
The monster tried to get out but was trapped In an invisible wall.

Not even a sound could be heard from the other side. It looked like he was trappe in a visible world but he could not cross over. You could see it but could not reach it or hear it.

It knocked the wall over and over but it could not break it no matter what.

Miriam met up with Damian where they were supposed to. She narrated her ordeal with the other Damian

" For how long has that thing passed as me? Carly said something about me talking to Mitchell and it seem we were planning something. Do you think it got to her?" He pondered the possibility and it could be bad for them. Mitchell follow his every rule to the core.

"It could be. Nothing is impossible. For now, keep her out of your plans. It could be dangerous." They ran towards the outskirt of the wood

Max, Jason and Alicia were standing at the fence looking the other side. Their bodies were stiff. They looked like life had been drained out of their bodies.

Miriam and Damian appeared behind them and the three seemed to not heard them.

"Jason. Jason" Miriam pulled him before he turned and looked at her in shock. He then turned back looking ahead of them

Miriam frowned and looked at where the three of them were looking at

"What is that" Damian was the first to ask. A huge dark cloud had gathered at the exit gate. There was no way they could make out of it alive. Unless they find a hidden place, it was impossible

"It's the dark force gate. The moment we exit here, we will enter their territory and no going back." Miriam said pulling the three of them away. Something was pulling them towards the dark forces gate. It was like magnet but this time the pull and sensation was large scale.

Getting as far away from the gate as possible, the three people gained their freedom and senses.

" What was that thing? I felt my life was being pulled in there" Jason coughed breathing heavily. He had never experienced anything like that before. It was death knocking on his door.

" I felt like the fire in me was burning me alive." Max said looking at the distance

" We have to get out of here" Miriam looked at them and then lingered slightly at Alicia before taking a trail in different direction. The rest of the pack were not in danger as per that moment but it did not mean they should not take precaution

"Is there a way we can get out of here without attracting them?" Miriam looked at Damian and asked. It wasn't the first time Miriam had been at the pack but it had been years. he may have built some escape route over the years

"There is but we haven't used them in a very long time. It was my grandfather who built it." Damian run as they followed.

"We have to get the rest of the pack and get out of here. It's way dangerous." Jason said while running holding Alicia hand. Max the last on the trail but not slow.

"No. We are afraid some of the them are compromised." Damian answered bluntly. He didn't know if the rest of the pack had been turned against them. It was tricky.

"What is happening? I don't understand any of these. Why are they looking for me?" Jason was the most confused. Alicia was confused as well

" You are the key to opening their world. Since your power manifested, they knew you were alive and where to find you. They need you to open their world. That means other creatures would come from there as they get back to their world. It will be very chaotic. The normal humans are as well affected. They don't have the ability to fight and protect themselves. With you safe, the world will be safe. When they get their hand on you then you will be dead and the world will succumb to these dark forces." Miriam said looking at his son and friends. She knew Max was involve in tutoring their lives upside down but it was not entirely his fault. He was consumed by rage. But that did not mean she could trust him

She turned and looked them all.

"Bring out your hands." Her eyes changed to green an extended her hands to them. Jason didn't question his mom and gave out his hand. Miriam pierced with her katana. Blood came out of his hand and his eyes flickered green and golden before coming back to normal. She took Alicia's hand and did the same. He eyes flickered from blue to red then back to blue.

"You" she pointed at Max. He hesitated for a moment and gave out his hand. Miriam pierced as well and his eyes turned from brown to fire red and back to his original eye color. There was a bit of astonishment but it disappeared before no one noticed

" I also have to check you" she turned to Damian who smiled knowingly and gave out his hands. She pierce his hand his eyes flickered to red from blue. It stayed red for a while before slowly turning back to blue.

" You are all okay. We better move on before it catches up to us" she said turning to go

" Mom. What was that for?" Jason looked at Alicia and Max and realized they were confused as him

" There is a creature taking the shape, image and voice of others imitating them. One almost fooled me pretending to be Damian. I am sure there are lots of those figure in the pack already. If I am not wrong, many will be fooled. Knowing if you guys were still you was important" Miriam explained cutting the branches as they walked. They had to be careful not to attack too much attention.

Just as they neared their destination, A group of figures and creatures appeared in front of them.

"There you are. We have been looking for you" A man in black with long black hair appeared before them smiling sinisterly. There were also shadows and Mitchel among them. All their eyes were black devoid of any emotion. They looked like robots.

"Mitchell" Damian called out to her but she seemed not to hear him

"Kill them except the young King wolf over there" the man said stepping out. Miriam and the group were surround by the different shadows and wolfs.

"There is no way we can kill all of them. They are too many" Alicia said turning her back on Jason