Chapter 17

"...." Think

«....» Speak


POV Hécate:

I took this direction completely by chance. I just hope there is something in that direction.

I look outside and the controls one last time before going into my system.

I'm level 25 so I had to unlock some new weapons and gear that I didn't notice.

~ Army System

Name: Hecate Smith

Age: 17

Code Name: Nightmare

Levels 25: 13,750/70,000

Silver:4.680 silvers

Quest in progress: none selected



Quest list

Fighting method

Vehicle ~

"Silver is going to be a problem "

Indeed, I have almost no more silver. All my purchases and upgrades took all my silvers.

I absolutely have to find something to restock before I run out of money.

Come to think of it, I haven't sold the equipment of my last victims. That's stupid of me. I wanted to improve so much that I forgot to do it.

In short, it's not the end of the world.

Let's look at my new articles instead.


-1x Barrett M82: 10,000 silvers

-30x.50 bmg:750 silvers

-1x Tablet: 1,000 silvers

-1xTalky Walky:500 silvers

-1x Holster rigid for thigh right:500 silvers

-1x Holster rigid for thigh left500 silvers

-1x belt tactical black:125 silvers

-1x Holster rigid for belt right:500 silvers

-1x Holster rigid for belt: 500 silvers ~

"An antimatter rifle, a good thing"

If I come across an enemy where my bullets don't penetrate their armor, then the Barrett will.

I also see that I have unlocked a tablet.

It must surely serve me as a map, compass or something else.

And finally, there are holsters. It would have been extremely practical in the past. But I'm not going to complain.

Finally, I can't buy anything since I have no more silvers.

Alright, let's get back to flying.

____Time Jump____

After 1 hour of flight to the East, I saw a boat. This boat was much smaller than the ones I sank. It looks more like fishing boats than warships.

If an aquatic creature crosses their path, I bet the creature wins.

In short, I go my way, it is not worth the cost.

But the further east I go, the more I see this kind of boat.

I easily saw 20 fishing boats.

"More and more boats? It means that I am getting closer to a target "

I'm pretty sure there's a port near me. I just have to keep flying in this direction…


Just in front of me is a port.

At first glance, it is very big so that means it is a prosperous city.

And if a city is prosperous, the more people there are.

"Finally, I will be able to recover silvers "

But before I bomb the city, I'm going to do a few laps of it. I would like to retrieve information about their technological, military, economic advances and also see their magical power.

Well, once over the city, I block the plane's control panel in order to turn the plane over the city.

Once done, I head to the post where we aim and drop the bombs.

It's just below the cockpit and to get to it, I have to lie down.

Once done, I use the viewfinder to observe below.

What I see is really a prosperous city.

All the houses are made either of stone or of brick. There are just the houses located at the ends which are made of wood.

The whole is surrounded by wide and high stone walls.

I see that to enter the city, there are 3 checkpoints.

One to the east, another to the south and the last to the north.

I also see a lot of people dressing up as guards controlling the port.

I imagine they controls the goods, contraband and other things that are illegal in this world.

I can also say that this city has military power.

Indeed, there are 4 military barracks. I know this because there are people who train in swordsmanship, archery and a little magic.

After observing their training for a few seconds, I return my attention to the port.

I find the port to be quite odd.

In the port, there are almost only fishing boats.

I can count only 3 boats that are big enough to go out to sea. Moreover, I don't see any armament on the boats. I would have expected catapults, ballistae or other siege engines but nothing.

They must surely be walking boats but why so few? And why did I encounter bandit ships every time?

The explanation is either that the bandits are too strong, or only the bandits are brave enough to go to sea.

But personally, I think the second option is the right one. The people here must be chickens. If the bandits manage to navigate the sea, then why not them?

Finally, let's move on, it's useless to dwell on wimps.

I was about to stop watching and go back to the cockpit to see the fuel level but above all to make a passage to recover some silvers, but something caught my attention.

Where the tallest building in this city is, I see a strange blue light.

Looking at myself more, I see that it is a fight between a magician and a warrior.

One casts blue spells and the other tries to dodge and hit his opponent with his sword.

The magician takes a lot of risk by not moving an inch. The warrior dodges the spells and advances little by little. If it continues like this, the warrior will win.

And as I said, after a few minutes of fierce fighting, the warrior is close enough to the magician to slice him into slices.

But before things got exciting, guards stepped in to stop the fight.


Well, I hadn't noticed but according to people leaving and returning, the largest building is in fact a guild. I thought it was the town hall or the house of a noble or lord.

Each adventurer is not like the others. They are all unique.

"It complicates things "

If I think that it is that in the future, I had planned to learn the classification of armor, weapon, system, style of combat and so on. I wanted to know everything in order to have the best way to fight these adventurers but there is too much information to remember.

Just like their system, their equipment and maybe even their fighting style are unique.

"We will see that in the future "

Before leaving this position and going to the cockpit, I check that I have not missed anything.

