Chapter 16

« ….. » Speak

"..." Think


POV Hécate

~Land Vehicle

1X aav-7a1: 50,000 silver coins

1x The Arctic Cat Wildcat 4 1000 based on Plasan Yagu: 50,000 silvers ~


"The system will never change"

As usual, the system tells me nothing about these vehicles. There isn't even a picture next to the vehicle's name.

It will complicate everything. I'm going to have to buy the whole thing to find out what it is.

But it's expensive and I don't know where to store these things.

If I can store them in my inventory or the system, then the problem is solved but I will be surprised.

Anyway, now let's check out the air vehicles.

~Air vehicle

1x Sikorsky CH-63K King Stallion: 100,000 silver coins

1x Beriev Be-6: 55,000 silvers~

Still no information. I'm going to have to take big risks.

"Next "

~Nautical vehicle

1xLCS-2: 500,000 silver coins

1x Seacraft DPC: 10,000 silvers ~

"Two vehicles each time "

I think the best vehicle to buy is the LCS-2.

It is the most expensive so there is a good chance that it will be large and can store other vehicles.

But I'm missing more than 200,000 silvers.

It might take me a month or more before I buy it.

If I want to have a fast progression, I have to buy either an air vehicle or a water vehicle.

We can forget land vehicles because I am in the open sea or ocean.

I also have to buy something that is not very expensive because my main lens is the LCS-2.

So, I have only the Beriev Be-6 left.

Not expensive so if it is a fail, it does not matter. it is also aerial and I think the system will not give me a useless vehicle.

Well, I have my choice.

But before that, I have to walk away. I am in the middle of sunken ship and floating body.

With this thought, I jump into the water and walk away from this cemetery.

____Time Jump____

Well, after this swim, I open my system and head to the Beriev Be-6.

"Waits. I have to find an island before I buy it and spawn it"

Looking around, I find nothing but water.

"Never mind. It's only 50,000 silvers. "

~1x Beriev Be-6 for 55,000 silver. Confirm? ~

"To confirm"

~Please discard the smoke to begin delivery~

"Smoke? What smoker? The system must have given me the smoke bomb in my inventory "

When I open my inventory, I notice the so-called smoke bomb.

I take it out and waste no time before unpinning it and throwing it in the water.

~ Location of delivery identify and confirm. The Beriev Be-6 is approaching for water landing. Wait ~

"It's my lucky day. This plane must be a seaplane. The system will never let me down"

With the end of that thought, I hear the engines of my plane in the distance.

Looking in the direction of the noise and waiting a few seconds, I see a seaplane that easily reaches a width of 20 meters and a length of 30 meters.

After the plane circles above me, it begins to descend towards the water.

After a while, it finally hits the water and it stops right in front of me, exactly where I threw the smoke bomb.

Thinking about it, it was very dangerous for me to stay there. I could have died.


Now that I get a closer look, I notice that the seaplane's paint is blue.

Specifically, the bottom of the device is sky blue like the sky, the top and sides are dark blue like water.

"The camouflage is perfect"

With these colors, it will be difficult to see me if I am above them, below them or when I am on the water.

"I bought something much more used than I expected "

After admiring my plane for a few minutes, I finally decide to go inside.

To do this, there are 3 doors in front of me.

One at the front, another in the middle and the last one is at the end of the plane.

I shouldn't have too much trouble managing to open the doors and get inside the plane.

Here, after some effort, I am inside.

Inside the seaplane, there is not much.

There are just the gun stations and the cockpit.

Otherwise, there is nothing else.


Well, how do you fly this plane? I don't have a manual and I don't have the knowledge for that.

The system isn't stupid so there is a way for me to buy something that will give me the knowledge to fly it.

Looking at my system, more specifically in the "vehicle" tab, I don't see anything that can help me.

And when I go back to air vehicles, nothing has changed apart from the fact that I can't buy a second Beriev BE-6.


