Friends Die

Friends Fall.


James came rushing in kicking the Final Death away again surprising The Final Death.

"What is the matter with you fucking mortals, how are you able to fight me? "

The Final Death says .

No response, Tom, Xavier and James all rushed towards John's lifeless body …no pulse..


They all yelled in unison.



But Tom just stop…he reached his breaking point as his eyes turned black he fell to the ground…he lets out a blood curdling scream as a dark aura consumed him…he stands up

Cursed : Unforgiven…

Tom's Aura exploded it dwarfed the aura of the rest as he launched towards the Final Death attacking without mercy, any chance to counter was impossible as James and Xavier attacked in unison as well.

The Final Death slowly got more mad he couldn't even power up and it made him…. insane.


The Final Death yells as his aura expands and combusts but Tom didn't stop he was not a human he was a demon…his anger and body had become one and it showed his anger destroyed Tom…and soon it was too much he wounded The Final Death severely as his assassin survival instinct kicked in and he fell to base The Final Death went to kill him but Xavier caught the blow saying…

"Don't you fucking dare"

James attacked the Final death from behind as The Final Death endures the hit and punched Xavier away as he grabs James and throws him to the ground.

"I'll save you…The Reaper should see you die"

The Final Death Said smugly.

As James spat in his face shooting a small laser at his face sending him going back James threw his blade at him, The Final Death tried to catch it but James appeared behind him punching him in the guts and he grabbed the blade.


The Blade grew a bright blue as it enlarged and compressed again into a thin layer as James put all his force into the blow as the blade turned into a blinding light and when they both regained their vision, The Final Death's arm laid on the ground.


The Final Death exclaimed as his calm and psychotic demeanor was gone as he launched at James, but James dodged all the attacks he was still far too strong for then to beat, for now they stall for time and time is not kind to those who interfere with it.

James was blasted away as The Final Death went into a feral rampage through, as the Feral Final Death launched as James attacking him like a physco his attack were unpredictable as James dodged the best he could but scars emerged and death was nearing his fate but Xavier he couldn't let such a thing occur amidst the battle as James barely held on.

13Limiters Open.

Xavier yells as he launches forwards, grabbing the Final Death..

"All my life I had everything…. everything except friends and now that I finally have someone who I can rely on and a disciple to continue on my legacy…it ends my life here ends but at least I completed my final promise…I lost Antonio but I promised John that I would never let you die, all my life I have been an outcast just cause I had a mental disease people hated me, I tried to be kind but in my younger days controlling myself was impossible now that I finally became normal it all will fade to black….let us end this"

Xavier said as he let put a terrifying roar and attacked the Final Death as he wounded the Final Death and dodged all his attacks without wound and landing solid hits.

Slowly his body turned to dust but James I interfered and said.


As Xavier falls to base he still is alive for how long who knows that, James helds off the Feral Final Death who is weakened by the techniques of the All Knowing , Demonic Stare and Ominous Omnipotent as well as James tried to attack but finding an opening was impossible James was overworking his body and started to feel lightheaded as he missed a few steps and lost balance he tripped as the Final death lunged forward turning him arm into a sharp claw.


"So this is it…John and everyone, even though I made it so far ism just another one of the crowd at least i'm part of a crowd…no I ha- have some life in me 13 Limiters Open"

Xavier expanded his aura for the last time landing one last lunch and then his fist turns to ash…slowly his body as well, James looks on and at that very moment John woke up, he saw a dearest of friend die and another on the ground, The Feral Final Death finally got control and smirked realizing he killed one at least.

John was enraged again his family is stripped away from his his anger had been boiling for years and the breaking point had arrived.


-:Final Words Of The Golden Hearted Knight:-

In all my life, I never thought having friends would be possible and now I have sss you guys life looks hopeful but all  that hope is false as even though I haven't looked at the future but I'm damn well sure that Final Death bastard will kill me if I'm lucky I'd probably die long before that I write this letter to be dictated from my corpse upon my death, and upon reactivation, I know it sounds technical but it is horrifying to say your final words before you die long before you die, anyways Tnzia,  I and John

have a meeting to go to, thank God we made it out of that planet alive after all Toast was never my favorite.