Not A Happy Ending

Not A Happy Ending.

John woke up, his eyes opened for a moment. He was happy…he had a chance and then his eyes focused on two bodies on the ground and one man barely standing, at that moment James was sent flying away by the Final Death and that gave him the image all….all of the people he knew were dead…looking at the bodies it scared him all he had worked through all the pain that he suffered all he tried to do so they can be save….

"It was all for nothing"

He says as for once in his lifetime he actually cried his aura turned blue…but soon it wasn't there he had surrendered, John stood up saying.

"All the work…all the hardwork and pain I never complained about but I guess, my life won't have a happy ending…First it was my father..then the General, Urdok,Tnzia, Antonio and now…Tom, Xavier and James, what the hell did I ever do to upset you, WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU FOR THIS TELL ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD"

And at that moment his aura exploded he said nothing as he powered up to his true max (100Percent : Killer Of Everything)

John stood there for a moment as time and space ripped open planets, stars and even galaxy being teleported into the hub, the room could not contain him as his power destroyed the room, but at a caveat the Final Death also gained a power boost and he too went his max as well.

The two begin to clash but a clear winner emerges…somehow after all the pain all go that, John still was weaker.

"You trained your body, I trained my brain I KNOW 


The Final Death said.

John still did not give up his power. Slowly grew with his anger he was at the brink of madness, but somehow he didn't fall, as John jumped back, he calmed down as his power condensed, his aura became tame and disappeared…

100 Percent : Hades.

With those words his aura slowly came out…and it was horrifying, as he said .

"2,783,899,567 That is how many people I killed in this timeline, I have destroyed ten timelines, all of those souls have been trapped within me destroying my mind each and every voice independently destroyed my mind….now I shall free them bear witness the power of Hell"

John said as he launch forward punching him in the guts as he grabbed his throat  and slammed him into the ground as he slammed him again and again throwing him upwards, as he appears above him kicking him sideways he throws him around like a dodgeball as he then slams him into the ground, as he was about to go for the finishing blow, The Final Death barely dodges and kicks John away he stands up realizing his end may have arrived.

As they both take out a blade and take a stance The Final Death launches with a forward slash John blocks as he moves to side and slashs The Final Death across his chest, The Final Death stumbles back as John tries to decapitate him, but he again fails…slowly the souls start to leave and the battle once again starts to turn.

"I won't let you live, all of the things you have done all of the lives you have taken everything you have done, you shall pay I for once shall act as the blade of God, IAM THE BLADE THAT SHALL ACT AS GOD'S BLADE OF JUSTICE THIS BATTLE IS AT ITS END , EVEN IF IT MEANS I DIE….for if we both die the world will be rid of two murderers….and you dare smirk who do you think you are?"

John said.

"God, Iam God little fool and you act as a simple peasent "

The Final Death Replied.

"I heard my father say once " The Greatest wepon to obtain leave is knowledge" but in truth knowledge only ruins the world, the universes, and now not only you will die but every and I mean every single version of you"

As John press a button and stopped talking.

Warning! If you do this….everything will vanish.

"Everything has vanished for me"

John says and as he holdes his blade upright and yells out loud.


John launches the slash , but it isn't enough , The Final Death slowly repels it but the his body starts to hurt like crazy, as John smirks.

"Those three really did it"

Suddenly The Final Death falls to base and the slash overtakes, and then John the last John collapses, he sacraficed it all.

Everything in existence except their timeline was destroyed be happy or sad, as long as The Final Death lives everyone will live in misery.

Suddenly James wakes up and as he sees the destruction, the pure massacre and James realized what had happened he tried to find John's body but he couldn't find it removing a large piece of rubble he sees a blade.


James Yells .

His Aura completely goes haywire as he frantically searches for ths Final Death he sees him and goes into kill him, The Final Death heavily weakned tries to block but he gets cut in half, as The Final Death finally dies….the last death has occured peace is achieved.

"Hello, if you're hearing this I have….won, or maybe you have James, this is me John it is my final message encased in the sword, it also has another message you can access it by pressing the gem but wait, I have a couple things to say…and no they aren't me yelling "laughs" yeah Iam laughing, iam dead and Iam sorry, it ended this way, don't go to the hub, it is probably destroyed along with every timeline, no more timelines can be created thus The Final Death is truley death, the reason for all the extreme measures The Final Death was actually lying all this time he is as said in the books as Old as Time, I don't know much but if you access the other message you'll get the location of the last of my kind, and you can ask them…anyways use this blade as a symbol of peace, and do one thing, I know one of the Covenant species are alive if they show any aggression destroy them, do you remember when we first met, haha I even killed a Knight and you never suspected and….I'm probably making you cry, sorry well anyways Goodbye ….You're the brother I could never have"

The voice note ends, James…he couldn't take it as he started to cry…they could have survived if only that bastard wasn't alive as James destroyed the skull of The Final Death.