Who Is Frank really?

Confusion in Alicia face was not fake.

"I want to ask you guys something. Where is grandpa?" she had to start somewhere. First she had to know where the old man was and if her parents know anything.

Evelyn and Patrick looked at each other before looking at her again. Evelyn sighed sitting down pulling her daughter's hand to sit down as well.

" What happened?" Alicia sat down as both parents sat beside her on both sides

" That day after the fight at the mansion, things went bad" Evelyn started

Apparently, Frank was hit by the ball of fire released by Jason and somehow it affected him badly. He ordered the hunters to go down for a hunt for days but they could not get the werewolves anywhere.

Few days later, Frank turned into an ugly looking monster and attacked the hunters including Patrick and Evelyn. They had to fight back. That's when they found out their original Frank was killed by the dark lord and it took over his body.

They had been living with an imposter for over twenty years without realizing anything. Frank was always a tough man to handle but this was one hell of a man. He knew every single detail about them and how they did their stuff.

The idea of moving out of DustVille town was also conceived by the impostor. The hunter family didn't really know what the guy was planning nor neither did they know why they had to leave DustVille town for years. This was a secret only known to the impostor Frank.

Days after the fight, those that survived the attack by Frank his dark creature men escaped under the leadership of Patrick and his wife to the an underground facility only the two of them knew about.

They were glad they never told Frank about the underground banker. There was no way they could've survived all those creature. Worse was the fact that they could not kill them.

Alicia listened to the story and was shocked. She knew something was wrong with her grandfather but to the extend her parents were telling her. She didn't. Sitting down and thinking of everything that ha happened before, she got a grip of what was happening. She was used before to spy on Jason on purpose. She could not understand what they wanted with Jason until she heard of the prophecy or Jason was the key to opening the gates to the Dark World.

To her, it was absurd. How was it possible. Things were getting out of hand not only for the hunters but for everyone. It was not the time to fight amongst themselves but work together. For that, they have to figure a way to fight those things. It was proving harder than she thought.

The world was ending and being by the side of the people you love was more significant than before. She wanted to spend as much time with her parents as possible. Also she wanted to spend the rest of her days with Jason. To appreciate the love they have between them. It was rare to find someone you love with all your heart no matter the pain they have caused you. The connection between them was a proof of love made in heaven. If there was ever something like that. The more time she spend with him the more she felt like never leaving his side.

They had to prepare for the worst or anything that can happen any time.

Talking with her parents for a while, Alicia went back to the sleeping Jason and sat by his side. All this time everyone was either sitting, sleeping or fighting at the end corner. Someone may think the banker was small but it was so huge. Like a whole floor of a building. There was a pantry area, rows of beds, washrooms, Kitchen and a space where they could practice. Patrick really prepared for an emergency. The place had all the weapons they could use. There was enough food to last all of them a year or more. But that did not mean they should be coped in there for that long to wait for a miracle to happen. They had to fight.

The enemy was preparing for a fight was ready to kill to get what they want. They also need to be prepared for anything

Jason woke up later feeling refreshed. He opened his blurry eyes to see a beautiful face looking down at him with a huge smile on her face.

He could never get enough of looking at that face. The first day he saw her in the car looking outside with her long black hair dancing to the tune of the end. He had never forgot the look on her face, her hair and smile she had.

He extended his hands and stroke her face lovingly. He was love struck from the moment he saw her. That was never going to go away, " You are as beautiful as the day I saw you"

Alicia smiled down at him allowing his hands to stroke her freely. She had a good impression of him the first time she saw him but also she thought of him as an idiot. They behaved weirdly together with his friend. But of course she was not going to tell him that.

"The first time I saw you in that car coming into to town, you looked like an angel. I want to spend the rest of my days looking at you, loving you, fighting alongside you. The best I want is you being the last person I see when I go to sleep and the first person I see when I wake up. I don't know for how long I am going to alive but I want the rest of my life to be with you." Jason said looking into her beautiful eyes. Alicia looked at him blankly. She felt fluttered by his words. Butterfly flying in her stomach. They were young but she knew whatever she was feeling was love and she loved the feeling

" Alicia hunter, would like to spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me" he asked still lying down on the huge table holding her face. Alicia looked at him smiling her eyes teary. " Yes. I will marry you." She answered him immediately. There was nothing more she wanted than to live the rest of their lives together.