And I did well to check.

From the commotion of the people, the commotion of the guards, the faces turning towards me and their fingers pointing at me, I conclude that I have been spotted.

My camouflage has reached its limits.

I hurry out and go to the controls in order to react to their next move.

Once I get to the cockpit, I sit down and check the sky for any creatures or objects that could damage the plane.


I see a griffin and a drake trying to intercept me to my left.

I pushed the throttle stick all the way.

After this action, I feel the seaplane gaining speed quite quickly. After reaching 500 km/h, I reduce the gas.

I think with this speed, the interception was avoided.

And as I thought, I no longer see the creatures.

As I allow myself to relax a bit, I see a dome forming around the city.

"What is th...?!"

I don't even have time to be surprised that I see a red light heading dangerously towards me.


I push the gas lever to the maximum, and I push the stick hard left.

This has the effect of turning sharply to the left.

As soon as the plane started to turn, I saw the spell that was sent to me just pass in front of me.


With always the gauzes at the maximum, I move away from the city.

After having travelled 20 kilometres, I do a 180° with the plane.

In the direction of the city, I block the stick to go straight and go to where we drop the bombs.

Once installed, I wait patiently for the city to be in my sights, my dropping the bombs.

After a few seconds, the city is in my sights.

"Let's see if your dome can withstand this!"

I press the bomb button to drop 4 bombs on them.

I am now waiting for the bombs to hit and blow everything up.

But the expected result never came.

The bombs did explode but, on the dome, and not on the city.

"SHIT! Damn dome "

I head to the cockpit to make another pass, but the fuel level is too low.

So, with a lot of anger, I change the direction of the plane towards the sea.

"If they think they will never see me again, they are seriously mistaken "

______Jump in time_______

Princess POV:

« Hello Arai Miwa » I say with respect

« Hello Princess » she replied.

Arai Miwa, a siege mage. She is the strongest siege mage in the Aquaswords guild. She has a lot of influence in the kingdom. Some people even say that she is the one who leads the guild.

However, she is not that old. She is 30 years old. She has long blond hair, she must be 1.75 meters tall for 60 kg. She has sea blue eyes and a small nose. Finally, his face is oval.

« You called me after an incident that happened in town, right? »

« Yes, that's right »

"Well, can you all tell me?" I asked curiously

« Yes of course. Before this happened, I was in the Aquaswords guild. I was helping the guild master with all the paperwork. That's until a guild employee walks into the room. The employee informed us that there is something flying high in the sky. He also told us that this thing had been circling the city for some time. »

« Sorry to interrupt you but do you know what time it was? » I interrupted

« It must have been 5 p.m.," replied Arai Miwa.

"Good, you can continue"

"After what the employer told us, the guild master and I went outside to see what this thing was. Once out, we looked in the sky, but we saw nothing. We were expecting a lot that I never heard but nothing in the sky. It was until this thing went under a cloud that we saw it. » »

« Can you describe it? »

« It looks like a bird but much bigger. It was also not flapping its wings. The buzz was coming from him, and it was sky blue, the same color as the sky »

« Alright, so what did you do? » I asked

« After a few seconds of watching, the guards were shouting for everyone to take cover. The guild master sent two of his best adventurers with a taming system. And shortly after the adventurers left to intercept this thing, the city's protective dome was activated. I patiently waited for the tamers to catch this thing, but it started accelerating really fast. In the end, the adventurers could not catch up with him. Of course, being the best siege mage in the guild, I had to do something. So, I cast a spell that would be able to touch this thing and destroy it. But it avoided »

« What did it do next? »

« It left and came back a few minutes later. This time it attacked us. There were 4 explosions on the dome. Luckily the dome held. But the weird thing is that I didn't see any magic coming out of that thing, so I don't know how it did those attacks. After attacking, it set off towards the sea. »

« At sea ?! » I asked in great astonishment

« Yeah, that thing probably came from there. It must be extremely dangerous. » she confirmed

« Okay, is that all? »

« Yes, that's all »

« Very well, thank you. I'll leave then »

After thanking, I started to get up but was stopped by Arai Miwa.

« Wait, I have something for you, » she exclaimed before handing me a painting.

« Here is a painting that an artist made. She represents that thing that attacked us » she said

As she said, the painting depicts, for lack of words, a large, sky-blue bird. And if Arai's words are true, then the wings don't move.

« Thank you, Arai Miwa. I will leave now. Goodbye » I greeted

« Thank you very much for coming. Goodbye »

Once outside, I can think freely.

If his testimony is true, then we have a big problem. A creature where you can't spot it with your magic is an almost invisible creature. Plus, there's this camouflage that I've never seen.

"Well, the only way to verify them is to go to sea"

Finally, it is easier said than done because the high seas are an extremely dangerous place where only the craziest bandits venture there.

"I'm going to have to pretend to be a bandit then. "


"I hate this job sometime "