While travelling to Xyrus City, we encountered many monsters but the twin horn took them out without breaking a sweat.

It's now night and we've set up camp.

Arrhur and I were sitting on logs and eating grilled meat skewers at the expense the wolves that we killed.

Suddenly Helen walked up to us and started a conversation, "How are you two holding up? Tired?" We nod at her words because it was tiring alright.

Since my body is still that of kid it still cannot take long travels. She continues, "Don't worry about it. It's your first time travelling like this, right?" ""Yes"", Arthur and I both replied.

'I this life that is'.

She sat with us on the log and questions, "So, your dad has been bragging nearly the entire way here, that you both are genius mages...Did you two really awaken a year ago?"

Then suddenly Adam gets up and says, "Hey Reynolds! I need to do a little stretching before before going to sleep and you told me that you've been sparring with your boys, do you mind if I play around with them a little?"

Dad says, "All right but be careful we just barely moved on from light strength and mana exercises into sparring". He nods at dad, came towards us and lifted us with back of our clothes.

Now Arthur and I were standing side by side holding our wooden swords and Adam at distance with his spear around his neck.

He grins and says "Are ya ready kids?"

'Aye, Aye, Captain'

We just nodded at him and swung our swords.

He then go into a stance, "You both know how to reinforce your weapons, right, genius boys?" he asks with a little bit of a mocking tone at the end of sentence.

We glance at each other nod. We both can. I then close my eyes to reinforce my weapon and a dark power swirls from within me and envelopes the weapon.

The others were shocked seeing the dark power that came from me. I then got into to a stance and Arthur did the same.

We dash forward at a good speed to strike Adam. Arthur went for the legs, I went for the chest. Just as we were about to make contact, he defends our attacks with ease then we go with another dash strike twice hard as before we struck his spear.

I was about strike the second attack to the chest but I slipped. This body can't keep up with my movements.

Then we go again with same speed and he sends a sideward strike at us. Arthur ducked and I went from between his legs trying to aim for his back and I was successful.

I managed to headbutt him from behind. Arthur came from the left side and crashed into adam making him lose more balance.

Just when we were about to finish him he dodges our and attack raises his spear aiming at us.

His spear moved forward at incredible speed. Arthur and I dashed forward and tried to redirect his attack, but alas it failed.

I was able to defend but was thrown backwards, crashing into arthur and then we both went crashing backward few meters.

Mom worriedly yells, "Art! Adrian!"

Durdan comes from Adam's back and bonks him in head. Adam says "'Haven't taught them to fight' my ass! What sort of hellish training did you put both of them to create little monsters like that???"

Mom comes and heals us and yells at us, "Is this you both have been studying"

Damn, how am I gonna explain that...

When I was lost in thought Arthur comes forward making up bullshit and says, "Y-Yeah we learnt this by watching dad and reading some books". He was sweating profusely.

I nod vigorously and back him up, "Yeah mom, we learnt by watching dad everyday". Then everyone suspiciously looks at us and adam says, "Books, huh?"

We nods and tried avoid their eyes and they bought it. Nothing major happened after that, just Arthur trying to teach them his movements and Jasmine and Adam just crashing into each other several times because of it.