Final Planet...

The Ship lands, everyone gets off and the ship soon takes off so it can provide air support.

No knights had arrived no general no immortal legion, but that would soon change, the arrival of Knight 10 and 9 was expected but it gave the green light to the covenant to our everything they have onto this planet.

This was a border planet and the covenant forces arrived rather quickly all knights of round from Ten to One were sent.

The Top Three were called into action.

Knight Three : Time Stop

Knight Two : Universal Crusher

Knight One : The Fallen.

Knight Three of the round is well known for his speed, a Knight so fast that even time couldn't keep up, if the covenant really wanted someone dead then the Time Stop would stop his heart.

Knight Two of the Round is well known for his strength, his attacks so strong that his attacks could crush entire ships and even planets crumbled beneath his feet.

Knight One...The Fallen, He is Knight one of the round, he is feared by the universe, rumoured to have something to do with the Extincted (warmongering part of the mystics)

his speed, strength and everything else is phenomenal by anyone's standards...he is bringer of death, even the now dead Archangel feared him.

But John got a private communique from the UFP main base.

Grim Reaper, it seems your situation will be dire if you have to fight all for the knights alone, so let this be the final brawl.

The commander of all forces starts to speak.

Knight 10 to Knight....Zero are being sent all our forces are gonna be sent to fight this battle, The Master Mind (Knight Five) will be the minds whilst you will be the brawn.

John nods as he shuts off the communique,

Knight Zero?!?

he thought to himself.

It can't be...

He thought.

Long ago, the man who liberated humanity , had a kid, the kid survived countless assassinations and managed to hide his identity and the identity of his child.

This continued on till the same child started the UFP and now the lineage of heros continue as one of them sit atop the throne known as Knight 0, The Ominous Omnipotent.

His power was supposedly greater then any, he was stronger than The Fallen, The Universal Strength and The TimeStop combined.

John was scared, this will be a bloody battlefield indeed.

John has to hold out till reinforcements arrive, but can he and his friends really do it.

Tnzia has died and Tom is far too broken John can't bring them into battle.

John readies his blade, as he wears the armor of Knight ten and rushes onwards to the battle fields.

He recognized these fields as the one he fought on long ago, before his meeting with Tom, before the death Of The General.

But this time John will end this bloodshed, either his own blood is spilled or the blood of millions.

Amidst the chaos bullets flying everywhere a figure stood in the middle of no man land.

John didn't bother asking them to surrender,

if they can't spare us mercy I SHAN'T EITHER!

He exclaimed as he launched.

Among the soldiers was an Exlarn, and even he couldn't react in time, the enemy stronghold started to overflow with blood.

John never delivered a quick death, he attacked them in certain spots which would make them suffer, as all of them fell John could hear them scream.

The bloodcurdling screams, John had already heard them a million times before, twas was no new thing to him, John came out of the base his suit drenched in blood and as the UFP soldiers went in, they all rushed out, some couldn't stand the sight while some puked in horror.

It was a bloodbath, but none dare to protest the ways of the Grim Reaper, after all he is the taker of life, and he did just save their lives.

The sympathy that had once returned to John was gone, it no longer existed, but still he tried....tried not to return to the old ways...

John felt the presence of the enemy knights, Knight One, Two, Three and so on...but one more power, Royal Knight Of The Round, The leader of the knights of round.

The ship arrived it was far away from the UFP base, but their power could be sensed, then the sudden arrival of The Elites, then the HiveMind joining the side of the Covenant.

Tch, Tch you never learn do you?

John said.

He would decimate all of them if he wanted, but if his identity was revealed to all for The UFP He wouldn't have the chance to kill the Final Death and have his curse broken and the sacred information revealed.

John went back to the base, he saw the rest still mourning Tnzia's death as John decided to take up the mantle of leader and said.

The Death of Tnzia has been hard on all of us, but we now face our greatest threats, maybe training is not so much of a bad idea, there is a group chamber it can house six five can go and train till the arrival of the knights...

They all agreed as they had nothing else to do.

John started to teach them as he said.

There is a part of my life I forgot to tell you...Fifty years of my life were spent with the General back when I fought Knight Ten.

In those fifty years I trained to my fullest and reached this strength, the neural supressor made it harder for me to learn, but it took fifty years of continuous hard work for me to finally reach this strength.

Strength is useless if you can't land a hit on your enemy.

Speed is useless if your attacks don't do any damage

And all your hard work is useless if you do not have experience on the battlefield.