone has patterns , and the commander found out the pattern of Tom, the student of Hulking Knight Urdok.

Now the commander didn't know that the knights were here, for if they were he would simply give up, Tom now knew that the commander had a weakness his confidence, so Tom started to use that and wanted to degrade him till he would give up

Hey you do know that my allies are coming

He yelled out

Which worried the commander

Your bluffing, you use the ways of the assassins your weak and you know it, your alone in this fight!

The commander replied with

Of Course but there is my sensei you know, he is the legendary assassins The Skull Smasher, he said that there is a bounty on your head, Iam just here to delay you.

Tom said

Tom hoped that his bluff would work, and it seemed to did so, the commander now was panicking running around here and there trying to escape the endless mist, stumbling and hitting the ground and a black figure arrives Infront of him, Tom grabbed him by the neck and threw him up and gets ready to kill him, but he can't, he tries to kill him but his armor , it is too strong,

Tom jumps back but his leg is grabbed and he is thrown upwards into the air, he tries to regain his footing but the commander jumps up and smashes him into the ground and starts to beat on Tom, grabbing him again by his injured hand and starts to crush it, Tom screamed out in agony,

Where is this Skull Smasher or whatever you call him, I shall take his head as a trophy.

The Commander said

The situation looked dire, Tom's radio was destroyed, but before his radio was destroyed he heard a scream and than Urdok's radio had went offline, Tom wanted to fight for not himself but for his master, he wouldn't let the hard work of his master go to waste , he had lost one he shall not lose another.

Tom eyes glowed a dark bluish colour, as he grabbed the arm of the commander and tore it off, grabbing him by the head and said

Sorry, the boss can't waste his time right now, I guess I have the trash all to myself.

He throws him with all his strength and the commander goes flying out of the mist, Tom launches towards him and grabs him by his other arm and throws him upwards, but grabs him by his arm again pulling down and ripping it off, the commander had given up at this point and wasn't fighting back, Tom walked up to him and started to simply beat the hell out of him, the commander who is now at the brink of death, somehow manages to inhale a deadly drug, and for a few minutes his power multiples a hundred fold as he yelled .

All Limiters OPEN.

Tom didn't expect this to happen, and was now being thrown around, Tom still had a broken arm and was just trying to survive, but it was impossible he could try to survive but it was tis to late, he was now on the ground bleeding and not able to move, the glow in his eyes has now faded to darkness, the commander grabbed him and said.

Kill that bit*h for me will you.

He said

As he let go off the near dead Tom and fell to the ground and now had been simply turned to dust, the great commander was now simply praying that his master will be killed, the man that destroyed his life will suffer, Tom injected himself with the medical brew and within minutes was in tip top condition, and he sat there pondering, the squadron despises the commander the commander despises the general and who do they despise?

The Great Covenant vs The UFP one works on a cycle of hatred while one uses their hatred for the enemy ad their fuel, mental gold as they would say.

But what awaited Tom was a lot worse than he could have imagined, he was gonna feel a hell of a lot of hatred