Chapter 6

Finally, the sun rises. To say that I slept well would be a lie. I had nightmare upon nightmare. I couldn't sleep.

Besides, I have a big day ahead of me. I don't know what I'm going to do but I know it's going to be exhausting.

I think for starters, I can go see my trap. Maybe I'll figure out what to do to kill more creatures.

Phew. It's hard to get up.

I head for my trap. Upon arriving, I notice that the bodies of fish and manta ray are still there. And water, finally if we can still talk about water, it is viscous red. It must have mixed with the blood of my victims.


And if I opened a passage in my trap, like that, I could attract other predators.But what kind of predator? If these manta ray predators, how do they eat these dart throwers?

I think the best way to find out is to open a passage.

And as I said, I open a passage where there is the most depth.

As soon as I opened, the height of water in the trap increased and the blood was able to escape into the sea.

Well, all that's left to do is wait.

I get out of the water and head towards the center of the island. As soon as I get to the first trees, I make sure I have a view towards my trap, and I hide it behind a tree big enough to completely hide me.

I pull out my new python and see that it's loaded, which it is.

And now I am patient.

_____Jump in time_____

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!

What are these noises? Finally, a creature shows the tip of its nose.

I bend down and look in the direction of the noise and the noise is coming from my trap.

Ohhh, who do we have here? The creature looks like a Saltwater Crocodile, but I can tell its skin is very thick. I even wonder if my bullets will hurt him.

If you ask me how I know his skin is thick, those eyes are sunken into his skull and he's very imposing. It is easily 12 meters long and 2 meters wide.

There he is lying feasting on manta ray, but I am sure if he gets up he is either 1 or 2 meters tall.

I hit the jackpot but now how do I kill it?

What if I shoot him in the eye? There is a way I can touch his brain, but does he have 1 or more brains?

I have to act quickly otherwise he will eat everything, and I will have nothing left to attract creatures.

I point my python in the direction of the crocodile and like I said, I try to aim for an eye but it's not obvious who is eating.

Come on buddy, just stop eating for 3 seconds.

As if he heard me, he stops eating and looks in my direction.

His head no longer moves, it's time.






He runs over me. Shit, he goes quickly given his size.

And that's when I take my legs to my neck, and I run as fast as possible.


I must do something fast. I won't be able to last long


I just had an idea, but I don't like it.

Since it is imposing, it must have trouble turning. So, if I circle around him, maybe I can find a weak point.

Although I hate this idea, if I want to survive, I must do it.


I turn sharp left. So much that I quickly turned, I almost fell but I managed to catch up.

As I said, the crocodile continues. It can't turn at this speed, especially when there are trees.

OK, my plan is doable.

Now we reverse the roles. I start chasing the crocodile. I don't see any weak points.

It looks like my target managed to stop but I'm still behind her.

Turning his head, he managed to find me. Not difficult at the same time, I do not hide.

He tries to turn around, but I make sure to always stay behind him. It is very slow to turn.

But I still can't find a weak point other than his eyes.

But yes, when he looks at me with one eye, I must shoot him.

He's looking at me right now too. What a fool I am.




Take it in the teeth!

Looks like he's not happy now. At the same time, he lost both of his eyes.

I had to shoot once but one bullet to hit and go through both of his eyes.

Just after my magnificent pull, the crocodile starts rolling in any direction. He's not happy.

But in his bad luck, he survived. He can't be happy? Maybe he's afraid of the dark? hehehe

I move away from the crocodile to be safe. He continues to drive. He even crushes a few trees.

If shooting him in the eye doesn't kill him, then how do you kill him?

How do you kill a crocodile or earlier a tank on legs?


There's a way his belly is softer than his back.

The only way to know if it's true is to shoot him in the stomach and as per Hazard, he rolls over and shows his belly. What more ?

Bang! Bang! Click!

More balls, hoping that's enough.

~1x coastal crocodile slain

Reward: 500 silvers + 500 exp

You pass level 6 to 9

Reward: 240 silvers~

Apparently, that was enough to kill him.

He was hard to kill but the exp and experience to give away is huge.

All is quiet now that this creature is dead. I take this opportunity to reload my weapon in case someone else decides to show up.

This crocodile is big. What am I going to do with this corpse now?

Oh yes, it's true. I'll put him in my trap. Well, it's more of a bait now.

When I grabbed his tail and started to pull, I quickly realized that it's impossible to move it.

Plan B, this time I have one. I pull out my axe of my inventory and you know what's going to happen huh?


_____Jump in time_____

Wow, finally finished. I managed to bring the crocodile to my bait. I hope the critters like the sushi and the smell that comes with it. It's starting to stink.

It is already getting dark. I have to get ready for the night.

But first, I have to create a new camp. This one is too close to the bait, and I don't want to get eaten by critters and the smell is unbearable.

I think I will go to the other side of the island. Beyond that, I should be quiet.

So, with that, I head to my new camp.

As soon as I found a new place to set up camp, an idea crossed my mind.

I open my system, select walk and buy a military tent.

If it starts to rain, I want to be dry. There is also the fact that it will block the sun. I deserved a big restful sleep, right?

It cost me 500 silvers, but I think it's worth it.

Well, all you need to do is install it. I feel like I'm going to have a hard time...

_____45 minutes later_____

Come on, plant yourself in the sand!!

Ah, there you go. FINISHED. FINALLY

Like I said, I struggled but I'm not disappointed.

This tent is big. At first, I thought it was a small tent but not at all.

It's a big green tent. There is even a cot, a table, and a chair but that's all.

Best purchase of my life.

When I was checking for a new place, I collected some wood .No waste of time.

I started my evening routine. Lighting a fire, preparing a ration, eating while watching my system.

But this time, I didn't go straight to sleep. I wanted to enjoy the night and its stars shining in the sky.

I love the night.

But all good things must end. I began to feel the fatigue of that day and my night before.

So, I go to my new tent, settle on my cot, and head straight for dreamland as soon as I close my eyes.

good night.

_____ POV Princess _____

It's been a few days since I had my talk with my father, the king.

And since then, nothing has changed. I always have my instinct which tells me that we have done a huge mistake; the saviours train every day and I continue my work.

AH …yes, one thing has changed, someone managed to hear the end of my conversation with my father.

Now they know I'm the king's daughter and some of them start flirting with me.

Some declare themselves to me saying that I am the most beautiful girl in the world and to pass me by without taking a chance is a waste. I think they're the mess because they can't see my face. I'm still wearing my assassin gear which hides my face. Stupid

Others compliment me on things they don't even know, like saying I'm nice. Come on, they never spoke to me.

Others send letters. I burn them directly.

But best of all, 2/3 people go through my FATHER.

He's trying to negotiate me as a reward if he kills the Demon King.

What a bunch of ignoramuses. There is no demon king as they say, there are several demon lords who rule the land together. Each lord rules a region.

It shows they're not listening.

But my father refused everything except one, he accepted for the hero.

They even made a contract that said if the hero kills all the demon lords, his daughter will marry him.

As soon as I heard that, I was in a rage. I went to see my father and we argued.

This defence is that it is to motivate the hero.

If he wants to motivate his hero , so the intelligence service of the kingdom, where I am the leader, will stop communicating information about the demons.

Attention, I do not stop the reconnaissance missions, but I stop communicating information to my father.

If he wants his information and his daughter back, he must cancel this stupid contract.