Chapter 7

POV Hécate

I slept well today. It feels good to sleep on a bed and wake up when you want.

Take this sun. You won't be able to wake me up now that I have my tent.

Okay, so what's the plan for today? I could go to my bait and wait for something to come? Where can I improve my camp? But what to improve?

I think I'll take my first option, go see the bait and wait.

When I got there, I saw some piece of meat. Some must have been swept away by the sea. It must be the praise.

But there are still enough to attract creatures, well, I hope.

And like yesterday, I went to hide behind a tree and watched my system waiting for something to happen.

~ Army System

Name: Hecate Smith

Age: 17

Code Name: xxxxxxx

Levels 9: 250/1,000

Silver: 340 silvers

Quest in progress: none selected



Quest list~

WHAT! Now I need 1000 exp to pass the next level?! But it's huge.

Tks. I have no choice anyway

I will have to kill crocodiles then.

Now that look, I just went through the quest list once. Maybe there is a new quest just waiting to be completed.

~Quest list

-Reach level 35: 9/35

Reward: Unlock the base function

-Kill 50 creatures: 42/50

Reward:Unlock fighting method function

-Buy a vehicle: 0/1

Reward: Unlock doctrine function~

Hoo, new quests.

Mmmmm I wonder what are these functions?


If so, finally!!!

This system looks more and more like a system from a fantasy world.


Maybe I'll finally get some stats.

And I almost finished the quest. Thank you, little fish. You weren't useless.

____Time jump ____

How long do I wait?

I looked at this system several times and there is nothing new apart from the two new quests.

I thought about plans.

I imagined stories.

AND I even took a nap.


Please, just a thing, anything.

Splash! Splash! Splash!



Apparently, you just had to ask. I should have done this from the start.

Looking towards my bait, I see 3 crocodiles like the one I had trouble killing.

I may have asked for anything but NOT 3 CROCODILES!

How do I kill them now, huh?! THE first one had to bite my ass and now I have 3.

I hate this world.

Oh, wait. It's me where these crocodiles don't like each other too much. They growl at each other.


That's it! I'll just wait until they're exhausted and nearly dead and kill them then.

At this time, I want to fight against 3 crocodiles, or even 10! If they kill each other otherwise, bye.

How does it mean that I pick up crumbs? OF COURSE, I AM ONE. Survival is survival.

Until they are weak enough to kill them, I will watch them. I just miss the popcorn.

Well, they are violent. They roll over, bite, swish their tails and so on.

There, a crocodile flees. WAIT WHAT, HE LEAKS!

Not under my supervision.

I aim with weapon in these wounds, preferably those which are closest to the head. In this case, I'm aiming for the wound in his neck.

With my angle and nothing to stop my bullet, I should kill him enough.


~1x coastal crocodile slain

Reward: 500 silvers + 500 exp~


The other two are too busy killing each other so I'm going to take this opportunity to reload.

I still used 3 bullets.


I really need to improve my shot otherwise it could cost me my life later.

Finished reloading, now, the show.

Neither of them wants to let go. They are dying so hungry. They risk their lives there.

Well, I can see that if this continues, one of the two will die and I can't afford to lose a kill.

I aim as I said, wounds near the head and


~1x coastal crocodile slain

Reward: 500 silvers + 500 exp~

You pass level 9 to 10

Reward: 500 silvers

And one, more than one.

Shit, he realized something was wrong and he started to run away.

Oh no.


~1x coastal crocodile slain

Reward: 500 silvers + 500 exp~

Phew. I am out of ammo.

It's real carnage here.

Well, it's crocodile sushi again today!

___Time Jump___

Here we go, the 3 crocodiles have been transformed into sushi and now they are in the bait.

One day I will wake up and my bait will have been eaten by something.

It's starting to get late. I have to get ready for the night.

I return to my camp while collecting wood to make a campfire.

After only 10 minutes, I'm back at my camp with the necessary for the night.

I'm starting to get good at collecting wood.

Thanks to my axe.

After making my fire, I prepare a ration. It's taco today. I hope I won't wake up to go to the bathroom. It's already complicated to go there with a healthy body so with a taco, I can't even imagine.

I must buy rations and water. I only have one left each.

The ration is ready. Enjoy your food

As usual, I'm still checking my system.

Mmmm, I didn't see but I went to level 10. It takes 1500 exp to go to level 11. It's starting to get hard.


I don't waste a minute and I buy it with 60 ammos.

~ 1x FN Five-sevenN + 60x Bullets of 5.7 x 28 mm for 1750 silvers. Confirm?


As soon as I buy it, I put my ration down and take out my new toy from my inventory.

Ohhh, how beautiful in black. I already hate using it.

Hey, I just had a question. Why are the weapons that the market offers me weapons that I know or love? Why are there no other weapons?

This system is weird. But I'm not going to complain about it. I have my five seven. I wonder if I would have another Herstal weapon.

These are my favourites.

It's not all that, but if I keep my new toy in my hands, I'll end up shooting it and I don't want to waste a bullet.

I take my ration and watch my system.


I am level 10 now which means that I have unlocked other purchases in the walk, right?

I was so excited by the five-seven that I didn't notice what else I had.

If possible, another uniform. Mine is starting to stink with all the blood on me. Noooo, it's not because I haven't washed for 4 days...

Let's see.


-1x Colt Python 6 inches: 500 silvers

-24x bullet 4.5 mm: 50 silvers

-24x bullet .357 magnum: 100 silvers

-1x MRE Ration: 10 silvers

-1x Bottle of water: 10 silvers

-1x Survival kit: 250 silvers

-1x Frag grenade f1: 100 silvers

-1x FN Five-sevenN: 1500 silvers

-30x Bullets of 5.7 x 28 mm: 125 silvers

-1x Military tent: 500 silvers

-1x blackout kit 1250 silvers

-1x Kit desert storm 1250 silvers

-1x Jungle Kit 1250 silvers

-1x Fish Kit 1250 silvers

-1x P90 5000 silvers

- 1 x P90 200 silvers charger

-1x Holographic sight 500 silvers

-1x Shoulder strap P90 250 silvers –

1x Silencer P90 500 silvers

-1x Laser 500 silvers

-1x Soft pocket of your choice 100 silvers

-1x Smoke 100 silvers


Calm down … Calm down the p90 is extremely expensive but I don't care. This is my weapon of prediction

Let's look at the other novelties with which I sell everything for the p90.

I wonder what the kits contain.

I'm interested in the blackout kit. I think I will buy it as soon as I can. Even before p90.

It hurts to say this but if I want to be able to collect 5000 silvers, I must be equipped.

I have accessories but it is not giving. And I have soft pockets. It's probably to modify a tactical vest to our weapon but it's completely stupid. I don't even have a tactical vest. I can't even buy it. Unless the vest is in a kit and there it is logical

This is a good update to the market.

Here, I already finished my meal.

Well, since I have nothing to do and there are clouds in the sky blocking my view, I'm going to go to sleep.

On that, good night.