
It wasn't long before the group appeared at the front door. Making sure to spray the powder on the door, the group run in a certain direction. Patrick was at the lea with Miriam. They had worked together before. It was easier working synchronizing their movements. The rest of the hunters were behind them while Jason and his group followed suit.

The young girl was close to Jason, not giving him space. It was good for safety, but Alicia was getting pissed. She could not understand the feeling. It was stronger over time, more so when Jason held her hand or showed concern for her.

It was almost dark, and soon it will be way dangerous to run the street at night, but the group came prepared. Having hunted at night before, it was easier to do the same at the moment. Besides, they had the best night vision gear with them.

Running through the streets, not alarming the enemy, the group appeared at the said location an hour later. It was quite a distance. Even if they had vehicles, they could not risk it.

"You should put on your gas mask now," Jason said suddenly, which confused the others, but they still did, even in doubt. Besides that, Miriam was the first to wear the mask as soon as Jason said it. Also, the people closest to him trusted him, without a doubt.

As soon as they took a few steps forward, a form of mist washed over them. They all turned to look at Jason, feeling goosebumps all over their bodies. 'How did he know?' this was the question most of them asked themselves. This was the first step Jason had taken that won the heart of the opposite side. The hunters and the humans

They walked cautiously in the mist, seeing pretty well with the gas mask. It has night vision on. They had walked almost four blocks when Jason was at it again.

"Go left now and run as fast as your legs can. You don't have to care about making noise," Jason said while taking action on the left. There was a dark alley in between two huge buildings. His sense of smell was at its notch. His eyes turned golden and green. He had activated both his powers, ready for anything.

All this time, he held Sally's hand, not letting go.

Just as the group took the left turn running for their lives, they appeared in a totally dark area with no mist, just the darkness. It was weird. They could hear gnarling sounds from where they had just run from. More than 20 creatures were looking around where they were. Only the powered could see them. Even Damian was surprised. There was no way he could've fought all of them. They looked horrible with their shiny blue eyes.

"That was close," Max muttered, holding his knees, panting. Everyone was scared, including Jason and Miriam. Whatever those things were, they were way more dangerous than they thought.

"They waited for us," Patrick said in thoughts. The timing of the mist and appearance of over 20 of those creatures. It was too coincidental.

"Yes, they were. It's a trap, and I think it's not over." Jason looked around them and said. They know where we are." He said that taking Sally behind him. The others make a circle, their back on each other. They were all wary and alert. Soon, three of the blue eyes creatures appeared before them. Their smoky black figure was really disgusting. They looked like shadows while not shadows at the same time. They had solid bodies.

"What are these things?"

"We call them smoky. They are very aggressive and difficult to kill. We have used all the weapons, but nothing could kill the,m, but the fire could scare the nott for long." Patrick said, looking around them, grasping his gun tightly.

Laughing lightly, Max turned to Patrick turning into a huge fire ".. Fire, you said.." Patrick didn't see that coming. He was shocked. How many of them were there. In his years as a hunter, he had never once thought he could one day work with the monsters he hunted. It was getting crazy.

"Really... How come none of you said anything" He turned to his daughter and then Mirian but was still wary of the incoming creatures.

"You never asked," Miriam answered, shrugging her shoulders and dismissing him. It was no time for a fight over who knew and who didn't. Sometimes Patrick behaves like a child. But the question on Jason and Miriam is where Frank was. He was in charge of the family. There was no way he could've left the family at the moment. Something huge must've happened.

"Come get it…." Max said as he released his inferno fire-like flood on the creatures. Patrick and the others gaped in surprise as the creature melted under the assault of the huge inferno.

"Yeah…Aaah. Max… I think you should get it over with now. They are coming this way. More of them," Jason said hesitantly, not disturbing Max, enjoying his moment. But now was not the time to show off. But that was not what was on Max's mind. This was a rare chance to turn into a monster before the hunters and not get killed. He was smearing it on their faces.

"Ohh …right... I forgot we were in the war." That was the Max they all knew. A comedian. A cheerful guy. His personality was slowly coming back. It could be he was feeling comfortable around them or finding a way to fit in.

"We better run. They are too many" Jason held Sally's hand and ran forward, still wearing the mask gear. He didn't know when they would attack with the mist again. He wondered what the mist was.

"I am feeling trapped. How smart are they to pull off something like this?' Damian asked, his claws and fangs out. So far, Alicia has been close to Jason not leaving him. Patrick didn't see her eyes turning blue from time to time. It was the same for the Alpha Damian. It was the same with Jason but not that strong. No one had noticed so far something happening to them.