Ants and The Soldier

John walks around, the enemy comes to him and the squadron knows him, he might not be wearing his armor but his aura is recognizable to those who have seen its horrors, John steps forward.

The Enemy squadron attacks without hesitation, John expected this, he dodges the attacks, his power is greater than ever before, and the commander trembles, a being beyond greatness is his opponent, an opponent that even the Knight Of the Round Fear, the Opponent who slaughtered the Splatter , they attacked in fear, and John knew this, he danced around then, he had the audacity to turn of his blade and holster it, he wasn't fighting, he was just stepping on an ant hill, the queen still waits, while the queen has sent out the solider and his army of workers, the queen sits comfortably.

You really just had to attack, I would have accepted surrender but, now Iam seriously mad

John said

As he punched on in the face sending him flying across the field, the other jumped back in horror their legs trembling, even the commander was shocked, his face was full fear and confusion.

How can this mortal be stronger than me, even stronger than my 12 limiter unlocked form, as all the soldiers knew their end was close, they substituted for a dead man's strategy

Kill and be Killed


they yelled in unison

The The Planet shook in the face of this Power while John smirked, after all those encounters, maybe he has earned his right to his emotions, maybe all those who died back then, back when he was....Emotional over Logical , maybe it was not in vain, has he redeemed himself, maybe the freedom of the UFP can prove it.

He turned on his blade, and his aura opened with it, his power matched even the greatest of all, the ground started to break and crack, all Twelve rushed at him , he blocked all the attacks, as a cloud of dust surrounded them he started to throw them around and as the dust settles all that was left was 6 soldiers and 6 heads with a side of chopped meat, as all of them looked at the bodies, twelve limiters, their power has multiples by One Thousand times and yet, it is of no use against the Grim Reaper.

They all started to tremble but they launched, John turned of his blade and dodged all the attacks, he played with them, as he said

Never play with your food, Ofcourse Iam not gonna eat them, they are way under my league.

As he grabbed on of their blades and took it, and an arm as well, the soldier jumped back, it did expect to lose, an arm is not a problem for now, the commander seems to be thinking about intervening, John didn't mind it, another dead man is nothing in a sea of blood, he launched at the soldier, and felt bad....He is truly killing with no, he stopped at the last moment and said

You can surrender, the UFP will punish you, but death is not a penalty nor is life, you can live on a habitable planet, the new one would be perfect, although you will have no weapons or armor but a fair deal, do you surrender?


each of them yelled in unison

John truly shed a tear for his enemies , as he tried to convince them with force as he whispered out


The ground broke, the planet started to break, earthquakes started to occur, but the enemy didn't surrender, John put down his blade and launched, in a second all six of them were dead as he said

Kurden! This was a great battle indeed, you have made me feel my wrongs.

John was saddened , but something was about to be a pain his ass, seven clones appeared of the commander and they were oozing with the blue liquid , the machine enhance , and a simple sound which told him battle Begins once again


As he turned around only to be met by a punch which he blocked with no problem, the commander was shocked but than the seven clones attacked with a barrage of slashes, which forced him to back off for the time while the seven clones chases him John started to dodge the attacks as the commander attacked from behind, John tried to power up, but he decided not to, and rather have fun with his battle , he turned off his blade and said

Let's dance shall we?

As the commander ran towards him and threw a fury of slashes , but as the dust settled there was no one, as John stood atop a mountain and said

You really have to do better than that you know.

As all the clones rushed towards him and he jumped back, as the mountain was turned to piece, pebbles rained down onto the ground and John threw a few towards the Commander who blocked them, but took some damage, John was just playing around, his used minimal power so he could throw the clones around without killing them, John was having fun with them and just wanted to taunt him, after all The General would be too strong for this.

The commander shot beams of plasma at him, which he barely manage to dodge and then the clone appeared behind him and in unison kicked him down to the ground as a barrage of laser beams hit him, a cloud of smoke appeared from the destruction and as it settles ,there stood John with a scratch on his face, as he said

Really, all that, all those attacks ,all your tricks, all the betrayal and all the misery you alone have caused by doing the forsaken Covenant, you still cannot kill me, you see you have failed the Galaxy you tried to conquer has fought back and the Covenant does not know how to react, we have defeated you a long time ago, and some simple commander like you can't really kill me, Iam the main character of my life you see, and what I want is to turn the Covenant to ash, they attacked my home world.

Actually you wouldn't understand, the reason to become a commander you have is that.

"It Gets You Respect and Money"


The commander started to get mad, but his time began to run out, in a fit of fury he launched towards John and John who was at only 25Percent felt the hit, and was sent stumbling back, as a barrage of punches hit him , and than a slash which sent him flying, but then seven punches at once, and again and again, all of them launched a combined counter attack, and John was not ready, he was crushed into a crater only to be grabbed and thrown up in the air and beyond he clouds, just so he could be punched to the Earth, but with even all that, he stood back up with a single drop of blood, the commander was petrified as the only words that could leave his mouths were.

What....what the Sandi are you?

as John smirked and his aura turned darker than the night sky and said in horrifying voice

I am the Grim Reaper

The voice echoed through the battlefield and the commander had now come to terms with his demise, he knew that even if he would win, he would die cause of the Limiter, he had lost all his life force and had no will to live, all the things he did would now have the chance to haunt him, but before he died he sat on the ground and looked onto the sky and the sun as he said

How good it feels, you know the feeling of no worry, the feeling of not being attacked from the day of your birth, and to think your life and your story has come to an end, Grim Reaper, Knight Of Justice, I know you have killed all the commanders but all I ask of you is a humble yet daunting request, avenge us and kill The First, but be careful for on the death of one another comes and as per his request The Five Appear, Huh... I always loved riddles.

As the commander fell to the ground, turning to ash, whilst John couldn't help but shed a tear and wonder and ponder on his rhyme, was it a riddle or a warning, or just a dead man's last request.

John decided to overlook it and waited for someone to call in, he knew he would kill his side of enemies first, but now is to see how long his friends and allies took.

He laid on the grassy ground as he looked up and said...

For once I can feel the warmth of the sun, but not the cold grasp of Life, the words of the death have set me free, it seems Iam redeemed , so my emotions can now sail, as the blockade has been removed. Huh he rubbed off one me rather quickly