
The one who was shocked the most was Miriam. She used a bit of her power to do a trick she had learned over the years. Camouflaging with the environment disappearing from the view of the enemy. It was a trick that saved her life so many times.

What did she saw a shock in her life? She knew too well about some of the creatures. Those were her darkest secrets. But for how long was she going to keep them.

Being out of danger for a moment, the group proceeded with their journey back to the shelter. It was hectic when they got back. The people in the room had fought. The reason nobody knew

"Prepare tables. Get me the guns with the monkshood powder as well with the blue frame fire source." Miriam was at her wit when they got back.

Seeing the people turning into wolves, some of the people were scared and ran to the end of the room. They had never seen a werewolf up-close. Though they knew of their existence, they never interacted, and if they did was a chase and run case.

" Is that Alicia? Is she one of them?" one of the hunters was scared shit when he saw Alicia. Her fangs and claws were out, and her blue eyes were rather attractive, he faces changed, and she looked like an animal on a human face.

" My baby. What happened to her" Evelyn saw the scene her heart shattered. She hated the werewolves the most. Her anger rose to the maximum.

" You did something to her" she pointed at Miriam, who was busy treating the others.

" This is not the time for accusations and questions. She has to be alright first. Ask later" she didn't even give a damn about what she thought. His only worry is if they'll survive what's coming.

A few hours later, all the three of them were okay. Alicia was the weakest but was the first to get back to herself. She was so weak.

"What happened?" she woke from the table, holding her head and neck, trying to see if the feeling was gone.

"Welcome back from the dead" Miriam smiled at her. Alicia smiled back, thanking her for saving her life. Evelyn jumped at her, pulling for a tight embrace.

" I am glad you are okay" she held her for a while before letting go and looking straight into her eyes, " Now tell me what happened? Why are you a werewolf now?"

She was stunned for a moment and then looked at Jason, who was still unconscious on the table. It was more like he was sleeping.

"I love him" she started looking at the handsome young man sleeping on the huge table covered in a blanket. "Life without him could be hard for me. What is the best way to be just like him? Understanding his pains and being there for each other. I don't want to be the one chasing him. I want to be chased while holding his hand. I want to be there when the world turns against him. I don't want to stand on the opposite side. I want to be on the same side with him." Alicia poured out every bit of her feelings. She didn't care what the others said, but she knew what he meant to her.

" I chose this. Nobody did this to me" she turned to look at her mother, wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes.

Evelyn and Patrick looked at their daughter like a stranger. The words she just spoke were powerful. It speaks a lot about their life as well. But that did not mean they were happy. They were not. How could she take such an important decision in her life without informing them? They were her parents, for God's sake.

"You are an idiot. You did this for a man you are not even sure will be with you forever" Evelyn cursed her daughter's behavior. She didn't want her doing all those stupid things. But she was a grown-up. She could make her own decisions.

"I made my choice, and I have no regret," Alicia said before getting away from her parents. She went to Max, who was playing cards with Leo and some other old dude at the corner. She didn't want too many questions and blame

"Max, can I have a word?' she didn't have much connection with the others, but there was something she didn't understand. Excusing himself, Max went to her in confusion.

"I want to know what happened when I was unconscious in the wood" she could not keep this feeling that something had happened.

" Well, it was weird, but your grandfather appeared. He was working with the dark creatures. Not only that, but he seems to be their leader" max spilled everything to her. Alicia was shocked, but not much. She knew something was off with her grandfather for a while when he unwillingly used her to kill and do other stuff.

She turned and walked away, leaving Max still explaining

"Hey, where are you going? I am still talk…ing" Max looked at her, confused further. "Was she testing me" he went back to his game complaining.

"What did she want," Leo asked/ Max did not answer him and just looked at him like a clown. "If she wanted everyone to know, she would've asked me here. Stop being nosy and play. It's your turn."

Leo didn't say anything and continued playing. They got closer since he met this friend, but he never really understood them until now. They kept too much from him. He was naturally a curious guy.

Alicia pulled his parents to the side and sat down. It was late at night, and most people in the shelter were asleep. She didn't want most people to hear what they were talking about. She wanted answers

"What is it?" Patrick looked at his daughter and asked. He still has not come around to the fact that she was a werewolf. That was not something any parent would accept like that. But the things he had seen all his life made t possible for him to accept some weird stuff happening.