
"We don't have time for this. You, of all people, should know we need to work together now more than ever." Evelyn dragged her husband aside, reasoning with him. They have been through a lot even to get where they were.

Patrick signed, thinking of everything.

"Dad. All these people are nice and good. They have not harmed me even after I killed Jason's father." Alicia approached her father, trying to reason with him. She had not seen him in weeks, and he had lost weight. They must've been through a lot. She looked around. There were hundreds of people in the bunker. Some were from high school. Some were the town people. It must've taken them long to get all those people to one place.

"It's okay, let them in" Patrick sighed and let his daughter handle everything. Alicia looked around and didn't see the figure she was looking for. "Dad, where is grandpa?" she turned around only to see a sour face. He didn't answer, but she could sense a murderous aura. There was anger, resentment, and scorn.

He took a step toward her and hugged her again. "We will talk about that later. For now, we have to settle those wolves and then discuss the way forward" he dragged his daughter away from the incoming group looking scornfully at Jason. He could not forget Jason's look when he was permitted to date her. Now, he will not allow that man near her daughter.

"Dad. What are you doing?' Alicia noticed the weird behavior. She looked behind her to see Jason giving her father a foul look.

She loved that guy. Something made her want to be close to him, like a magnet. She could not place her finger on it, but her heart beat faster, and she wished to be with him forever. Now that she accepted to be his girlfriend, she had to stand by him no matter what.

That day after talking for so long and ironing their issues, he asked her to be his girlfriend. He confessed his undying love for her. It may seem too fast to others, but for her, it was okay. They have known each other for over a year, and all the interaction, even behind the scene, made them stronger. They just got together, but she didn't know how long they would go to an item. It's best to enjoy the moment as it comes.

"Dad. Stop. He is my boyfriend" she dropped the bomb

"What! No way. I am not going to allow it" Patrick was angered to the point he dropped Alicia's hands and stroke to Jason, giving him a hard blow on his face. Jason didn't see that coming. But still, he didn't dodge. He kidnapped their daughter, and he could somehow understand their feelings.

Angrily, Patrick tried to give him another blow when Jason threw him a few meters away with the flip of his hand. He didn't do it too hard but in a way to keep him far from where he was. Patrick was stunned for a moment. He stood on his feet, his heart beating faster.

Everyone in the room was surprised, especially a small figure that had just woken from his nap seconds to catch the scene. Among the people who had just arrived, No one noticed him. They all seemed to ignore his existence. But a smile crept into his mouth when he saw Jason throwing Patrick meters from him.

"That's what I am talking about. My savior is badass, and he is back" he was excited.

Back to our man. He unconsciously threw the man away, but he had to stop him. How could you allow someone to beat you while you stand there?

"You!" he was embarrassed, but he still stood on his feet and walked toward him. "you better stay away from my daughter. Or else. You will have to go back to the forest where you belong," Patrick spat at him.

"What will you do if I decide to stay with her? She is my woman. No one tells me what to do with my relationship. Unless she doesn't want to be with me." Jason retorted but looked at his future father-in-law, throwing a provocative look. The exact look that pissed off Patrick months back.

"If I remember correctly, your family allowed me to date her. No turning back now." Jason said, striding to Alicia and pulling her to him. This made Patrick angrier, but he shut up. There was no way he could fight the monster. He was stronger than he expected. He didn't know he had inherited his mother's ability. He looked at the smiling Miriam in the corner and felt embarrassed.

Everyone in the bucker was looking at him weirdly. He was the authoritative figure there, but with the young man's appearance, the image he had shown before collapsed. He humped and went to his wife at the front.

"Listen up, everyone. The thing we are facing now is becoming stronger each passing day. I don't know how long we will hide here, but we need to find a way to fight back. If you wish to be part of the battle team, don't hesitate to join. We will be training. Also, we have a few people who have joined us. We have to work together to fight this thing. For that, we have to put our differences aside and focus on that thing up there first" Patrick looked at the crowd and addressed them. He had been in charge since he and his group saved the people from destruction.

"How are we going to fight that thing?" Miriam placed her katana in the sheath and took a few steps forward. She looked like a real hunter, unlike the others.

She had worn tight black pants, black boots, a long-sleeved pull neck, and a short-sleeved hoodie. Her beautiful black hair was pulled and tied into a bun. She looked so young that other men in the room could not keep their eyes off her. This included Patrick and Damian.