The Flowers Of No Return

Tnzia had a bad feeling about this, she always thought something would go wrong, she never knew of many knights, and now those she do know of have gone through thick and thin, and she cannot lose anyone of them, but she had no time for feelings, the battle itched closer, a long battle perhaps, as she heard the sound of marching, she readied she had no intent of hiding, for she knew she couldn't kill any of them with element of surprise , as they are skilled enough.

The Squadron sees her, and upon the gesture of their commander they launch without hesitating, as she sees twelve men rushing at her, she launched as well, her dodging was flawless and the strikes she landed left her enemies on the ground, at least one of them, the rest were injured by her attack, it was as if she moved with the wind, and they were frozen in shock and terror, as they regrouped and saw their fallen man could Vered in bruises and slashes, a thousand attacks had hit him at once they thought, but wouldn't be impossible she is just a normal Swordswomen

they were bound to see at least something of the attack, but they saw nothing and it made them tremble.

They all formulated a strategy withing seconds, stay close, when she attacks, try to dodge and launch at her, an attack of such force should make her vulnerable for a millisecond atleast, so they waited, the attack came and took the lives of five of them, their numbers were now cut into half, a battle they must win, but a battle they cannot win, they lunged towards Tnzia, but they were wrong, soo wrong, Tnzia dodge all the attacks and grabbed two of them smashing their heads together, and throwing them , the other four still attacked and managed to wound her, as the battle raged on the Commander sat there, not a care in his mind, he lived his men fight and die, but he was warned not to lose all his men, so due to these unfortunately he had to intervene.

While Tnzia fought them off, she was weakend and now was starting to slow down, she had no choice, she couldn't attack nor defend, she jumped back and released a limiter and dispatched of the soldiers in second, turning it off, she was ashamed that she had to resort to it, even though she was strong enough to beat them, she had to quicken up cause of the commander jumping in like a damn hero, as she stood there, the commander grabbed two of the wounded men and said to them.

Stay out of this and don't die, cause if you do, I will hunt down everyone you ever knew and bestow upon them the same fate as you.

The Soldiers nodded and ran away to safety, but for Tnzia she had a battle to complete, she raised her blade, and she took her stance , as now she was using one of her if not her most dangerous attack techniques,

The Flowers Of No Return

She knew that this would leave here in a severely weakened state , but she took the risk, after all she can use her medical injection and all will be good, but her senses felt something wrong, like someone was at the brink of death, and she just noticed Urdok and Tom's radio's were offline, she thought of many thing, but she had no time for this ,and decided to not let it hinder her battle or her capabilities to fight him, she launched, and her attacks were quick and swift, yet sharp enough to pierce the armor of her enemies, and the enemy she was now fighting had no clue, no idea of this and he was utterly shocked, he couldn't think of any reason why she would be winning, except that she was hiding her true strength, but using the limiter that is still a death wish, he panicked for a second or two , but alas he was experienced and came back to his senses. .

But as the worries of the commander turned to nothing but confidence the same could not be said for Tnzia, she now was worried and her technique would come to an end and she would be left weakened and unable to fight her enemy , but she knew the risks and continued on, now her goal was not to attack to kill, but attack to wound her enemy so she could have an easier battle after her technique was finished, this was quite simple, she had no problem with this and fought on without any trouble and wounded the commander greatly, till she slowed down and her blade powered down, not off but was weakened as well, as she now stood there, Infront of a man who was now in the mouth of death, and she was in his grasps, she dodged all that she could but injuries were certain.

The battle seemed to be the same , but in a slight advantage towards The Commander, this would soon be lost as Tnzia was slowly starting to gain some of her strength, and when she is at her best the battle is good as won, but the commander knew of this and wanted to end it, in a fury he yelled.

I cannot let you live, but if I even come close to loosing I will be regarded as a fool, so I shall bring forth the mighty power of the limiters.....12 LIMITERS OPEN.

His aura bursted up into flames, his surrounding felt hot just from his powerful presence, but Tnzia was not scared, he may he strong and quick , but he is still wounded and weak, and I she took that chance of winning, her odds may be slim, but she doesn't not know that, she doesn't have the time, the battle is coming to a close the limiters will some finish their job and he will turn to ash, as she now had regained all her power, most of it she launched, but she was outmatched and it was clear who would win, Tnzia could not the limiters, she already has to much strain on her body and it will only burden her.

The battle now seemed all but lost, Tnzia could not defeat the commander now, so she bid for time, and dodged and blocked, all she needed was time to win and the commander knew that he could no risk wasting even a second, as he started to attack with greater and greater speed, and now Tnzia couldn't bid for time no longer, she was more worried now for someone or something, it was as if her friend had died , but no one had died at least she thinks so, there she stroked and sent flying , she managed to land safely, but the commander chased her with no mercy, and she could not get even a second of time to rest.

Now she was at her last moments, maybe the one to die was none but herself, that she knew who would die and that would be her, and it was true till, the commander fell, his voice become raspy and he couldn't stand, when he did so, his feet turned to ash, and the blade he held tight for so long during this battle fell out of his hands, as his hands were no more, his chest disappeared at this point he was dead, and so his head was nothing but ash, all that , all that power and strength was nothing but ash, Tnzia felt relief for the first time in a long time.

But her worries still were in back of her mind, chipping away , but she wasn't giving it too much thought, it could just be that they are attacking the feared General Harlord the First, the man's who's name would kill someone, someone who every Knight feared covenant or UFP He was a force to be reckoned with, and they all knew as the radio went off and she heard a young man, the voice of James, she felt even more relieved and she sat down and asked for the meeting point then she noticed something, Urdok has vanished of their she thought and though each and every bad thing to exist paced through her head within minutes and second, now she was scared was he dead, but it can't be he is the strongest of them all, he may not be fastest but his strength is only matched by The Grim Reaper and The Archangel...she was scared if he could be defeated, it would be that Harlord knows that only the lower knights are here, he wouldn't be panicking and that lost them something they thought could win them the battle, for when one's mind is clouded he cannot think straight nor fight, the only reason they kept their numbers hidden, but Urdok had his in his pocket....