Omnipotent No More

Omnipotent No More.

"So you have arrived wretched being",

The Ominous Omnipotent said as he powers up to his max as the Final Death says.

" Good senses it seems you have sensed death arriving, so how do you wanna die quick or slow?"

The Final Death said with a smirk.

"I choose whatever fate that has already been destined, but all I know is one thing iI won't be the last death is war for this war will only end with you, Failure is my destiny, but we learnt to adapt, fight through pain and misery whilst, you lived leisurely

let me show you true struggle"

The Ominous Omnipotent said.

"Ha….HAHAHAHAHA, you think you have gone through struggle, tell me how would you fucking feel when your own kind exiles you, makes you the villain says you are the last remeneats of the WARMONGERING PEOPLE, The same people we grew up hating and all cause you seeked knowledge, and wisdom but it was forbidden, I could have saved them….but it was cause of them bastards they died, If there is light, there is darkness but in between there is both, and darkness hides behind light, and those mystics where just dark, they act kind and innocent but when you realize it Those FUCKERS are the reason all this happened I….I..Co-.. Could've sa-...saved th-"

The Final Death suddenly stopped his rant.

"No need for you to Know


The armor broke off, as The Ominous Omnipotent smirked as he thought

"At least my final battle will be one to tell in the stars"

The two started to fight, instantly going into the hub, but it was empty, just a big room…The Ominous Omnipotent thought what it could be but he knew it was a technique of the Final Death.

The Final Death lands a punch to the guts, as the Ominous Omnipotent grabs his fist and throws him to the ground as he tries to take out his blade but The Final Death grabs the blade saying.

"These will be of no use"

The Ominous Omnipotent grunted as he was suddenly kicked from behind, as he fell the Final Death grabs him and suddenly a terrain forms as he yells.


He dragged him across the mud as the Ominous Omnipotent shoots a laser at his face and the Final Death jumps back as The Ominous Omnipotent stands up as he smirks.

" He killed the All-Knowing but at least the All Knowing held up his end of the deal…now it's my turn, at least the bloodline won't end with me"

He thought.

"What the hell is your plan first the Demonic Stare dies trying to land one last desperate attack and then the All Knowing and they all smile before they die what the hell is your plan "

The Final Death said

"Even the reaper has helpers we are the viruses which will infect and weaken slowly withering you away till you breathe no more"

The Ominous Omnipotent replied

The Final Death launched at him grabbing his arm and throwing him away and tearing his arm right off, but The Ominous Omnipotent still stood up.

"Physical won't work how about mental damage, fun fact your dad didn't die on a voyage, I killed him, that old man was nothing to me I ripped his head right off, he begged he said again and again, "let me live I have a family" but I thought him a lesson his last lesson he was a weakling just like YOU"

The Final Death Said..

"Fuck you….he wasn't a man like that…he…."

True Balance…

The Ominous Omnipotent saiid

The Final Death smirked as he launched but his fist was caught.


The Ominous Omnipotent said as he punched him square in the jaw, as the Final Death was sent flying, he saw the Ominous Omnipotent had an arm of pure….aura.


He yells lunging towards the Final Death.

He grabs him by his leg and smashes him into the ground again and again like a racket as he lands a blow on his arm and he throws him away as he falls to base.

"So you fall finally"

The Final Death said

He attacked the Ominous Omnipotent wounding him severely, as the Ominous Omnipotent laughs as he radios in.

"International channel, Knight 0, Iam sorry brother I died before you…do me a favor don't come early and don't come for vengeance we have a plan….to achieve something you must.lose something, just like dad use to say"


The Ominous Omnipotent launches, grabbing the Final Death as he punches him in the chest but his attack does no damage as he falls…. dying by his own hands.

"You couldn't kill me…"

He says as he vanishes…The Last of the Original knights, now only two remain.




The All Knowing

The Ominous Omnipotent

The General.

The Demonic Stare…

All Knights except Two…

Gone but not forgotten

"It is said that there are a infinite amount of realities one in which peace is a necessity rather than a commodity a life where happiness is normal and all, poverty was never a problem a life in which the Covenant never stepped foot on our Earth but the worst is….I lost my bet with brother, Dad, why couldn't it be a tie"

"Well son lets hope he is a good General after all he controls all of our army"