A War Begins

It was night and the plan was set into motion, after the display of power John will Fight the Universal Time Stop while Knight Two will stay back and cover the knights if the Immortal Legion arrives, Knight Ten Of The Round will fight James, Tom for Knight 8 , Xavier will fight Knight 7 whilst Antonio will fight Knight 9

The Knowledgeable somehow predicted this and told the knights to stay in groups, but the knights of the round were arrogant and decided to disobey and seek battle.

Soon the battle begins, James finds his opponent and they stare each other down.

So your the new Knight ten let's hope your better than the last.

James said

Well, you really underestimate me....You will pay for that , it makes me go insane, the UFP act always as the hero and cover up all their massacres against Us.

Knight Ten replied

Well history is always written by the victor.

James said.

You'll pay for that you bas-

The Knight is cut off as James rushes in, and they clash, their blades move in unison their power is the same, The All-Knowing was correct for using James for this battle.

James fights with honour and pride, yet the Knight 10 uses underhanded techniques,

but it only motivates James to fight harder, he is still not at his best, his mind is wounded all the trauma he has went through at such a young age.

Suddenly his leg gets wounded, as he jumps back but the Knight lunges and slices his arm, James starts to breath heavily and he starts to panic but then he calms down as he says.

Black Knight : Unknown Light.

A Light starts to radiate from James as he stands there defenseless, Knight Ten attacks but all his attacks are dodged as James appears behind him and slices his arm off.

The Knight stumbles black as James lunges at him and doesn't give him any chance to rest, but then the Knight presses a button on his hand and two hands from his suit pop out.

James doesn't break his focus and continues attacking, dodging the attacks from the hands, but he has trouble blocking all the attack and has to back off, James is completely different his armour is pure white which means complete concentration, his movements are perfect and his speed and strength has multiplied ten fold.

The Knights starts to fear for the worse and then injects himself with a healing injection, and his arm right there starts to regenerate, he take out three more blades and holds them and launches at James.

James dodging most of the attacks but is forced on the defensive, he tries to find any and every chance to attack but it is simply impossible for him.

He jumps back and says

Black Knight : Stank Of Evil.

Suddenly The Knight attacks again but James easily dodges the attacks, he somehow can easily predict each and every attack for Knight and starts to inflict heavy damage, his power has once again multiplied.

But James starts to slow down, he can't sustain the power forever and his body ahs trouble taking all the power, as he tries to end it by attacking in a quick barrage sending the enemy flying and immediately launches at him, punching him down to the ground and is about to stab him but then James falls down, but in a last ditch effort to win he cuts off three of his arms.

As James falls down and coughs up blood the Knight stands up and declares himself the victor, but James doesn't fall easily he also stands up as he says.

Even after all my work I fall, I can't lose I WONT FUCKING LOSE!

James aura is once again lit and he launches his speed reaches a new limit and he starts to attack at such great speed that time and space contorts and breaks apart, he grabs Knight ten by his leg and smashes him repeatedly into the ground again and again and again, finally he throws him upwards launching at him and slices him, but The Knight still doesn't give up.

James again attacks but as he slices the Knight once again his blade glides through the Knight like butter and the Knight turns to dust as the suit says in a glitched voice.

Limiter 13 Disengage...

James falls to the ground , he sustained too much damage, he thinks of taking the medical injection but sees that the Covenant Knight has one and grabs it injects it as his wounds start to heal slowly he starts to stand up.

After a long time James smiles, he defeated a Knight who was using the Thirteenth limiter, he starts to squeal but gets a hold of himself as he comms to HQ.

HQ , I have defeated my target , awaiting further orders.


This is HQ, find a safe spot and rest for now and await for further orders.



Over and Out.

James sits down in the shade and leans back as he realizes.

He fucking made it, all the hardships he had to face he overcame it and he is now stronger than most knights, he is no simple and scared little man who would fear battle and the blood of the fallen...he is a man now, he sits there and feels happy, he has obtained all of his lives goals except two and one is impossible but maybe he can help defeat the covenant.

He laughs saying

Dad are you proud of me, I couldn't save you then but I have saved countless dads, if only I could turn back time, "chuckles" well I can but I won't know where Iam going, well I should be pretty dam strong to be able to break space and time huh pops?

as he sheds a happy tear.

James felt achieved like he had done it and in truth he had he wasn't some low hanging scum who would fight for the highest bidder or an assassin who would fight with underhanded techniques and fight from the shadows he was a....KNIGHT!