Out of curiosity I click on the Beriev BE-6

~Beriev BE-6

Improvement :

-Wopen WJ-6 turboprops: 45,000 silvers

- MAD pole: 25,000 silvers

-Universal communication interceptor: 10,000 silvers

- Automation of turrets: 30,000 silvers

-Fuselage upgrade: 10,000 silvers

- Wing upgrade: 10,000 silvers


- Rocket basket: 5,000 silvers

-4 Torpedoes 450 mm 45-36MAN: 10,000 silvers

-8 FAB-1500M-46 bombs of 1,500 kg: 15,000 silvers

Various :

-Ammunition for 23 mm NR-23 cannon: 500 silvers

-Fuel: 1,000 silvers

-Oil: 1,000 silvers

-Water: 1,000 silvers

- Beriev BE-6 manual: free ~

"I knew it"

I can upgrade the seaplane and refuel it.

I also see that the manual is free. The system is generous today.

By doing a quick mental calculation, I arrive at the sum of 160,000 silvers if I want to take it all. Finally, I did not take into account the refueling and the rocket basket because the plane must already be full and the rockets will be useless.

I don't know if I am improving everything.

It was not in my initial plan but as they say, no plan for surviving the first shots.

If I upgrade, I could easily get back the amount I spent but chances are I lose it all.

My plane can be shot down by magic or a flying creature.

"What to do ?"




~ Wopen WJ-6 turboprops,..., 8 FAB-1500M-46 bombs of 1,500 kg for 160,000 silvers, confirm?~

"To confirm "

I made my decision, I take the risk of improving it. I want to progress faster in order to have my base.

But above all, I want to unleash hell on everything that moves. I just have to find a large concentration of these nefarious beings.

"I can't wait to be there hehehe"

Finally, back to our plane.

After confirming my purchase, nothing happened.

At first, I thought I was ripped off then I thought about looking in my inventory to see if I have any smoke bombs.

Once inside, I see a smoke bomb that was not there before.

And like before, I took it out and threw it outside.

And like the last time, a message came to tell me that my package was on its way.

"I do not like it "

And for good reason, if it does not improve on its own and the improvements are delivered to me, it is because it is up to me to install them.

After a while, I hear the noise of an airplane engine again.

And when I look in the direction, I see a cargo plane high in the sky.

Right after spotting it, the plane throws something.

This thing, which I guess is my package, deploys a parachute after a few seconds of free fall.

After a few minutes, my package touches the water and floats.

~Proposal: Since this is your first delivery, the system offers you the installation of all your upgrades and weapons for 20,000 silvers. To confirm ?


He got me good. I have to spend 20,000 more just for the installation and moreover, in the future, it will be more expensive.

I thought the system will do it for free but no.

In short, there's no point in complaining. The system won.

"To confirm"

After confirming, I see different parts stolen and settling on the plane on their own.

After only a few minutes, the seaplane is completely renewed.

"At least it's effective"

Now, instead of nothing, there is deferred equipment that I have never seen.

Behind the turrets, there are mechanisms, which in my opinion, control the submachine guns on their own.

The cockpit has changed a bit.

And that's it for the visual changes.

"Good, time to get my new toy off the ground"

I open my system to get the only free thing I've seen, which is the manual for the Beriev BE-6.

As soon as I see it, I "bought" it.

After picking it up, I feel like my head is going to explode.

The pain goes away after a few minutes. After that, I know how to control the seaplane from A-Z.

I know how to use intelligence systems, turrets and all the other things.

I head to the cockpit to settle in and take off.

As soon as I sit on the seat, I look at the buttons, levers.

"I know what every thing does. The manuals are extremely practical"

Time to take off.

I push the throttles a to the maximum, I put the flaps in take-off and I wait for the seaplane to gain enough speed to pivot.

After reaching 150 km/h, I pull my sleeve.

After that, the plane turns and takes off.

After gaining altitude, I push the lift to level the plane.

I enter the twirls and I decrease the gauzes.

Well, that wasn't very hard.

According to my instruments, I am 1,000 meters above sea level.

At this distance, I see quite well what is on the ground or rather water.

The creatures can see me too, but it will be too late.

They will already be bombarded.


"I can't wait to be there"