The One Who Fought The Splatter

The Angel Of Death waited sitting on a rock, His opponent was the TimeStop , he heard the sound of rustling.

He stood up as The TimeStop came out smiling,

Such a youngling put into such a great place, well the covenant digged you an early grave.

The TimeStop scoffed as he said.

Full Speed.

He ran at his quickest, normally no one would be able to respond to his speed but as he attacked, his fist was caught.

Don't worry, I won't kill you quick.

The Angel Of Death Said.

The TimeStop was still quicker than The Angel Of Death, but The Angel Of Death fought the Legendary Splatter and he knows the tactics of old

Each Attack is blocked or dodged, and The Angel Of Death counter attacks with light jabs and slashes wearing his opponent down , and The TimeStop notices as he starts to dodge his attacks and this goes on for a while.

Fallen Angel!

The Angel Of Death said.

As mechanical wings came out of his back and another blade appeared he started to fly, as the TimeStop decided to stop holding back.


The TimeStop yelled as his eyes turned blue, lighting crackles around him and he launches at The Angel of Death, who barely dodge the attacks, the TimeStop grabs his leg and smashes him down.

The Angel Of Death gets up and is attacked being sent flying, he catches himself and blocks a hit, grabbing the TimeStop's fist and throwing him down, slashing him, but only managing to damage his arm.

The TimeStop again attacks but The Angel Of Death Yells.

Scent Of Death.

He smelled the blood dripping from his arm and used that to trace his moves and dodges most of them, his body moved on its own and he attacked, a single punch sent his opponent flying across the fields,



The TimeStop yelled

And within seconds he attacks his speed so fast that the Angel of Death can no longer keep up.

And he is kicked and punched, the TimeStop plays with him and doesn't kill, him mocking him saying.

Don't worry, you won't die quick .

The Angel of Death, was on bring of collapse, but something pushed him to fight, pushed him to not give up, as he laid on the ground and the TimeStop kicking his lifeless body, he was flown away.

Lucifer's Right Hand Man.

The Angel Of Death rises as he surrounded by a red and black glow and he stares down the TimeStop, they both rush at eachother.

Their fist clashed, both equal in strength and speed, The TimeStop landed consecutive punches to The Angel of Death's guts, and the Angel of Death responded by a devastating kick, as he followed the flying TimeStop he grabbed him by his leg and threw him down stabbing him in the arm.

Like I said, you won't die quick.

The Angel of Death said

The TimeStop punched him in the face and got behind him, ripping one of the wings off, The Angel of Death fell backwards as the TimeStop lunged grab him by his head and throwing him down as he starts to punch him over and over again.

A Dust cloud appears the jabs and kicks disappear as we see The TimeStop fly out of the dust, and The Angel of Death following soon.

Kicking him down and launching plasma lasers, damaging his armor further,but the TimeStop in a blue blur attacks and grabs him by his leg brining him down, The Angel of Death hits the ground spitting out blood, but it,'s not over yet, they both fight on equal grounds till they both sre heavily wounded.

You are a worthy opponent youngster, and your talent is....unmatched, even the Splatter is nothing against you.

The TimeStop was shocked, as The Angel Of Death said

What made you become a Knight.

Simple , like everyone my planet was turned to dust, the planet Larkintoi.

He replied.

Ha, I remember, I was the leader of the Taskforce that attacked we were about to win and obtain the planet but in a moment of weakness the Covenant destroyed the planet so we couldn't have it, In all honesty the planet wasn't of much use to us , we needed it to secure one of our supply routes, so the covenant technically betrayed you.

Wait... what?

The TimeStop said.

Yeah, if you want, you can leave now, hiding is dishonourable , but so is the covenant.

The Angel Of Death said..

The TimeStop who was still young started to think, did the covenant truly use him?

He ran off leaving the battle, The Angel Of Death did not give Chase as he radios in

HQ, come in


This is HQ, how is situation on your end

Knight 3.


Not very good, The TimeStop ran off and I couldn't get him, he seemed confused after I told him about Larkintoi, he didn't know the truth of his home, he may no longer be a threat.


Very well I'll take you words, set up camp and wait further orders.



Over and out

The Angel of Death set up camp and laid down inside as he took off his armor and then his jacket , as we see him wearing heavy weights watching weighing around ten tons.

He did not take them off but he put on his jacket and gain and laid back down, as he wondered what will boy do, his potential is great maybe even more than his own, it probably is but, even he doesn't know of his power.

He keeps it hidden waiting till the day he really needs it.