Backup Arriving

A few days had passed, they found a nearby base with everything they needed, but as they got readied to set out they heard something, looking up they saw them, The Final of the three legendary divisions of the Covenant.

The Elites, a force only made up of the most legendary of Swordsmen unlike the immortal legion a single death is devastating they has amassed an army of 10 Thousand warriors, they even once deemed a Knight 7 Of the Round ineligible.

Their arrival shows that the covenant won't back down, the comms system was up but they couldn't reach to any nearby bases, but if they could hit the nearby base quickly and rebuild maybe they could get ready.

A handpicked squadron made up of the most strongest of warriors of the survivors of the crash, all the knights and Swordsmen were a must, but there were a few gunmen that had the power to kill an Exlarn with their bare fists.

They launched the attack, the gunmen as well as Tnzia and The Hulking Giant (Tom) took the front attack, Antonio, Xavier and a handful of gunmen would attack from the back, whilst John and James would attack from the left the plan was set into motion.

First a smoke shelling was launched around the base to make a smoke screen , as everyone took positions, and launched even before the smoke screens fell, the enemy trenches were attacked, and soon they were taken, the battle trenches was gruesome.

Piles of bodies littered around the trenches, and those who surrendered held no white flag rather the pictures of their loved ones, one last glance as they took their last breaths.

As the base shot lasers towards the trenches, Antonio and Xavier's army attacked and raided the base, quickly moving towards the roof of the base to destroy it.

John and James were stuck in a rather serious battle, a scout from the elite had arrived and they had to fight him, if he got to the main forces there would red river here then,

John took his stance and so did James, The Scout stood there as James went to attack he launched with a barrage of slashes, which were blocked, but he found an opening he kicked him, but he disappeared and appeared behind John.

He thought John was weaker but the kick do the elite went through him, as the elite looked around he saw hundred no Thousands of John's afterimages, as a punch to his back sent him flying, John launched.

His first few blows were dodged which turned into blocks and his final few attacks so fast, that small rips in space occured around it, the Scout tried to block, but the impact force was so strong it went through his blade as if it was nothing.

John stood there, as the elite stood up and launched at James, James couldn't react and was sent flying, John then tried to spot the Elite but it was tis to late, the scout had completed his mission.

In the base Xavier and Antonio both had reached their opponents, a General and his fellow commanders, Xavier attacked as Antonio fought against the commanders.

Xavier was winning without any problem, till at last the general landed a hit, Xavier grabbed his fist and broke it, as he punched him square in the jaw , breaking it as well, and he killed him cutting of his head and throwing it to one of the commanders.

Antonio was having trouble but insisted Xavier not to intervene, he was sent flying out of the control room into a hallway as dozens of soldiers were rushing towards the front lines.

They saw Antonio and started to shoot, and The Commanders all launched, Antonio said in a light voice

5 Percent Activate,

As the bullets all launched backwards killing the soldiers, Antonio lunged forwards he slid beneath on blade jumped up and sliced on of them in half, as the other two launched at him, he readied to block but dropped down at the very last second and they both liked themselves.

Antonio and Xavier then made way to the roof killing the rest of the enemies, as they explored the base for food water etc, they found all they needed, and with the arrival of the Elite, they grabbed even the turrets, and made trenches everything they needed they had.

The tore the rest of the base down and started to rebuild their own base, and there John said.

A scout, he had the badge of the elite, unfortunately he escaped.

As the other knights gave it not a second thought, they expected the scout to escape, after all it seems that the scout knew John's weakness his brother.

John, you can't take James with you to every mission, he is wei-

Tnzia stopped

As the ground began to shake , a purple aura surrounded John, and he said

If I want to I could have killed that scout, that is what I would have done, but I can't let someone die for nothing.

Nothing? Even the death for a scout would be brutal to the Elites

Tnzia responded

And what about the counter attack, that scout could take out half of the people here in the blink of an eye, we need to train, the Elites will wait a month or two to attack, beware there will be a lot of scouts coming.

And as with James, I'll just make him stronger then all of you here maybe then he won't be much of weakness huh.

Tnzia, you have to not think so much logically, put yourself in the feet of the soldiers, they all are terrified, you can't expect them to complete your plans flawlessly if they can't even sit right , half of them are trembling at the name of battle.

Tnzia nodded and said

We will just make new plans, or just boost their morals, that base did have a ton of training chambers, not high class like ours but still pretty good ones