Escape Danger

The group was getting overwhelmed. It was hard to run with the rest of the group incapacitated. Thinking of something, Miriam asked the young girl to let Jason down before performing a few hand seals. A huge light appears and then disappears. From where they stood, there was nobody.

They vanished into thin air.

The cloud and a few flying creatures appeared where they were in a few minutes, but there was no one. Not even their scent. It was like they never were there in the first place.

A distorted voice was heard from behind a group of dark creatures

"Where are they?" an old man appeared. He removed the veil over his face exposing his bare face. It was Frank, the Patriarch of the ancient hunter family. He looked like he was dying. His skin had deteriorated, and his face was becoming thorny.

What was happening to him nobody knew other than himself

"You are all useless. You have the key right under your nose, and you let him go. You have to find him immediately or else. You are all dead," The man humped angrily, looking around. He could not sense life within the next 500 meters. It was weird, but he knew the capability of some ancient people.

He turned to walk to a flying creature bowing its head on the ground. The way he walked was weird. He looked like someone who could fall at any moment or by a little push. He got helped to get on the creature by two other walking ones before the flying vulture-like creature took to the air disappearing into thin air.

Then was not a creature from the earth; it looked like an underworld animal. The rest of the creature walked further into the woods, trying to get the culprits to their scolding. They didn't talk, but the aura they released could kill someone.

The old man appeared in an old building at the end of the north side of the town. Dark clouds covered the whole area. There was a portal-like gate, just like the one that appeared at the entrance of the Silver wood pack. The creature entered the portal and appeared in a different world. It was indeed different. Just as they landed outside an old building that looked like a palace, it was more like a devil's tomb place than a palace. The old man's face and body started to change to a healthy face and body.

"Damn the air difference. I am not going to survive for long outside the portal" He cursed under his breath as he walked inside. Dozens of guards surrounded the building. He walked past the guards as they bore dot him respectively. Inside the old building was like a black and white film. There was no color.

"What happened, Old Q" a woman in black appeared before him, smiling, walking majestically.

"If we can't get the key to reuniting the two worlds, I am not able to survive outside for long. Not just me but everyone. I have got unfinished business out there. There is no more power to help me out there but the keys," He said, sitting down on a huge throne-like chair in the middle of the vast room.

"Don't worry. My men are working on it." She said, walking with a huge book, "There was a huge disturbance earlier, and I could not shake off the feeling of something is wrong."

She walked closer to the man opening the book. There were some words written in an unknown language.

"This book was written by one of the dark lords years back about how to open and close the doorway. However, it gives a detailed description of how to do it; it's not complete. It was later found out the Dark Lord had betrayed the Dark king and escaped with the help of a human woman and a witch. He took the other half of the book with him, which gives clear ways of opening the door permanently." The woman was a dark lord in charge of training and preparing warriors in the Dark world. Her name was Vizier, the death lord. She was beautiful but poisonous.

It was believed she killed her family to please the Dark King. Since then, she was given power over other creatures. The Dark King was more of a King Werewolf. There was a picture of him hanging in every building in the Dark world. His disappearance shocked many, but they believed he was out into the real world exploring the human world.

"Do you have any clue where the Dark Lord who wrote the book is?" The old man Frank asked, looking exciting. This was the only thing that could make him live again in the human world.

"Yes. He was last sensed in the DustVille town before disappearing a few months ago. It has been years, but he seems to know his way in and out of the Dark World. Also, it's believed he is the reason the Dark King is out there" Vizier summarized her findings. She moved closer to the man and sat down next to him.

"But he left behind traces," she smiled bitterly, thinking of the Dark lord. She was deeply in love with him, but for a human woman, he left her and the people behind. The hatred she had for the woman is enough to destroy the world. She kept her bitterness to herself, but she knew she would have her revenge soon.

"Gather all those in the human world and have them look at the traces of the man you are speaking about. I want the rest of the book as soon as possible. The key is not important at the moment. The book is," Frank said before getting up and going deep inside the chamber.

"You will see. Soon I will have my power back" Vizier looked at the retreating figure before cursing. She had tolerated the old man for years. Was it not for the power given by the Dark Lord King? She would've taken over.

She flipped her huge black dress before disappearing into thin air. The guards in the room did not flinch. They had gotten used to her appearing and disappearing at will.