Chapter 19

" …" Think

« … » Speak


POV Hécate :


"I bet on the right horse "

I am currently walking on the rubble of the ancient city.

There is only one building left standing but the rest is only debris and flame.

In the debris, we can see corpses burned or, if they are lucky, intact.

But in the end, nothing changes, they are still dead

Anything here is dead.

Finally, as I said, there is just one building still standing.

And I am right in front of him.

The building is quite large in itself. Its base and part of the wall is made of stone. The rest is wood. To enter, one must pass through two large wooden doors. But if you want to play it discreet, the two large windows which are on each side of the door to serve as an entrance. And finally, the roof is a tiled roof.

In short, it is a house that dates from the Middle Ages.

A house that has just withstood a rain of bombs and a storm of fire.

No damage can be seen. No holes in the wooden walls, no markers on the stones, nothing.

Even the fire did nothing to him and yet, many houses burned down right next to him.

Either it was very lucky or magic was involved.

And if you ask me, it reeks of magic.

And the boundary on the ground between the burned part and the intact part is a circle. Which only reinforces my premonition.

Another feeling I have is that not everyone is dead.

If a building is intact, then there is a good chance that people have taken refuge in it.

There is also for magic to be involved, there has to be someone in charge. And I think the person in charge is not going to protect this building if he is not precisely inside.

So, I equip myself with my tactical vest adjusted for the Scar. I also pull out my assault rifle. I check that everyone is there, my grenades, my magazines, my smokes.

As soon as I checked, I slowly walk towards the building while pointing my gun at my destination.

I do not go directly to the front door but to the window which is just to the left of it.

Once there, I hide to the left of the window and wait.

I'm waiting to see if I've been spotted. I am also waiting for any information that can reach me such as noise, people talking and so on.

After 2 minutes of waiting, nothing happens. No noise or attack.

"I need a mirror"

If I had a mirror, I could have looked at what's inside while being safe, but without it, I'm going to have to take risks.

I step back a little from the wall and lean a little to see inside.

On the other side of the window, there is a small room where just a desk governs.

The whole room is a mess. Papers scatter everywhere, whether on the floor or on the desk. The office chair is knocked over and if I look closely, it's missing a leg.

Otherwise, there is nothing else on the other side of the window.

It's good news.

Now I just have to open the window and go inside.

But when I try to push the window open, it doesn't move.


I can't waste time quietly opening a door and I'm not a locksmith.

So I'm going to do what I know best, blow it all up.

I pull out two grenades from my tactical vest.

I lay one on the window frame and the other is still in my hand.

I unpin the two grenades and the one that was left in my hands, I throw it to the right of the building.

Once done, I take shelter behind the left wall of the building.


As soon as the two grenades have exploded, I waste no time and jump inside the room where the window was.

Once inside, I point the front door of the room with my weapon waiting for any hostile action.

But the only things that come are sounds of panic and crying.

They're confused, it's time to strike.

I approach the door while pulling my last grenade from my pockets.

As soon as I'm at the door, I unpin, open the door a crack and throw the grenade.

« What is this ! » Obviously a grown man shouted.


After the explosion, I slam the door open with a kick and start firing with my gun.

After emptying an entire magazine, I hide next to the door, break down and reload.

Once reloaded, I listen to see if there are still people alive.


After 20 seconds of not hearing anything, I take the risk of looking while leaning.

Apart some corpses and debris scatter everywhere, there is nothing.

My attack was fast and efficient but I can't delay. I still have to secure the other rooms in the house before I do anything else.

And with that, I check the entire building but nothing to report.

Everyone had to be in the same place.

Great, it made my job easier.

But it's still a shame that everyone is dead. I will never know how this building managed to withstand the hell I poured out.

Now I can make my next move.

I don't like to do things by halves so when a building is still standing, I have to destroy it. And I have a plan to destroy it.

My plan is simple. Blow up the roof with a grenade. Then call a bomb supply just below the hole.

And once land, detonate it with another grenade. Of course, I would have walked away before I blew everything up.

And here is my plan, simple and effective.

Without wasting a second, I put my plan into action.


_____Time Jump_____



"My plan worked perfectly"

The house that had managed to resist my bombs is now only debris.

With this satisfaction, I head for the sea, where I dropped off my seaplane.

As I walked, I watched my system to see all the changes.


Army System

Name: Hecate Smith

Age: 17

Code Name: Nightmare

Levels 35: max

Silver: 2,747,480 silvers

Quest in progress: none selected



Quest list

Fighting method



"I'm level max and a millionaire"

My purchase is finally profitable.

Now, with all this money, I will be able to buy my LCS-2 and surely improve it directly.

The problem is where am I going to put my plane during this time?

I do not want to explode it but even less to abandon it.

And I can't sell it. So, what to do?



I will see later.

For now, let's take a look at what I have new in store.



1xFNH M249 SAW Para: 12,500 silvers

1x Magazine of FNH M249: 1,000 silvers

1x Tactical Hornet G3 TS Blades: 500 silvers

1x Tactical HuntsMan G3 TS Blades: 500 silvers

1x Tomahawk Battle Axe: 500 silvers

1x Tomahawk Battle Axe: 500 silvers

1x Tactical Cases HuntsMan G3 TS Blades: 500 silvers

1x Tactical Hornet G3 TS Blades: 500 silvers

1x M2 machine gun (Ma Deuce): 15,000 silvers

1x Magazine of M2 machine gun (Ma Deuce): 2,500 silvers

1x T-11 Parachute: 2,500 silvers

1x gas mask mf-14: 1,000 silvers

1x Filter for mf-14: 500 silvers


Two new submachine guns. One is light and the other one is heavy.

I also see that the system knows that I like knives.

I feel like I'm going to buy a lot.

And finally, a gas mask and a parachute.

If I have to use one of them, I have a big problem.

"Well, I'll make my purchases when I'm settled. For now, back to my plane. "

But, before I closed my system, I remembered that I am level 35 and that, logically, I should have unlocked the base function but I did not see anything like that.

So I went to the quest function to see what's going on.


Quest list

-Reach level 35: 35/35:

Reward: Unlock the base function

Success: Claim it!

-Find an ally: 0/1

Reward: 1,000,000 silvers

-Destroy the bandit base

Reward: Global message

Success: Claim it!

kill all bandit on sea

Reward: Admiral


"There, I'm confused. Now, shall I claim my reward? Or is it just exceptional? "

While confused, I claim my reward for reaching level 35.




You have reached the maximum level of the system! But make no mistake! This is just the real beginning of this system.

Now you can build your own base wherever you want. The system will adapt to the terrain you have chosen.

But beware, only one base can be built! You will be able to build outposts, but they will be very limited in terms of choice.

And finally, to build some buildings, you will have to build other buildings first.

I'll leave it to you to discover the rest for yourself!

See you later!

-The system


"I see. Serious things are finally starting. How I can't wait "