Arrival Of The Round

Far off in the distance lands the Knight of the Round.

They landed near a UFP stronghold, and as the Knights came out to see they were surrounded The TimeStop in a 100th of a second killed all of them.

You really didn't have to kill all of them we can always take some hostages.

Said The Fallen.

The TimeStop apologized , as they set up their base.

According to the Intel Knight 10 and 9 are already here, we should make quick work of them before we continu-

Knight Four : The Knowledgeable was cut off as Knight One : The Fallen said.

Knight Ten? Well....he'll be a pain in my ass, you are correct we should take him out as soon as possible, we don't want the immortal Legion's generals to be involved Prepare everything we attack in two hours.

Knight Four obliged and set out to make the necessary preparations, if Knight one was scared of The Grim Reaper then I should take this seriously.

The TimeStop thought.

I knew my younger brother was dumb and got killed by him, but...maybe he really was just "outclassed"..

The TimeStop thought to himself.

His younger brother The Galactic Flash died by The Grim Reaper's hand and now he shall take vengeance.

John was training with the rest, it was a way to drown out the pain, but then a loud bang.

John felt the power and instantly knew what had happened.

So this is the part of my life when I do this a lot.

As he goes outside to see all ten of the knights, though the lower five stay away and watch.

John puts on his Knight armor as he chuckles.

So... it's down to this, five vs one, All of you "pointing towards James and the rest" stay away.

John takes a stance as he says

Coldness Of Death : True Power 1 Percent.

His power exploded , his aura wasn't great like before , but it was cold....

You killed everyone I knew...Now I return the Favour.

He launches, the five knights take a stance, but Knight Four and Five are sent flying before they can think of reacting.

Now it's you and me.

John takes a stance , as the Knights look on in terror...

It's him, he is from the specie of The Final Death, Don't hold back!

Knight One said.

John launched, and so did the three knights but John's movements were quick and refined he could block and dodge all their attacks while landing attacks of his own, The TimeStop goes to his maximum speed and time slows down as he feels he has a moment to breath a voice says.

So...this is your top speed, Pathetic!

As the TimeStop looked to see John infront of him, John with a swift kick knocked him out.

The Universal Strength attacked, his attacked Shaked the planet but John cared not for the planet just for his allies, he grabbed one of his fists and threw him up into the air.

Sice Of Death : One Billion.

As his blade moved at inhum- no at inorganic speed and the Universal Strength his the ground on the brink of death, John was about to finish him but he was sent flying.

So, I can finally fight like my true self.

The Fallen Said.

True Self Revealed : Power Cap Off.

The Armor of the Fallen began to evolve as his power skyrocketed , John clapped as he said.

Be a worthy opponent, or you won't survive for long.

The Fallen laughed as he said.

How do you may know pain but I have lived through eternal Suffering....Iam no prince , Iam no God Iam the Fallen.

John took his stance and before he knew it The Fallen was behind him and attacks, John barely blocks the slash, but The Fallen kicks him even higher, John catches himself.


As the Fallen slices him and John falls back down, he lands as The Fallen once again attacks.

But then he stops, John started to transform into the ...Grim Reaper, the real deal and John launched at him.

He tried to slice the Fallen but the attack was blocked and as countless planets explode behind them their attacks shake the entire solar system .

But John starts to have an upper hand as The Fallen not wanting to show his true power now grabs all the fallen Knight and retreats.

John wants to chase him but lands down and powers down, it would be a useless change.

But then the Grim Reaper's Radio go off as John hears.

The Knights of Justice will arrive withing ten hours.

As John goes back to the training chamber and they all start to train again...but James says.

Use that power you were using before.

John sighs, but he wants to do this after all he has hurt James enough already maybe doing this may heal something...John is desperate he doesn't want their brotherhood to end on a bad note.

As you wish so then True Power : One Percent.

In the 80K times gravity John moved as quick as lighting and he said.

Well then let's do this.

Meanwhile we see The Ominous Omnipotent waiting patiently,

For far too long we have been enslaved , if we can win this battle we win the war, but The....The Final Death will probably be there.

And we see Knight Five: The All Knowing making a plan, The Knight of Round may have The Knowledgeable, but Knight Five will come out on top.

Because he is the only one who has found out the truth of John's life, he knew it for years and John also knows that he knows, but The All Knowing respects John and doesn't want to reveal the secret.

As we see in the middle of the night the ship landing, everything was quiet except a large training chamber.

( Note- A Large Training Chamber is about the Size of a house)

As John and the rest leave the chamber after training, so they can rest only to see the Arrival of The Knights Of Justice.