When hell break lose

Jojo opened the door fast but not as fast as Max.

Inside, Max was putting the remains of the body into a plastic bag when he heard the door slightly touched? He moved swiftly to the door. The moment it was opened, he walked out looking confused at them. He turned to Jojo, "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, man. We heard a weird thing going on in here. We thought you were in danger," Jojo answered, but still, he was looking inside the bathroom. When the door opened, the pungent roasting smell assaulted his nostrils. He didn't bother with him and barged inside the bathroom.

"Hey, where are you going. That's my bathroom," Max shouted angrily at the guy. He would've snapped his neck were it the others were not in the room.

"What's going on here? What's that smell?" Mark, the leading boy from before, asked

"Nothing. "Max rushed back into the bathroom to stop Jojo from snooping around. Jojo looked around the bathroom but could not see anything. There was nothing but the smell in the bathroom.

"Why is it smelling like a burnt body here, but there is no body?" Mark entered the bathroom as well. He could feel that something was wrong. They were missing something.

"Have you had enough! Get out of my room. For how long do I have to tell you my room is not part of the spaces you can enter?" Max was really angry. These people had no sense of privacy.

"Come on, man. We are sorry. We could not ignore anything. You could be in danger. And that may include all the people that support your course." Mark patted him and apologized. But still, they felt they were missing something. They all walked out of the room, going away. Jojo was feeling uneasy. He was the last of the group, just after Max.

Almost stepping outside the door, they heard a deep thud in the bathroom. This time even Max was shocked, and he looked back. Couldn't it be? He thought about the mess in the bathroom. The others all turned back and asked," what's that?" there was a seriousness in the tone. Nothing could stop them from checking it out this time.

They all rushed back to the bathroom. This time, there was a black plastic back with something inside. Max was out of his wit. He could not stop four touching young men before exposing himself.

"What's this?" Mark and Jojo asked at the same time.

"It's nothing, guys—just my trash. Please go out," greeted his teeth in frustration but still had to ask them to go politely or else he will have to burn them alive. Killing one was no problem for him but five. It would raise suspicion among some of the people still outside the compound.

"What trash this is definitely a body" Jojo trembled as he opened the black bag. It has a whole brunt body.

"I told you guys to go, but it seems you are not interested in keeping your lives." He said as he turned into a huge fireman. An inferno. The young men in the room were terrified. It had never occurred to them he was one of them.

"We'll go. We will not tell anyone about this" Mark tried to walk back

"Too late. You should not be too nosy," Max said as his voice distorted. He unleashed power from his hands and pointed at them. Jojo tried to run outside, but the fire was hellfire. It burnt faster and everything. The screaming in the room was alarming. The other who was whispered to but Mark came back and found the scene.

He didn't waste a sec and ran back downstairs. The others were coming up with weapons.

"What's going on?"

"Max. He is one of them. He burned Mark and the others. They were shocked. Max was surprised as well. He didn't expect all the drama to happen at that time. He was exposed. He didn't expect someone else to come at that moment.

By the time the other hunters came in, Max had jumped outside the window and ran.

The hunters were angry. They felt betrayed by their leader. They organized a search party armed to the core. They didn't know much about hunting the infernos, but some of the real hunters joined them and led the party. Max and a group of infernos were hidden in his warehouse. It was the only place they could say was safe.

For days, they were hunted, and eventually, they were traced. Who said the trained hunters were no good. Pro is a pro. No matter how professional you are in hiding your tracks, there is always a mistake or a clue left behind.

The warehouse was well hidden. It could be an inside job, or the infernos were just sloppy on hiding. They were raided, and most of them killed. Max and two others were out hunting for food when the raid happened. They survived. The fight was severe, and many of the hunters died.

Max ran for his life together with the other two, but they were chased down somehow. It was like his karma had come. An arrow thrown at him got his right eye. He ran through the forest and managed to get out of town. Finding a clinic nearby, he got his eyes fixed but found himself all

alone. Being in a new place and facing new people, he didn't know what to do, but he conflicted with himself.

Every night all alone, he would reflect on his actions. There were so many questions running through his mind.

If he had not been too angry with Jason and unreasonable, maybe more people would not have died.

He caused the death of so many people and caused a peaceful town to be in chaos. The neighbors turned into each other. He killed so many people, including the innocent ones. He would remember his friendship with Jason and feel bad. His friend killed his mom for the safety of the whole town. In fact, it was no longer her. The being inside her killed her.

It was too late to think about it. He had turned against the brother he had and caused his family to be captured. He didn't even know if he managed to survive the chase. No matter how he hated him for his action, it was for a good course.