Chapter 18

« ….. » Speak

"..." Think


POV Hécate

"I swear"

After getting attacked, wasting 4 bombs, smoking my revenge and out of fuel, now I have to land in rough seas.

This day is getting better and better.

If I land with this sea, I'm sure my seaplane will sink.

I need to find an island where I can park my plane. But the big problem is that I don't have much fuel left.

I will soon fall like a stone in water. I need an island fast

"Come on, just a little island "

And just with that thought, I finally see an island right in front of me. It's small but it should do the trick.

Now I just dare to land with this choppy sea and the day will finally be over.

I reduce the speed, I put the flaps in landing mode, and I descend little by little towards the sea.

After only a few seconds, I touch the water but just for a moment. The next moment I touch the sea again to bounce again.

The plane bounced on the sea until it lost enough speed.

"A good thing done"

Now I reduce the speed again. Engines run as low as they can.

I turn the plane in the direction of the island I spotted and sail towards it.

After 1 minute of navigation and shaking, I finally touch the island but the plane is not on it yet.

I push the throttle stick / The engines roar and the plane crawls on the sand.

As soon as the plane is close enough to the island to prevent it from drifting, I cut the engines.

I look at my watch and see that it's 7 p.m.

I still have to do my training, eat and check if the island is safe before I can go to sleep.

"The faster it's done, the more votes it's over"

With this thought, I get out of the plane, I take out my P90 and start my rounds to see if there is any danger.

______Time Jump______

"Why do I need to sleep?"

I had a terrible night. Finally, like every other night

Anyway next.

Today is going to be an exhausting day.

After having lunch and doing my exercises, I have to refuel the plane without the help of the system.

Thinking about it, I'm not hungry so I'm going straight to my exercises.

While doing my exercises, I think about how to refuel the plane.

I have to put fuel but also put 4 bombs.

For the fuel, I have my own idea but as far as the bombs are concerned, I have absolutely no idea how to do it.

These are 1,500 kg bombs. It is impossible to lift them high enough to hang them on the wings of the plane. Especially since the wings of my seaplane are higher than other planes.

I could verify that the system sells equipment to do maintenance.

Hopefully there will be a jack or something to help me with the task.

Or I can ask the system to do it for me.

The problem is that I don't have many silvers left. If I buy the fuel and 4 bombs, I only have 5,250 silvers left. Is this enough for installation? I also have to eat and drink so it must be cheaper than 5,000 silvers.

Apart from these two options, I don't see any other way to do it.

Finally, I will see when the time comes. For now, I have to focus on my physical exercises

______Time Jump______

~Fuel, 4x FAB-1500M-46 1,500 kg bombs for 8,500 silvers. Confirm ~

"To confirm"

I now have more than 5,680 silvers. I absolutely have to find something to collect silvers otherwise I'm heading towards disaster.

I open my system, go to inventory to take the smoke bomb to call my supply >.

Once done, I unpin and throw the smoke bomb near the plane.

One thing I've noticed during the deliveries is that they come right where I threw the smoke. It's very useful.

After a few minutes, the package touches the sand of the island.

The package is composed of 2 bombs at the base, the tank which must contain the fuel just to be quoted and finally, the last two bombs are on the 2 bombs of the base. All are well hung by straps.

~Proposal, installation and supply for 2,125 silvers. Confirmed? ~


And like last time, all my purchases have been installed.

As for the price, it was cheaper than expected. Good, I won't complain.

Now that it's over, I can resume my exploration. I'm going to head north this time. I don't want to see that dome for a while.

With my plan finished, I climb back into my plane and settle into the cockpit.

Once done, I turn on the plane. After a few moments, the engines roar and the seaplane is ready to start.

I pull the gauze lever towards me to roll the plane back.

The engines give all their powers which can reverse and their efforts are rewarded.

The plane backed up slowly but surely.

Once the plane is completely in the water, I begin to turn the plane to the north. Once turned in the right direction, I put the flaps in takeoff mode, I push the throttle stick to the maximum and wait for the moment when I will have to do the rotation (trim the stick to take off).

After gaining sufficient speed, I pulled the stick and the plane took off.

Once in the air, I retract the flaps and check that I am heading north.

Once done, I can all rest while looking at all signs of human life.


Princess POV:

It didn't take me many days to be part of a brigand crew.

