Weakest Leader

As John looked over and saw a jumble of wires, he knew what had happened without a word he powers up

1 True Power.

The Shadow Leaders Infront of destruction all seven took out a injection and injected themselves with a liquid which looked similar to rusted gold.

Blood Of The Extincted.

John said

All of the Knight powered up, but most were knocked out and severely wounded before anyone could blink, The Ominous Omnipotent , The Grim Reaper and The Demonic stare were only one standing....amongst the many fallen rise someone unexpected, The All Knowing.

They all were at their max except John, and the battle begun, The All-Knowing fought when while the rest were on a two vs two battle.

They all got seperated and were extremely far away from eachother.

The All Knowing, he could anticipate all the moves of The Shadow Leader and to him it was a piece of cake, he couldn't do much damage but no attack touched him.

So, why do they call you the shadow Leaders?

Asked the All Knowing (Ironic)

Cause, we were the real ones who started the covenant, at least we are from their lineage, democracy got us voted out, we curse you humans for that, but we were given the title of Shadow Leaders, The Attack on Earth, the destruction of U-67 and the massacres of jintondi all were our doing.

That's it?

The All Knowing mocked the shadow leader.

You Insolent Fo-

He was cut off as Tom slapped him across the face.

The All Knowing was toying with him, as the All Knowing started to get serious as he started to attack with light jabs and such wearing his opponent down, this went on for a long time as the day started to turn to night and the serum went off.

The Shadow Leader's power and speed fell exponentially as The All Knowing grabbed him by his legs and smashes him into the ground, he stabs him, but it was a mere afterimage.

1....13 Limiters....OPEN.

and Instantly The All Knowing was kicked to the ground as he tried to recover and he grabs the Shadow leader and throws him upwards, shooting a barrage of lasers.

You Son of a -

The Shadow Leader said as he tried to regain his footing.

The Shadow Leader launched at The All Knowing as the shadow leader goes for a uppercut which is dodged but he fights unpredictably, if he can't read him he will fail, but he was wrong The All Knowing still anticipated and dodged all the attacks.

Suddenly he was knocked to the ground and he focus was broken as the shadow leader said.

So, you killed your own brother correct, Yeah I realized your weakness, you need full mental focus, even a tad bit of unfocus and you fall back to weakness.

You ...Don't f*cking say his name, or I'll make sure you never talk again.

Replied the All Knowing.

Oh, don't worry your gonna meet him, hell's gonna do you well.

The Shadow Leader said.

Enraged for once the brain of the All Knowing snapped as he said.

Anger of Septillions

As he launched, he needed no mental focus as he attacked with anger he dodged each and every attack and pounded the shadow leader, he would make him suffer for his words, but before he could do that, the Shadow leader turned to dust.

The All Knowing fell to the ground, as he looked around to see dust and the destruction, the grass and everything was artificial, he knew it although the naked eye could never tell the difference, as he laid down and waited for his friends