Universal Vs Multiversal.

John, talked to himself, shaken up from the recent things.

First Urdok then Tnzia and then the Ominous Omnipotent arrives, if the rumours are true he has some Mystic blood in himself, thankfully it's not the Extincted blood, those warmongering people cause all this, if only they never stirred up trouble, this universe would never been seen.

But when does life go as you want it to, it has to get Fu*Ked up at one point...mine was from the start and as sad it is, that isn't even rare.

The Universal Strength comes to view, he is calm and reserved right now, and he powers up his blade which is a war hammer.

John gets into a stance, as he powers up his great sword, as he knows no one is here, his blade takes the form of a Jinto ( Something like a rapier but there are two, one smaller whilst the other long )

The Jinto was a traditional blade used by the extincted, as The Universal Strength sweated as he realized the truth...

The rumours were true, you are from the same race as Them.

The Universal Strength Said

Them? First of all The Final Death is not my kind, and secondly, there are multiple?

John said.

The Universal Strength took the chance of confusion and attacked, John who wasn't ready was sent flying, as he activated a hundred percent and got back on his feet, but the ground shook and as he tried to retain balance The Universal Strength came Infront of John as he swinged his war hammer and John tried to block but he was sent flying.

A Combo of attacks left him on the ground wounded, as he got up and his wounds tore open, but he didn't flinch.

He looked the Universal Strength dead in his eyes and his death stare made the Universal Strength stop in his way.

So you plan to kill me, well Iam sorry, but long ago I said there is always gonna be someone there for you, and I can't die I have to be there for him...

John said.

So, who is this someone?

The Universal Strength Said as he thought he had won.

A kid named James, I am only telling you this cause your not gonna come out alive.

John said.

And how can you gurante-

As The Universal Strength tried to say but then he stopped.

As John turned off his blades and said.

True Power One Percent.

John's power expanded as he looked at him and said.

I had to go overkill, can't risk having you alive now.

As The Universal Strength yelled.



The Universal Strength become incredibly buff and blocked the attack of the Grim Reaper, but it still wasn't enough, a barrage of attacks made him lose ground as The Grim Reaper sweeps his legs and then grabs him by his leg, as he turned back on his blade which was a giant club, and smashed him away.

The Grim Reaper thought he had killed him, but from the horizon the Universal Strength came and again attacked but all his attacks were blocked and it made him mad.

Anger Usage!

The Giant Now Yells.

As The angerier he got the stronger he did as well, and he started to grow stronger and stronger as The Grim Reaper started to have trouble blocking and dodging, but before.The Grim Reaper could land a quick finishing blow a bullet scraped by him.

The HiveMind!

He said.

As he was surrounded, snipers shot all around him, but he dodged the attacks he knew it was a ploy to distract him and a solid punch sent him flying , as his armor shattered and he bled profusely.

Am I really gonna die, and I never even showed my true power, well Fu+k it.

He said.

Mystical Power.

He healed himself as he got up and his neural Suppressor fell into his hand he put it into a secure place in his remaining suit and got in a stance.

True Power Ten Percent.

A Billion Slashes.

As he powered up and his hands moved at beyond imaginable speed , as in a millisecond he threw a billion slashes at the Universal Strength, and his enemy tried to block.

But the constant barrage pushed the Universal Strength back and The Grim Reaper ran towards the hill, swiftly killing all the hidden snipers as he jumped towards The Universal Strength and kicked him in the face dragging him through the ground.

As he threw him upwards and started to punch him again and as his armor shattered and then his body, his organs fell out and with a swift kick the body flew far away and The Grim Reaper landed back down as the body of the Universal Strength never fell, it drifted off in space.

As he placed on the Neural Suppressor and fell to the ground, as he forgot everything, but he saw the craters and realized what he did.

HQ, the deed is do- I mean I have defeat Knight 2 of the Round also known as The Universal Strength, awaiting orders.


This is HQ, hold position, we will need you to combat the Final Death.


Aff.... Affirmative

Over and Out.

as he turned of the radio,


We see John completely lose it for once in his life as The Final Death watched on hiding himself.

Ok..ok calm down, I may have to do that, I have to do that thing I did, well it seems I was never any better than the extincted