Fallen Vs Ominous

The Ominous Omnipotent, he thought of setting up traps but even he knew it would be of no use, the Legendary Knight The Fallen , he can see through all his schemes, he was the one that made The Final Death Fall to his knees, yet he never showed his true power ever again.

The Ominous Omnipotent had two goals, force him to show his true power, and to kill.

The Ominous Omnipotent never had a good challenge for years now he has the chance so he will take it..

You're here, earlier than I expected but no worries, I heard that you act almost friendly with your allies, but let us see how you treat your enemy.

He said.

So, you are the Ominous Omnipotent, but if there is one thing, No one is omnipotent I showed the Final Death that, so now lets see if you're a better match.

The Fallen Said.

They both took their stance, the universe went silent as they both launched, their blades clashed in unison and they both jump back as they looked at each other as The Ominous Omnipotent again attacked, he went for a quick slash, but The Fallen just grabs the hilt of his blade pulls him as he punches him in the face.

As The Ominous stumbles back, The Fallen rushes in and starts to attack with a barrage of jabs and stabs, the Ominous Omnipotent loses his balance and falls to the ground.

You're DEATH!

The Fallen said.


The Ominous Omnipotent replied.

As he appeared behind the fallen and grabbed him throwing him up and shot a series of plasma bullets, The Fallen disappears into a cloud of smoke, as The Ominous Omnipotent launched towards him and kicks him down as he goes to stab him but the Fallen is able to block the attack at the very last second.

As the both power up and match each other's power, the Fallen deflects the attack and kicks the Ominous Omnipotent away, and as the Ominous Omnipotent backs up wiping of the blood as he says...

Well then, you are worthy of my attention, keep your eyes peeled for this may be the last time they ever open.

Ominous Power : Lineage of Legends..

As he launched, the Fallen tried to block but he was sent flying with a single punch, he catches himself and tries to take a stance, but is attacked from all sides as he hits the ground he is about be stabbed dodging at the last second he gets a small opening, as he throws the Ominous Omnipotent away and

yells as well.

True Self : No Limits.

He also powers to his max as he launches towards the Ominous Omnipotent and their fists and blades clash, each attack is countered one is blocks another is dodged and thus goes on, their strength is equal and they both fight with a sense of pride and honour unlike some others,

The world shook with each attack as the Ominous Omnipotent slowed down and made a sloppy move, he hadn't fought with his full power in some time and it showed.

The Fallen took the chance as he launched grabbing him by his arm and throwing him down and stabs him, the Ominous Omnipotent tries to dodge but his arm is impaled, as The Ominous Omnipotent rips it off and stands back up, injecting himself with a healing injection the bleeding stops as he hyperventilates and tries to remain calm.

as The Fallen attacks again having an obvious advantage and their clash goes on, not one wrong mistake was performed and they continued to battle, but it was obvious who would win, and the Ominous Omnipotent decided to show why he is called omnipotent.

Total Opposition.

His power increased by ten...no One Thousand, the fallen couldn't even stand up and before they could fight.

Well, so be it then..

he said and yells.

The Fallen Reaper!

and as those words left his lout his power increased as well again they were equal, they again fought and tried to win tried to finish it quick yet both were greatest of their sides, or so they think..

The Fallen for second falters, he also hasn't used this power for a long long time and so he was knocked to the ground the Ominous Omnipotent gave no chance for survival and plunged his blade into his heart, as the Fallen befalls to the same fate as everyone else.

He dies and so the Ominous Omnipotent falls to base and radios in.

Hq, I have defeated the Fallen, requesting further orders.


This is HQ, hold current position and wait for further orders.


O... Affirmative.

Over and Out

The Fallen somehow still had some life left in him as he tried to stand up, but he couldn't as the Ominous Omnipotent laid on the ground and said.

It must be a good feeling to have died the strongest, it was a simple mistake that cost you your battle and your life, Well for me my battle continues...

As the Fallen said a few last word.

The Ominous Omnipotent gasped as he nodded and said.

It may be too late to save you, but maybe I can save anyone else.