Predicted Future

Hours Before the meeting, before the final meeting.

The All Knowing was trying to find John, but a sudden noise as reality warped around him as he heard a noise.

"You are not worthy to be my challenger, your a just a mere target, joining up with the reaper you only invited death, and Death has answered Iam the darkside of the The Reaper, ALL KNOWING I AM THE FORCE OF NATURE THAT MAKES LIFE AND EVERYTHING IN THIS REALITY MISERABLE IAM SUFFERING IT SELF"

10 Percent : Last Battles

The All Knowing turned around as he saw….God, The Final Death floated in the air, he was so strong not even gravity could pull him down.

"Don't worry, I'll let you power up, it is no use to fight against a dummy"

The Final Death said.


The All Knowing said.

The Final Death rushed in.

And what The All Knowing saw was…hell, thousands of attacks at once it was impossible to dodge and foolish to block death was the only answer, he used all his power just to come up with a plan to dodge which included a lot of luck, and somehow he managed to pull it off.

The Final Death smirked as he pushed forward attacking quickly, The All Knowing barely managing to dodge first a scratch and then a hit taken he slowly took more and more damage , he hit the ground.

"His death really was useless, well at least you proved yourself right, you are a cold blooded murder, well at least you will be able to fix your family issues in an enternity in hell, Goodbye Smart Man"

"Fuck You, and you're correct Iam indeed Smart"

The All Knowing said.

The All Knowing instantly appears behind him, he lands a devastating hit sending him away, as he tears off his armor?

"I knew I will die, but if I play my cards right and I did, playing off your arrogance at least I have wounded you slightly, even if it will be healed"

The All Knowing said as he continued.

"And with that let me show you the pinnacle of human intelligence"


The All Knowing's power once again erupted as The Final Death looked on as a slight fear took him over as The Final Death launched.


The All Knowing said

Dodging all the attacks surprising The Final Death, 

Another punch to the guts the Final Death stumbles backwards as the All Knowing points his hand to his face.

Arrogance's Punishment!

A small flamethrower like beam is launched burning the face of The Final Death as he stumbles back in awe.



The All Knowing followed him attack quickly and swiftly each attack pointed at a vital point making sure to weaken him.

"My life is nothing in the grand scheme of things just like yours"

The All Knowing yelled 

As he lands the final blow, The Final Death did not realize it but his limiters were blocked, and his armor looked and felt fine but it was damaged severely, as well his body was "fine" but it was damage in such a way that it would not be able to fight at it's best, damage so unnoticeable that even healing injects would not be able to catch it.

But now it was over, as The Final Death stood up saying.

"That was fun, but now I'm sorry to say it but your death is here, unfortunately your not the last death of this eternal war"

15 Percent : Fear

His power combusts and opens as The All Knowing took a defensive stance his only goal was to weaken him so John or maybe The Ominous Omnipotent can kill him.

The All Knowing immediately was surrounded by a group of people, the Final Death so quick it felt as if he was in multiple places at once as The All Knowing calculates each attack possible and dodges accordingly, but suddenly he is hit.

"What the hell I thought I was sa-"

He thought to himself .

He again punches from behind as he is thrown around in a circle as a single spike penetrates his stomach as he falls to his knees.



He yells.

He launched at the Final Death out speeding him for a second as he lands a single blow to his arm which does no damage, as he falls, he unconsciously deactivated the limiters, his intelligence said so.

The Final Death walks up to him as he says.

"You have been in the light for too long, now darkness has arrived, Iam the force of nature like he is light I am darkness, he blossoms life, but  I end it before he can realize it, he says his misfortunes were his fault but it was just nature taking its course , Goodbye"

"Ha, you think you have won, like I and you said Iam a man of knowledge and i knew long before I was a dead man, but I tried my best to bring you down with me, unlike others my death is most insignificant so let me make it more….significant, my intelligence was always like a ticking time bomb"

He says.

Grabbing the Final Death as he pulls him down as a ticking noise quickly speeds up and stops.

"Hey brother"

The All Knowing said.


It was an explosion about the size of the moon taking away a large portion of the planet, The Final Death stood up, he felt weak so he stabbed himself with a healing injection as he walked.

"Time to see if the Knight 0 is a zero or a hero"

He says 

Rushing off to a distant location as we see a red light blink on his back, a voice from the skies can be heard.

"This future it is indeed unexpected, a sad end indeed"