
John and the rest were sent out, only Xavier and Antonio stayed, they had the Intel they needed and they launched their attack, the nearby base was a stronghold and an Exlarn stronghold, but it was the closest and most dangerous so it had to be taken.

It would pose a greater threat if left alone, and John would be the shadow leader of this attack, Tnzia would lead , but all the plans were of John as they approached the base they split up into two groups, John and James and Tnzia and Tom, John and James would flank and Tnzia and Tom will distract them.

Tom readied himself and the attack begun, the base had shields and defenses alike, as they came into view Tnzia and Tom were bombarded with lasers and gunfire, as three hundred Exlarns came out.

Tom and Tnzia took their stance as the launched, Tnzia with a single attack split the huge army into two groups, as Tom launched at them, the Exlarns tried to block and dodge his attacks, his speed was too much to dodge and the impact force of his attacks would break their arms.

The Legendary Exlarns feared by all were on their knees, but the battle was not easy, Tom was bombarded by lasers as he tried to dodge, the Exlarns launched a united assault, One hundred blades attacked him from all sides.

And Tom took all the attacks, and came out unscarred, the blades were nothing he had upgraded his armour with his strength, his strength and will flowed through the armour.

He looked at them and with a single attack, Twenty Five of them were turned to dust, the others who surrounded him jumped and tried contain him hoping the lasers from the base would hit him, a barrage of them came, Tnzia looked in horror but as the dust settles

Tom stood there and there was a crater Infront of him, he redirected all the attacks and they all landed Infront of him, as the Exlarns launched a last attack, Tom took out his dagger and within seconds, the Exlarns were no more.

Tnzia fought the enemies on her side, although she was not one to fight large groups, her attacks were great against them, and she as well left none as survivors.

Meanwhile John and James were inside the base, John was Infront as James was behind him he looked out trying to find anyone who would try to sneak up on them.

And John fought his way through , Exlarns and firing squads alike tried to attack but all he left was a trail of blood and bodies, James was horrified but this only him realize why John fought for the UFP it was not for honour or valour , it was for peace and an end to this endless bloodshed.

In the control room there were three master Exlarns and the general, he was a retired Knight , John said

Take out the Exlarns, I'll take out the leader.

As John saw this he simply realized, these people were in the same place they were in the start, their planet base attacked and now their lives comes to an end.

Surrender, or we will kill you

John said out loud.

James was surprised, that move was made on an hint of emotion not logical, as the General and the rest refused, to them they were the main character of their life, as the general exclaimed.

Kill me and you will leave a martyr which will only motivate us.

John laughed, in a year you won't be remembered none of us will be, he attacked as the general blocked the attack , and went to counter attack, but the attack was dodged, John went in for a finishing block, but the general barely managed to block it.

John smirked, as the general went in for a strike John dodged it and jumped back, the general was good at battle, The general went to stab John, but the attack was blocked and John unarmed the general, his blade was sent flying , and so were three more, the battle was won.

The General still never surrendered he was a stubborn man, as the general tried to speak, John killed him.

He and James made way to the defense center and powered all them off, the controls were different but it was okay, soon they returned and told of their victory.

The soldiers were in awe, all of them were strong enough to fight a. Shugikari swordsman which was unheard off.

The Reinforcements came and the base was taken over, soon the tech was replaced but some issues still stood, the base was pretty destroyed, so John said.

We can attack another base and use it's resources to rebuild this one, doesn't the ship have a demolition squadron onboard, we can take what we need and destroy the base, after all we will be taking its resources and an empty base is useless better off destroying it.

Many doubted him, but Tnzia agreed and then so did everyone else, Tnzia realized how much status had affected her now, when she came in and out of rooms and if she walked through any hallway people would bow their heads as respect.

They took her as a saviour, but the real one was amongst them, she was shocked that John was able to have friends all throughout the Galaxy without using his badge or status, he saved so many, and those who knew his secret laid down their lives to keep it that way, a Secret.

There Tnzia also decided, if it came down to it, she would lay down here life to protect his secret, although James and Antonio knew, the rest shall not, only who he showed his badge to know his secret , some knights don't even know he is Knight ten, many just think there are only Nine knights, true in a way.

As John walked by, and his power was incomprehensible to her and as they readied for the next raid.