A Battle Of Emotions

It was a sad and sorrowful day, John stood before a friend, a friend John never wanted to lose a friend that he hadn't gotten over yet, for once his armor was a mixture of colors, he turned off his blade as it would mostly slow him down.

"I know it's not the real you, but I….I can't kill you, please leave, your wise and you must know that you cannot kill me"

John said.

"Well as you said It's not me so I wanna fight to see if you can defeat me, let's see if you can defeat a friend infused with the essence of your greatest enemy"

Tnzia said...… 

John powered up 11 Percent, Tnzia powers up in return, it was the power of the Final Death, and John knew it.

"Okay then, so be it"

John said.

John took a defensive stance, as Tnzia launched towards John, Tnzia's attacks all were blocked as lolJohn grabbed her arm, throwing her away, wounding her, the wounds so deep that they could not be healed.

John launched towards her, yet John could not land the final blow, it was simply impossible an

his mind interfered.

"This is why I don't like to show my damn emotions"

John said angrily

Tnzia, taking the chance, grabbed him by his leg and dragged him down, going in to stab him with her hand.

John instantly grabs her hand, throwing her away standing once again, Tnzia attacks swiftly but she couldn't hurt John at least not physically .

Tnzia slowly grew stronger and stronger till at last she got the advantage, well kind of.

John never fought her seriously through the entire battle, atlast he finally decided to let go, but by then tis was too late, John had suffered too much damage and Tnzia had grown too strong.

John couldn't get the chance to power up and Tnzia made sure he didn't get the chance to power up.

Swiftly attacking leaving scars that would never disappear.

John dodged one of the attacks punching her in the guts and kicking her away , as he powers up.


His power, twas simply unimaginable.

The dark aura of Tnzia was paralyzed but it had no other choice but to attack, John dodged each and every blow replying with a swift punch sending Tnzia flying through the mountain

Tnzia tries to recover, but John seems relentless, another reason he never uses his true power is because it…ruins him, turns him into a monster and removes all connections to the world.

He could destroy the entire universe if he ever went to 100percent.

Tnzia tries to fight back but a sudden punching sends them to the hub, John kicks her into another one of the timelines.

Flying through the vast and cold space John sees, he sees when he lost control the first time he showed his power to others, the only time he slipped up and everyone found out…

For a second he regained control his suit turned blue as he shed a single tear his suit instantly turning black as he turned around

Tznia felt fear paralyzed, John punched her but the other John saw him.

(For Simplicity sake Our John is John and the timeline John is Jim Good okay)

Jim launches towards John, Jim was already on a rampage and seeing John attacking her…it made him completely lose control. 

John blocked all of Jim's attacks. John was a lot stronger after that event.

Jim powered up, as Tnzia tried to recover and she heals her wounds and her power skyrockets.

Tnzia hides as Jim launches towards John throws Him away as he searches for Tnzia he sees her as he grabs her and throws her back into the hub soon following behind.

John decided to end this.

30 Percent : No Control 

His eyes turned black as his armor evaporated and simply disintegrated his body covered by his own power, Tnzia attacked but all her attacks were deflected.

The Final Death took control of Tnzia as he said.

So, you are ready to kill her, well then let's make it a little more troublesome.

30 Percent : Extinct Power

Tnzia was no longer herself; she was just a shell.

The battle started but John still was stronger John was relentless, he fought with all his might, he used all his techniques .

A Quintillion Slashes ; Delayed Death.

He had set up the trap, as he maneuvered her into it he opened his palms yelling.

Orb Of Torture: Painful Eons.

Tnzia was caught as John snapped his finger all the slashes were released as he sheathed his small dagger and powers down.

Tnzia still stood up as she said.


John lunged towards her slashing her head off, and it disintegrated, John shedded a single tear as he takes one step and is back on Earth as he felt the Evil power arriving.

The Final Death had already found him, or maybe he wasn't the first he tried to search for the others but as he realized he was already in a trap.

Infinite Landscape  :. Unbreakable Room.

The Final Death said as he revealed himself.

"Don't worry I have already killed your little errand boys, the were a good fight but I want to use you as my warmup"

The Final Death said mockingly .

John was still in his base but his eyes turned pure black.

"You….You killed them"

John said he was barely speaking.

"Mystic, how do I explain this, you say you are a mystic but you act like an Extincted you try to kill me so you may have the freedom to find the last of your kind, you of all people must know life is not so easy, for there to be happiness there must be sadness, for there to be light, darkness must exist, for there to be friends enemies may rise, and for you to find the last of your species sacrifice is a must, we  both know you fighting for freedom is just a simple lie, you know The UFP and Covenant are dumb, simply fools they fight for land and wealth as people like your's are caught in the crossfire beings too strong for life, John Iam one of your kind Iam a Mystic shunned by my kind for practicing the old ways, all I did was pursuit knowledge and for that I was exiled, so I decided to use my knowledge to show the Mystic the price of arrogance, and I shall do the same to you, you act like human and hide yourself now you hide no more as you shall join the grave of all of Reality"

The final Death finished as John opened his mouth.