Danger Lurking

"And you, Carly, what's going on with you," Damian noticed the weird look he was given.

"Nothing." He said, intending to excuse himself but then thought about it. "What's happening between you and Gamma Mitchel?" With a confused look, Damian looked at Carly

"What are you talking about?"

Carly looked at him, further confused. The genuine look on his face could not be faked.

"I saw you and Mitchel the other night. You were planning something about Jason. You want to keep him here and use him for something?" Carly looked at him, further explaining what he saw. "You gave her permission to torture and kill Alicia. That could be a trigger to Jason turning him against everyone getting succumbed to the darkness."

"What are you talking about? I was in the room the other night with Maggie. I spend the whole night with her in the master bedroom. I didn't get to see Gamma Mitchel" Damian was so confused, and then it hit him. "Oh no. we are infiltrated" He jumped from his seat running outside

"Get everyone ready. Now!" he shouted, changing into a big wolf running in a different direction.

Busy talking with Alicia in the room, a huge knocking came from outside.

"Jason. It's me, Max. Open up. We need to talk" stunned for a moment, he didn't know whether to believe or not, but he knew his voice too much. He walked to the door and open. Max shut it close and looked at him.

"I know this will sound off, but something huge is happening in the different towns. They Are coming for you. We have to go" he held Jason's hand, pulling him.

"What's happening?' he asked in confusion, shaking his hand off. How could the guy that betrayed him to the hunter barge in there with the information of being in danger? How could he believe him? It was crazy. Absurd

"What is it? What do you really want?" Jason was skeptical about his appearance. "How did you get in here in the first place?" he asked again, knitting his brows.

"I know you don't trust me after what I did to you, but you are in danger. We have to go before it's too late" he was in a panic.

"Okay. But explain it to me. We have to get my mum," Jason compromised. He felt something was off, but he needed to get to the bottom of everything.

Alicia, Max, and Jason escaped through the window down. Max burned the ladder as soon as they stepped down.

"I didn't know you mastered your power."

"I have and a lot more" they ran to the woods. Since they were coming for him, it would be best to get as far from the rest of the people as possible.

As they ran, a man and a group of shadows appeared in his room.

"Shit. He is gone." The man turned his eyes, turning black, looking through the woods from the window. He touched the ashes on the window seal and sniffed in. "An inferno," he hisses, hitting the window glass shattering every. Who would've thought dark forces lingered in the shadow while they lowered their guard?

Miriam ran through the woods to catch up to Jason and the others. She knew they were coming and where they were. She did send a secret message to Damian informing him of the arrival of the enemy.

While running, holding her katana in both hands, she met Damian. She was confused. She had just sent him a message. How did he appear there?

"You are here," she asked in doubt.

"I got your message. I have sent the others to gather and get ready to fight back. Where are Jason and the others? We need to get together to fight as a team" Damian was busy talking and looking around. Miriam, on the other hand, looked at him in confusion. Yes, she sent him a message and also where Jason was heading. Didn't he get it?

"Yeah. That's why I am looking for him. Let's go. We should get him together with the others." Miriam played along immediately, not raising any suspicion. She had lived for so long and met a different kinds of monsters. Some could change into the shape and voice of someone to confuse and get you when you least expect it. This is one of them.

A shape shifter. It could turn into anyone. And the most dangerous of them all. It could take your life without realizing it. It comes in the form of someone you love, respect, and obey. You could always fall victim to it at all moments.

Running through the woods with Damian on her back, she tried to find the right place to fight it. The figure behind seemed to have noticed something, its eyes flickering. It turned black looking around.

Miriam stopped and looked around where they were

"There. They are hiding in there" Miriam pointed at the place running in there. 'Damian' looked at the running figure smiling knowingly. It released its aura, covered the whole area, and could not detect human life.

Without knowing, Miriam was in danger.

Well, at least that's what the figure thought.

Up ahead, there was a huge dark cabin. It wasn't that large but enough to hold five people on a camping day.

As soon as she stepped on the steps, Damian changed into a huge black 2 head mobster that jumped on her body. Miriam expecting the change of event jumped from the step and rolled down on the verandah floor, standing her feet again in a fight stance. The monster looked confused at the change of events.

It then jumped at her and appeared on the cabin Verandah, intending to fight her down. Just then, Miriam jumped down from where she stood back down the steps. Immediately, she threw black powder that magically spread throughout the cabin, locking the monster in.

"Stay there," Miriam said, running back to where she came from.