
The Funeral was short James was sad but he didn't want to make it long he did the funeral it was sad but no one really knew John for John for those who did are with him, Tom and James left for the final Civilization of The Mystics.

There they were cheered on as heros for making sure the Final Death says dead, but James carried on the legacy of his brother , he trained for most.of his days, he had two kids and that is it, he protected the Mystics and his mere presence made sure none would dare to come near the planet a small group of covenant forces tried and their fate was quite unfavourable dismemberment would describe it perfectly, James was quite happy a nice and charming guy but when time needed he was a demon, but Tom wouldn't live the same life he was dead on the inside he tried to rehabilitate but it never worked alas he talked to James his final words were,

I shall fulfill my purpose.

Tom soon left after a couple years he came back with the head of The King of Zarkindeon.

"Kill Me James"

Tom said cheerfully.

I have no grater purpose then to kill end...this suffering

Tom said

As Tom went berserk and tried to destroy everything but as said before these were HIS final words.