Derive power from the living beings

"What's happening? What with all those people" Carly asked, peeping at the street before them. Hundreds of people were walking like zombies. Some were standing like a statue with total no movement.

"I think the town is gone. Everyone is dead." Max said, looking at the people before them. They walked to the street slowly, ready for anything. It was daytime but too quiet to be safe. Miriam held her Katana while the other had different weapons. The werewolves had their claws out in case of anything. Everyone was in battle mode—Ready for anything.

The first person they met was an old woman. She was short and wore a woolen hat, a long green crocheted sweater, and an old walking stick still in her hand. She wasn't moving, just stood there looking down.

It was Ms. Sally. She has a grocery store just around the corner. She was a nice older woman with no family, just living alone. It was a pity she was a victim of the evil infesting the town. Her face had no expression whatsoever. Her jaws were slack, her mouth hanging open in a weird way. She seemed to be swaying slightly, the walking stick falling at any time. She was utterly soulless.

It was the same with everyone else on the street. Some seemed to be running away when their soul was sucked out.

"This is creepy. We have to get out of here," one of the wolves said, feeling the evil in the areas slowly seeping into him.

"We have to know what we are dealing with in the first place before making any move. We can't do this if we leave without looking around." Damian answered. He noticed things were more serious than they thought. The feeling the street gave him was creepy. It was like eyes in the dark were watching them.

They seem to be walking under a clear view of their prey. He could feel people hidden in the dark but had no clue where they were. "But first, we have to get out of here. It's not safe." He said eventually that he felt they were too close to something big.

Miriam stopped on her track all of a sudden and stopped the rest. "Run," she only said one word before running to the left. The others did not wait for a whistle to start when they followed her. It didn't take long for a few figures to appear where they were. Their eyes were blue-black shadowy smokes seeping from their bodies. Their teeth were sharp, and they had long ears. There are only three, but the aura they give could kill even before they reach you. The coldness they released was seeping life out of everything they crossed.

They sniffed the air before taking the direction Miriam and the rest went. They knew where they were. There was something that attracted them. Miriam and the others didn't stop and run through the different streets. They met so many of the soulless town members but had no time to look at them or see if they were still alive. They didn't really know where to go.

"We need to hurry up. They are coming their way" her eyes were green as she looked behind them. She seemed to see way beyond the human's eyes. Right through the walls. "Oh my God. Those things are too fast." She said before guiding them to a scanned location. Just they took the next corner in a building. Someone pulled her.

She was shocked and wanted to attack when she looked at the figure

"Shh. It's me. This way," It was Evelyn. Alicia mom. She looked haggard. Like someone who has not slept in days

"Why should I trust you?" Miriam asked, looking at her on high alert. She didn't trust her one bit. If given a chance, she would beat her up.

"Do you have any other choice? It's either me or those creepy things," she said, not giving a damn about them. She looked through the crowd and saw her daughter holding hands with Jason. She didn't have any thoughts. "Alicia, come here. Follow me. Those things are way more dangerous than anything I have ever seen" she ran away from them as they followed her doubtingly. They had no choice. It was better the enemy they knew than a devil they had never seen.

Evelyn wore dirty black jeans, a hoodie, and trainers. She ran through a building opening the dark red rusty door at the end of the street. She held in for a while for the rest of the group to pass through. She locked the door and sprayed something like a white powder on it.

"Follow me. It's not over. Those are special ash. They reduce the smell of humans and beasts from those things but not for long. It will be a matter of time before they get the scent again. We will be safe if we are far from them." She didn't waste a minute and took Alicia's hands before Jason could react and ran down the stairs.

"Hey," Jason was surprised but followed right behind her. The rest followed but were on high alert. The hunters are not to be trusted. But at the moment, they were the only ones they could rely on to escape the calamity.

Just they went into a dark pavement in the huge old building. The three figures stopped outside the door, sniffing. They looked around, confused. They lingered for a few seconds outside the door before they went ahead on the street running.

The rusty smell down there was unbearable, but it was better than their soul being sucked out from them. The gas and water piles were arranged all over the pavement wall. They were underground. Rats appeared once in a while. They walked in there. It wasn't long before they saw a huge black door at the end.

Strategically, Evelyn knocked, and the door was opened from inside. Patrick opened the door for her and was surprised to see the group behind her. He then saw a familiar face behind his wife. Tears welled in his eyes as he hugged her on the spot.

"Dear. You are okay. You are back. I thought ill never see you again." He cried, hugging her tightly. She sniffed as she hugged him back.

"I am an okay dad. They took care of me," Alicia answered her dad in between the sobs.

Patrick stopped and pulled Alicia behind him. "what are you all doing here?' he was so angry. Lots of stuff had been going on for a while, and the hunters suffered a loss. But the werewolves were there in huge numbers standing before him.

"Darling," Evelyn tried to talk to him, but he snapped

"No way we are letting them in," he said in anger