Strange girl

Before Jason talked further with the girl, an announcement came

"Listen up, everybody. Report just in. A group of people is stuck in an old building on the west side of town. It's quite a distance from here. We need volunteers to help with the rescue. We need ten people," Patrick announced, looking at the device in his hand.

Jason looked at the people and then at the girl. He patted her shoulder, intending to go, when the girl suddenly held his sleeves, not giving him room to react. He was surprised and then confused. She looked scared

"I have to go and volunteer. You will be safe here," Jason explained quietly why he was leaving, but the girl was not letting go of the shirt. She shook her head vigorously, but he could not understand.

"Can I get a piece of paper and pen?" Jason asked around since he could not let himself go. He had to listen to what she was saying. He felt he needed her, and she needed him. The brotherly love kicked in. He had always been a lone child and wished to have a baby sister. At this time, Alicia walked to them, knitting her brows. She has been a side character for a while since she started following Jason. It was not like she had no opinion of her own. But she knew he could handle all situations reason.

"Here," Leo came rushing to him with a small notebook and a pen. Jason glanced at it before extending it to the girl. "Please write here. I cannot understand what you are talking about."

The girl looked at the people standing behind him and hid with his body. He noticed the weird behavior and excused them. Since the other group was far from them, they could not hear what they were talking about.

She took the notebook and wrote a few lines. She then hurriedly gave it to Jason.

He was surprised by the beautiful handwriting.

"Don't go. It's a trap by the creatures. They have caught the patrol men. They are using them as bait," the note said. He re-read again and again and looked at the girl. There was confusion and doubt on his face

"Hoe did you now," he asked before sitting properly on the small bed. "I can see

what goes on where I want to." She took the notebook and wrote again. This time. Jason was surprised, but still, he nodded. He still didn't understand how she did it, but he was not that surprised with lots of supernatural presence in the world. Her identity and where she came from were a mystery in itself. It was hard to believe her completely, but their connection compelled him to.

"Let me inform them. I will be back." He said, going straight to Patrick and the team

"You have got to stop this. It's a trap. The men you sent out are captured, and the communication device is in the hands of the creatures." Jason talked to Patrick, but the man gave him contempt. Evelyn was surprised, and then she turned and looked at the girl on the bed at the end corner of the bunker.

"Honey. I think you should listen to him" she still had her eyes on the girl, but her hands were on Patrick's shoulder. There was no way he would let the young man run the show.

Patrick took a step closer to him and asked in a whisper only Jason could hear. "who do you think you are to suggest what to do and what not to do?" There was clear disdain in his words. There was also jealousy. The young man had more vigor than he ever did years back. He had the backing of a powerful witch whom he never got to have, and his daughter followed behind him like a maid. It wasn't comforting.

"Well, it's your call. I am only concerned about the lives of everyone going with you," Jason said in a rather loud voice. Everyone could hear him, and some were hesitant to sign up again.

"You are just a coward and don't dare to fight. Just stay here like the women and children" Patrick laughed, but he offended the women in the group.

"Hey. Do you think we cannot fight just because we stay here each time you go out?' one of the young women said in anger. Patrick looked over with an apologetic face. "That's not what I meant. He is being a coward. He should be able to fight instead of giving too many excuses" Patrick rectified what he said earlier, but the damage had been done.

One of the women came forward. "I will volunteer to fight" she was so confident, but there was also a trace of anger. She didn't like it when they were looked down upon for being women. Who said they could not fight or defend themselves?

"I too will go," another one said and another and another. Almost ten women came forward, putting Patrick and his team in a difficult position. He looked over at his wife to save him from the embarrassment, but Miriam beat her to it.

"Listen here, ladies. I am happy you all came forward, but we need to have a trained team among us. That's why we can only take four of you. The rest can help protect this place while we go out to help the others. You are doing a great job here. When we come back, I will personally take over your training. Those who wish to train and fight can register here so we can start as soon as possible."

"Yes," the women cheered, being trained to fight. They needed something to do. They needed something to do to distract them from all the fear, commotion, and questions running through their heads.

"Okay. We will help in protecting this place while the rest of you go. We will only go out when we have enough training, and we can protect ourselves without being a burden." The lead woman said after considering every factor. Indeed, they will only be a burden to them if they insist on going with them, but with a bit of training, they can fight back with confidence. Just like that, the situation was saved, and the team continued to organize themselves.

Jason, Max, Alicia, Miriam, Patrick, Damian, and five other hunters were all on the team. Jason tried to stop them, but Patrick heard none of it. In the end, he had to join them for the sake of saving their lives. Patrick will lead them to their deaths without knowing. Also, he was joining because he wasn't sure if the young girl was telling the truth. Just as they were ready to go with weapons, a girl tugged on his shirt again, this time not going.

"Hey, Sally, you have to stay here. It's dangerous outside" Jason looked at her trying to reason with her. He felt guilty not trusting her judgment, but he had never seen such power.

She took the notebook and showed him. "I want to go with you. I will be able to help when attacked. I will know where they are and prevent the team from falling into their trap," he read and was hesitant for a moment, but he knew this was the only way if what she said before was true.


"No way." Patrick was the first to refuse the help. "she is too young. Besides, it's way too dangerous to bring her with us. She will be a burden. She is not coming."

"Are you sure about this" Max and Alicia asked simultaneously? Damian didn't say anything. He knew a thing or two about Jason, and his judgment so far has always been right. His support for Jason comes deep within. He didn't have to behave like a powerful Alpha when with him.

He was only a friend. The respect he gave to Jason was that of an equal, and sometimes, he finds it hard to believe he will ever defeat him if they went for a fight all out. "I believe his judgment," he said, walking ahead, following Miriam and the rest.

"You don't have to worry, father in law" Jason teased him and smiled

"Humph, who is your father-in-law. I have not agreed to anything. Don't even think about that," Patrick said, loading his weapon and setting arrows at his back. Each time he went hunting, his demeanor changed to that of a hunter. His mind behavior becomes different.

"Let's go," He said, giving one last glance at Jason before pecking his wife on the cheek

and leading.

As soon as they left, the people inside took out the white and pink powder and sprayed it all over the door. Miriam did the same on the other side of the door and then threw a bit of the powder on themselves.