Death shadows

"Don't give up. Fight till your last breath. You can only defeat when you are dead. Otherwise, fight them all," Miriam said to them. It was tricky. The others changed to their mystic bodies and charged at them without hesitation. They only listened to the man in black. They were puppets

"Max, I know you have the fire ability. This is the time for training." She said, not looking at him fighting the incoming wolf. She held Katana her back on Damian's

"I can't believe they got to her. She is the best fighter we have. All those trained under her are also the best. We will have a hard time fighting her and her team."

"That's no problem. You are still their Alpha and have power over them" Miriam kicked and stabbed the incoming attacker throwing him on the ground groaning in pain before melting.

"I am on my own then," Max said, turning left, right and center, looking at the rest of his group. They all paired up except him. "Again," he said bitterly, his hands turning into the fire and his eyes.

At first, the man in black had not noticed him. But when a stream of fire shot from within the group at the shadows, he stood straight in shock. The nemesis of the shadows is always and ever be the infernos. From their calculations, they didn't picture an inferno being among the wolves. It seems they underestimated them.

"Shadows, avoid the guy with fire ability." He shouted, but it was almost too late. Miriam looked at what was happening while fighting.

"Max. I want you to imagine being the king of fire, and this world is all yours." Max looked at Miriam and nodded. "Then imagine the intruders attacking your world overcoming you." She continued stopping once in a while, kicking and stabbing the attackers

"Okay. That's hard," Max replied, not imagining his world being overpowered. "Direct your power to a specific attacker and concentrate on them without holding back. Pull all your rage on them. The shadows are avoiding you. Try as much as possible to destroy them all." Miriam said while Damian ripped the wolf's neck. It was hard to kill his people, but they were not his member anymore. They were captured, and their mind and body took over.

Max stood like a statue, and his entire body turned to fiery fire. He wasn't burning, but the fire was intense. He closed his eyes, sensing the surroundings and locating each of the shadows in the area. Lifting his hands up, his mind locked on the shadow figures in different locations and directed his powers there.

Shrieks were everywhere in the wood as the shadows tried to escape. There was no way they could escape the target power. Some tried to use their powers to protect themselves, but it didn't work. In the end, all of them died—the man in black turned, trying to escape. Mitchel and the others fought even harder when the man commanded them to use their lives to protect him.

Damian tried to run after him, but Mitchel and the others would not let him run past them. When they thought the guy would get away, Carly and his team appeared.

Surrounded, the man had nowhere to run while Damian and the others finished the rest. It was a pity to kill your old buddies, but you have no option regarding life and death.

With a bit of struggle, the man was killed. But that did not mean the threat was eliminated. With the enemy within, they didn't even know who was a friend anymore. With tests done on them, Miriam and Damian escaped the pack with over 100 people, while the rest got killed and left behind if they ran.

The doubt of not knowing who was corrupted and when you'll be backstabbed was horrible.

The group managed to arrive at a certain area in town but what they saw was devastating. The mood was dark. There were no signs of life. It was like the town life vanished overnight.

" What the hell happened here" Carly was the first to ask. The quiet town was creepy. There was not even a dog roaming the streets. It could be because they were in a remote location in town. That's what they thought, but the following words shocked most of them.

" They are dead," Max said, looking at them. " I was in the Ashley Mac Town when it happened. A dark cloudy mist enveloped the town. I could hear shrieks of everyone who entered or was caught up by the mist. It was too fast. Most were caught up when they got out to see what was happening. The only ones who survived were the ones indoors, but I don't know for how long. I managed to run before I got caught"

" That horrible"

" That's just the beginning. The towns nearby are just the beginning. It will soon spread all over if we don't do anything to stop them," Miriam said, looking at them. Hiding behind the buildings and running through the streets, the group arrived at the center of the town.

" What the hell" Alpha Damian was the first one to react and pulled the rest of them away from the limelight