
The Demonic Stare jumps back as she says.

You really underestimate me, sending the two weakest after me..meh, still a lot stronger than the other one.

How dare you insult him like that!

They both yelled in unison.

Rushing at her, The Demonic Stare stood her ground and blocked all the attacks.

(FYI-There were seven Shadow leaders.

The weakest one is after The All Knowing, The two second weakest are after The Demonic Stare, although they are leagues above each other, Ominous Omnipotent is fighting second strongest, and The Grim Reaper fights the strongest ones)

The Demonic Stare goes to attack, but she can't any attack she does leaves her to open and in this situation the best plan would be to fight to survive and wait for reinforcements.

But no one would arrive, The Demonic Stare continued on fighting, till the two shadow Leaders were seperated enough and the real battle begun.

The Demonic Stare grabs one of them by the and throws him into the air, the second one attacks trying to protect his friend but his attack was blocked, as The Demonic Stare punched him across the face , grabbing the falling shadow leader and smashing him into the ground, but she is caught off guard as she is sent flying by a punch, landing on her feet she wipes of the blood and takes a stance.

The two attack in perfect unison, the attacks were so quick and came one after the other that it was simply impossible to counter, Slowly The Demonic Stare got backed up into a corner, she wanted to power up but she couldn't, she needed at least a five second gap, and that was impossible.

She finally dodges and sweeps one's leg as she grabs the other one by his face and throws him as far as she could possibly throw, the other one gets up and jumps back for now they're on equal footing.

Demonic D-

She was about to yell, but the enemy Shadow Leader attacked and she had to stop, she dodged the attack and punched him in the guts as she kicked him away, she gave chase deciding not to power up for now.

As She lands a barrage of attacks sending her opponent flying, the shadow leader still stood back up bleeding but he didn't stop again getting ready to fight.

The Demonic Stare inched towards him and she was about to kill him, till from the side she was hit by the second shadow leader and sent flying, she had already defeated one the other can't be too big of a trouble...right?

She took a stance and launched, the other did so as well meeting halfway and their fist clashed together, the universe shook as their fists met, and they both clashed attack block or dodge, attack block or dodge and this went on, day turns to night and another contender joins the shadow leader had recovered and once again it's not looking so good...

They both send her flying and the Demonic stare still got back up bleeding but not out of the battle.

She launched and lands a solid punch, but nothing happened as she was kicked away and the two Leaders chased her grabbing her by her legs and throwing her up into space, and as she lands back down like a meteor and a giant explosion happens.

Demonic Lust.

Her eyes turn black as does her suit and the dust settles a shadowy figure escapes the dust before it's collapse and attacks the two Leaders, who are unable to do anything to counter.

They try to power up further, but it was impossible, what was happening toe The Demonic Stare was happening to them now.

One of the Leaders was knocked out as only one stood, they looked at each other and launched, stabs jabs punches and kicks all were thrown, but a clear victor could be seen.

But the Shadow Leader punch after jab after punch would not give up, he would not stop he tried to find a.way to win, and continues to fight, as he takes out a medical injection using it and instantly is back to full health, as he take advantage of this and lands a barrage of hits on the Demonic Stare.

All these attacks had the force of planets in them but The Demonic Stare stood with no scratches as the both continued on fighting , finally the two Shadow Leaders were fully healed after sometime and the beaten up Demonic Stare went for a final attack but then.....