Kind Men Finish Last

Urdok had left his friends , and now he moved towards his enemy, a enemy of pure strength, as he was told, the radar scanned thirteen people , but one was afar from the rest, Urdok was a simple minded man and he just thought it was a backup unit, for by now John would've attacked and news spreads like fire around here, but he felt something ominous his heart couldn't take it, yet he pressed on forward with no hurdle but the Commander himself and his henchmen.

He saw the enemy, the enemy saw him and no words were exchanged except the cry of battle, Urdok extended his blade to a great sword, normally none would carry it, the tech that was used for it weighted Ten KG and the blade was long and sharp, sharper than most blades, the twelve men surrounded him and lunged, in their minds they though.

He could block one, two maybe three but the rest will connect and his fate will be sealed a fate that leaves on the ground soul and body not one.

But Urdok was a Knight, Hulking Giant and he blocked each and every attack , his speed was not his strong suit, but it was weak either he, could block a hundred attacks at once, the squadron jumped back in unison, as Urdok lunged forward and with a single slash, he cut two of them in half jumping back he was attacked by another he blocked the attack, but a laser pierced him , it did not much damage but the commander intercede far before thought he would, his Knight badge had fallen out of his pocket and was thrown far away, none could see it, the battle continued with no end, Urdok slashed one of them cutting his arm off , and turned around grabbed the ambusher and threw him far up in the air, shooting a laser at him , as a man fell from above with a hole in his chest, he grabbed the disembodied arm and threw it at one of them, sending him across the battlefield, but they all started to quicken up, adapt to his movement and overcome them.

Now Urdok was starting to take attacks, he was slashed across the arm and had to use his blade one handed, his movements become sluggish , and he didn't even look like a problem, but that was a mistake Urdok smiled in excitement , there have not been many battle he couldn't win and those he lost were to the greats,


He yelled atop his lungs

As he launched towards the enemies and with one arm he cut them down in half twelve were now turned to six then four then Three till one one remained the last of his squadron, but Urdok had noticed the commander he had not attacked , he looked at the commander who sat atop his throne and watched his men being slaughtered he gave not a second thought to them, Urdok was a giant, but he was Janko, and he felt saddened , this hurt him more then blades themselves he was a kind man, but the commander was cruel and he wanted that man to pay for what he had done, the three knights were let go off, The Commander was shocked and wanted to kill so he stepped forward but as he tried, Urdok appeared Infront of him and punched into a mountain, the last squadron members escaped, as the commander came flying back in a fit of rage to avenge his pride.

Urdok lunged forward and their blades clashed , the ground shook and the rocks around them were sent flying in all directions, Urdok punched him in the guts, pulled back his blade and slashed him across the chest, he realized his arm is still usable even though all the damage he has taken, he jumps back and the Commander lunges at him and tries to kill him, in a moment of desperation he grabs the blade with his wounded arm, he was lucky for it was not cut in half , but damaged beyond belief , he didn't scream yet he took revenge and cut the commander's arm right off , he smiled, he knew his time has come, the commander may kill him and he knows it.

Armour Of Hope : A Final Wish

A Tear could be seen, Urdok's aura brightened up and the surrounded area lighten up, and the plants blossomed , his eyes brightened up, as he said

I am a forgetful man , but the face of your's I shall never forget a face of pure darkness and hatred you leave nothing but a trail and legacy of pain behind.

Urdok launched as he with a single slash he sent the commander flying in the air, he launched upwards and continued his assault, the clouds turned red and he still would not stop, it was not himself that he wanted to kill him but it was to avenge all who had suffered at his hand, the area was covered in blood and unknown to them , a greater force watched them from afar, he threw the commander to the ground and killed him there, and injected himself with the injection, his arm healed in a moment, as he stood not victorious but ready for battle.

Harlord show yourself! There from behind the tree he came, his aura so strong the ground shook, he shot the radio right off him as he laughed

Your end is here.....whoever you may be you killed my men only fair I kill you?

Urdok's fate was sealed, he shed a tear as he knew now what laid ahead was nothing, the string of his life will now be cut, and he will die....he powered up as he said

Even if I die, I will not go without a battle. 13 LIMITERS OPEN, Take my life as yours and GIVE ME THE POWER TO RID THE WORLD OF HIM...

The aura changed as he launched but all his attacks were dodged he landed a slash but took a thousand in return and within a couple seconds he laid down on the ground and had no reason to live, all he had worked for has now ended may his journey continue in the life of his disciple as he opened his mouth to say his final speech...

Harlord you may be the first of the generals but you will die...You can kill me but what you will be worse then a thousand Snetouk have failed your kind, I have no sorrows all I have done is what I believe to be right, now my journey comes to an end, you Harlord your end is close...I only have but one regret I cannot see my disciple grow from now into a legend, I cannot see him when his dreams and his wishes turn into his legacy, in all my life I never left anything undone but now I cannot die without making you suffer a bit....Tom Iam sorry, I couldn't see you grow, I wanted to be a teacher but it was too late, all I have thought you is the pain of life, but at least it is a good lesson,Harlord..

you may have your motives, but you have now stepped into the carpet of death, you may not be slain by hands , but I still have life left in me Harlord...FIGHT ME.

Urdok stood up as he heard the marching...but it was too late for him, he launched towards him and yelled



Urdok yelled

As he stabbed the general in the hand and powered up his suit, and poured all the energy to his glove shooting it at point blank range, he didn't turn to dust , he died before he could his limiters off , and the allies arrived, Tom now had learned a new lesson The Pain That Is Life...Urdok fell to the ground as Tom rushed to him as he said .

NO can't die not now...

Tom yelled

Iam sorry...I couldn't help you more...take my rank I have found my heir the heir of my title.

As the last life of Urdok had vanished..Tom fell to the ground in sorrow and in pain...Tom was destroyed beyond belief, Harlord stepped up and what he thought would be easy.....he was wrong...Another was there who had learned to express himself..and the one who helped him do in the shadows now laid Infront of him, Harlord had not just killed one, but he had killed himself, Six were Infront of him

..His string now will be cut...he shall pay the price THE ULTIMATE PRICE.