Robotic Nature.

Antonio moves stealthy and sets up traps for his enemy, he waits cautiously and waits for his enemy to arrive and fall into his traps.

Antonio knows the location of the Knight 9 and waits for him...the day starts to turn to night but then his enemy arrives.

Antonio powers up quietly and then the Knight falls into one of the traps, the ground beneath the Knight breaks as Antonio appears above him and kicks him down into the pit.

As he shoots a barrage of plasmatic bullets trying to kill him right then and there, as a cloud of dust fills the pit and it soon settles, as a figure launches at him.

Antonio dodges the rush but he is grabbed by his hand and thrown towards the ground, as he is sent flying and barely manages to catch himself, but the Knight continues his attack.

In an instant the Knight appears Infront of him and tries to cut him in half but Antonio blocks the attacks, Antonio tries to find an opening and he finds one, pulling both their blades down as he lets go of his blade and kicks the Knight square in the face jumping off his face and grabbing his own blade again.

The Knight stumbles back but Antonio appears Infront of him and launches an upward slash the Knight dodges by jumping back and tries to counter but Antonio fastens up and attacks him from all sides.

Antonio tries to break through the Knight's defenses but it seems to be impossible the Knight is heavily skilled in defensive techniques, Antonio appears above him as he says.

Robotic Blade : Uprising.

As his blade burns a bright blue as he slashes downwards, the Knight dodges but the attack grazes him.


Antonio yelled, a blue glow surrounds Antonio as Antonio launches at him and attacks at speed far faster then light, the Knight dodges and blocks as the barrage stops and they both jump back as we see them standing in a crater.

Antonio starts to breath heavily, his body can't handle it...he stands back up and takes a stance, The Knight launches and tries to cut Antonio but Antonio blocks and as Antonio looks him in his eyes, the Knight loses focus and Antonio deflects the attack and attacks grazing the Knight's face.

The Knight starts to breath heavily as well, they both are tired but Antonio falls out of his transformations, as he falls down to his knees, the Knight takes the chance and attacks slashing him away and starts to dismantle him...cutting off his head....and as Antonio's body and head was separated we heard the words.

Kurden....a surprises you were so strong.

The Knight said as he walked off.

Antonio body was destroyed he was ripped limb from limb but the enemy underestimated his will power.

Robotic Body : Revival And Arrival.

Antonio's body starts to join together as he stands back up and his wounds start to repair and he is surrounded in a green aura and launches at the Knight catching him off guard and slashes him upward and lands a barrages of slashes and punches but The Knight still stands. b...Be it

The Knight said while coughing up blood.


His power sky rockets and launches at Antonio , The Knight appears behind him grabbing him by his legs and throws him in the air and appears above him kicking him back down and follows him.

As Antonio lands he starts to beat on him as screws, nuts and bolts fly in all directions and The Knight stopped for a second as Antonio mumbled out.

Robotic Self : Go... Godlike.

Antonio grabbed one of the punches as a red aura exploded out of him consuming both of them, Antonio throws The Knight away as Antonio launches a laser at him.

As the Knight dodges the laser Antonio appears besides him and kicks him into the laser, the Knight still manages to survive and starts to cough up more and more blood, The Knight starts to tear up in exhaustion as he takes of his helmet as he says.

I surrender but promise just don't attack Sentrik, let my son live, please he..forget it.

He puts on his helmet and launches in one last desperate attempt.

Knighthood : A Father's Final Request.

He launches dodging all attacks and slashes Antonio sending him flying and follows him kicking him down to the ground and beats on him as he is about to kill him, he turns to dust.

Antonio stands up and says.

What is this emptiness, I don't feel accomplished or achieved...I won but a what cost

as he gathered the ashes of the fallen warrior and buried them under a tree, a sacred tradition on many planets.

Kurden fair warrior, may your sone have a better life not filled with bloodshed but peace....Kurden.

Antonio radios to HQ.

HQ...I have done the deed, what are further orders


This is HQ, hold position and we will be sending you coordinates and a battalion take the battalion to the coordinates and await for Tom.



over and out.

Antonio sat down next to the buried knight as he said.

I vow to do my best to protect your son, you may have left your son on a distant galaxy but cause of you countless others could stay with their's ...maybe we are the villain...well there is always an evil in the world.

Antonio waits for the battalion as he starts to think about the emptiness, maybe he has felt true emotions, he felt sad...very sad he wanted to cry but his body couldn't, he was trapped he felt trapped.