
Tom still was trying to understand, he had someone he could rely upon, and now he is dead.

This made Tom spiral out of control, he was an empty shell of sorts, he walked and ate and slept, now he had to train, he entered the chambers, and tears fell from his eyes , as he imagined his master was there, Urdok was there.

He tried to imagine, he hoped that Urdok was alive and well, but Tnzia broke his little shell.

He is dead Tom , I do not know how much you loved him, but he was my friend too, I have known him for a year or two before we met, and all I know he had one wish "Do not let anyone cry over my death" Respect his last wishes if you truly loved him...he probably is out you know in the stars.

Tom looked up , and a piece of his soul which was taken, a sliver of it returned as he took out his hammer and said.

Well.....he wouldn't want me to cry over his death, and the only thing else I could do is honour him by training and carrying on the legacy of the Hulking Giant.

As he took a stance, a stance which resembled that of Urdok, as his eyes lit up, and he said.

Get ready, let's see if Iam really that week.

Tom launched towards Tnzia, and as Tnzia tried to block the attacks, the force of the attacks were...too strong, as the impact force made her stumble back, Tom took out another blade a dagger of sorts , and went in for a quick barrage of attacks.

Tnzia dodged in the nick of time she was shocked, that this kid.....he has so much power so much unrefined strength, so much potential.

As she regained her footing and powered up to half , and launched towards Tom who blocked and dodged the attacks, as he landed a devastating block, Tnzia blocked the attack but their was a opening in Tnzia's defense, and as Tom went for it with his dagger


Tnzia yelled.

Tom jumped back, and was wounded, as Tnzia launched a barrage of attacks, which surrounded her like a shield, and she did stop, but this kid made her use a higher class attack, she was shocked beyond belief and said

This match is ov-

she was cut of as Tom Yelled


His speed increased by tenfold as he appeared behind her and nearly knocked her out, but she blocked the attack at the last second , as Tom let go of his blade and took out the dagger and appeared behind her, as he put a dagger to her neck and said


But before he could react Tnzia appeared behind him and said

Don't think that your strong enough to defeat me at this stage, it's insulting.

Tom took this defeat, and laid down his dagger and went to another training chamber, after he had grabbed his things, as he turned the Gravity to 21K Times and he could barely stand but he started to train, each second was excruciating, but to him it was needed.

Urdok sacrificed himself so we would have an upper hand, he did his duty and did not care for his life, he only worked for the right, he had his morals and his goals, and he never strayed away from that, he is a real role model.

He did all he could to train hard and was true to himself he never took a medical injection , he only took them when he was at the brink of collapsing, as he trained he all but on goal "Become the Hulking Giant, he may be Knight Nine but he will work towards his goal".

He heard gunfire outside,as he came out to see an army of soldiers ready to attack the ship/base, the other knights and Swordsmen alike came out to defend their base, but Tom simply stopped them, it had been a week and James and John had just done their spar match and Xavier and Antonio did the same, and Tnzia just came out after training for a Grade O medical injection. ( they're not drugs ok )

He took out his hammer and expanded his aura, the ground beneath him broke as he jumped off and launched towards the army, and within seconds, not one of them could stand, he decimated the army, he thought that he should let one leave so he could tell the others but he decided against it.

He came back , he wasn't even covered in blood, John watched him and he was worried , Tom was becoming more like him, and he didn't want that , so he went to Tom and tried to talk to him, he went into to training chamber with him and said.

Tom, the path you have chose is the wrong one, emotions you cannot deny them, you have gone through a lot, I don't want to compare , but no one here had a perfect life, the world has twisted and broken all of us, do not deny your emotions, it will only lead to me please.

Tom nodded, but he didn't really give it second thought, as he went back to training , after sometime it was night as he slept, he had a dream, he talked to his master and they talked for hours upon hours, but as the dream ended Urdok said three words

Heed John's warning.

As Tom woke up, he did not realize it but he was crying through his sleep, he really had been broken by the world , he stood up and out a smile on, and tried to be like his Master, for he knew Urdok was simple on the outside but even he was broken and twisted , but he was able to be fixed , he mended himself.

Tom walked outside and back into his chamber, as he started to train.....yet he could deny that he was still sad, he had try to deny it , but he must not deny his emotions as Urdok and John said.