It's quite weird because last time I had to pretend to be a bandit for 1 whole month before I could have the opportunity to join a ship's crew.

They only take bandits who have done unforgivable things. They do this because these people have nothing left to lose. If caught, they will spend the rest of their lives in prison. So betrayals at home are nil or almost nil

But the fact that ship captains recruit underage bandits confirms the fact that there is something going on at sea.

Now I am currently on bandit island.

Basically, it would have taken me several days to get there, but I slipped away from my boat where I was initially and came directly here with my griffin.

Hehehe, I knew the location of this secret island thanks to my last mission to carry out among the brigands

Why did you join a crew then? Because when you join a crew, you receive a card, a pass to be precise. If you don't have it and you get caught without it, you get killed straight away. And of course, impossible to falsify it.

Finally, the island has not changed an inch.

The smell of alcohol, unconscious people, fights, the sounds of women moaning and so on.

This place is a paradise for all people who love to party and fight but personally I think this place looks like the last place I want to end up.

While walking in the city, I notice that many girls are approached or harassed.

Personally, no one tries to come and flirt with me because I always wear my uniform. No one can see my face, let alone my chest.

Continuing, I notice 3 people shouted, clinging to passers-by. In short, they were all trying to get attention.

Pickpockets or witnesses of this bird?

Only one way to find out is to go there.

By getting closer to these people, I begin to understand their words.

They were talking about a demon capable of destroying a fleet of ships without anyone noticing, who has no mercy and who can paralyze any man with fear.

It's not my bird but it may be related.

« YOU, RUN BEFORE THE DEMON COME TO KILL US ALL » the man shouted in despair.

The man in between the other two spoke to me or everyone.

I looked at him in confusion.

He looked at me insistently.

I look right then left.

Finally, I showed myself.


« SHUT UP OLD CRAZY » shouted a man in the crowd



« Yeah and my mother is the queen of Nitis » Someone said

« YOU WILL SEE. WHEN IT COMES, I WILL WATCH YOU ALL DIE! » shouted the crazy man.

It's an interesting lead. According to the comments of others, this demon does indeed exist but its power is discussed. I will have to dig this track.


"What is that noise ?"

« What is that thing ! » someone shouted all pointing at something in the sky.

Looking at what he is pointing to, I see the bird I was looking for.




Two huge explosions occurred. And as said by Arai Miwa, there is no trace of magic.

Looking at the bird, I see that it turns further. It will surely come back to make another explosion.

I absolutely have to see how it does it, but how.

I am lost in my thoughts until someone jostles me and almost knocks me to the ground.

That's when I realize it's panic.

People are screaming, shoving, trying to fight back, crying,...


There were four other explosions. They were very close to me. I even have debris on me.

That's when I realized that if I don't want to die, I have to run.

So, I turned to the forest that is in the north of the island and I ran.


As soon as I am at the edge of the forest, I hear two more explosions.

As I turn towards the city, I see flying debris, flames in the sky and inert bodies.

"I don't have to stay here"

I turn around and run into the forest towards my griffin.

After a few minutes of running, I finally see my griffin who is as panicked as me.

Without wasting any more time, I jump on his saddle and make him take off.

Once in the air, I watch the mess that is happening in the city.

One thing is certain, it is that this city will be impossible to rebuild.

More than half of the buildings are destroyed and the rest are on fire.

Bodies run along the streets, people running everywhere and others trying to shoot the bird.

Speaking of that thing, it makes another pass but this time, much closer to the ground and more importantly slower than before.


As soon as it flies over the island, noises that I have never heard resounded.

The noises were coming from the bird. And when we look at it, we see flashes of light coming out of the muzzle and tail. We can also see all the people who were in the city falling one by one.

And once the bird has flown over all the island, it passes again and the same noise and result occurs.

He does this again two more times. The result of this maneuver is that no one lives.

During the whole massacre, I observed the bird and one thing is certain, it does not use magic. This thing is a whole new type of A-class creatures or maybe higher.

I can't fight this monster, the only solution I have is to run away.

I'm going to find an island to rest on. Once done, I would go directly to inform the king, finally my father so that he makes arrangements to bring this thing down.

With this plan in mind, I direct my griffin in search of an island while being as discreet as possible.

During this process, I imagined what would happen if the port city of Porto did not have its dome to protect it.

This thought alone sends shivers down my spine.