The Combination

The Two shadow leaders dodge and kick the Demonic Stare away as they inject themselves with something, as their power increases and the launch towards the Demonic Stare.

The Demonic Stare got back up and blocked the onslaught of attacks and jumped back, she was having a tough time.

Well, about time I show you my true power.

Stare Of The Reaper.

As her eyes turned red, and the Shadow Leaders stopped in their paths, they were almost paralyzed, and it showed they trembled as The Demonic Stare launched.

Out of fear the paralysis broke but still it was too late, a single kick wounded one of them beyond belief as the other Shadow Leader attacked from behind and sends her flying, but she got up without a scratch.

The Two Shadow Leaders now scared throw down a capsule which opens up into a weird machine, they proceed to throw down an army of clones as the enter the machine, it had two pods which led to a single pod.

She thought of something, but thought that would only happen in Holotoons and Fantasy.

The Army of clones attacked her as she took a defensive stance, she already had a plan which was to attack quickly and destroy the pod.

The clones took the fake defensive stance and attacked in groups , each group was destroyed in mili-seconds and the Demonic Stare was not hurt, just covered in trash and the Clones enhancer liquid.

The final clones caught her off guard, as they were attacking blindly and landed some light attacks, but they were dispatched of rather quickly.

As the dust settles, she rushed towards the machine as she destroyed it, but from the cloud of dust a singular figure emerged,

Merged Shadows.

That's what that called itself.

The Merged Shadows launched at the Demonic Stare, as she barely blocked the attack, and realized that thing is a lot stronger than she thought.

As she jumped back, but the Merged Shadows launched with a forward slash, and she blocked the attack , as the Merged Shadows attacked with such speed and precision, that it was simply unavoidable.

The battle had just begun but The Merged Being was a heck of a lot stronger than the Demonic Stare, so she decided to used knowledge over strength.

She knew much about the planet and started to run, as The Merged Shadows followed, but was eventually led into a forest, The Merged Shadow was tall, and the Shadow Leader's had older version of armor and the vision of it was not good so this was a good situation.

The Demonic Stare was given her name for her eyesight which was said to be the greatest in the galaxies.

She started to do a hit and run tactic, landing light Jabs and moving back, but it was not working, each ten attacks of her's were equal to a single slash of the behemoth.

It was simply to hard to bring that thing out.

The older version armor was harder to penetrate and bulkier, it was impossible to hurt him, and seemed impossible to kill him.

Suddenly, she was caught by her feet and smashed down, as the Merged Shadow tried to stab her she dodged and got up, jumping back and into a blind spot of the suit.

But she was slashed across the leg, a blind attack she thought, but her calculations might be wrong, as she hit the ground and was grabbed and thrown out the forest.

As She stood back up , and was severely wounded, she realized she was wrong.

The Battle was lost, but as she stood hopeless, she thought of a close...friend someone that was the product of the system, The First.

She thought of Harlord, he was broken by this system and so will many more.

If this doesn't end, I will have failed, Iam no Traitor, you are the traitors of the Universe.


As She fell to the ground, a ominous aura swept in as the planet went dark, and as she rised up, and lighting fell around.

She launched at her opponent, which was sent across the planet with a single hit , and then a sudden barrage of kicks and punches send the Merged Beings into the ground, the battle which was won now was turned.

The Two battled as the Merged Shadows only tried to block and dodge, she thought of not to win but to survive.

The Battle continues, as they both fought but a clear winner was emerging, through thick and thin The Demonic Stare was coming out on top.

And then with a single slash the head and body were connected no longer.

The merged being fell to the ground as the Demonic stare sighed, and she fell to the ground falling back into base as she said to herself.

I showed my true self for the first time and nearly died, maybe god is trying to say something huh..

as she took the radio of the Demonic stare and said the following, in a panicked voice.

HQ, isn't going to well three shadow leaders lay dead, even the merging could stop.the Grim Reaper, he sees to be awakened of he even a man, Send the Final Death, I know he was coming but I think actually give him a late arrival, maybe till then this man would be weaker or something.

Well goodbye then forever.

Over and Out

As she destroyed the radio with a blast, he message was sent and if the covenant was wise, they would delay the arrival of The Final Death.

She got up, and dusts her clothes, as she touched the ground.


She located the All Knowing and went to him, as she reached him, she expected to be attacked ,but the All Knowing knew everything already.

I know of your alliance, I know of John's greatest secret and I know of the Final Death's connection with The Extincted.