Chapter 20

" …" Think

« … » Speak


POV Hécate :


Back in my seaplane, I thought about what I should do now.

I would like to buy my LCS-2 but what am I going to do with my plane?

I can't give it up. If someone finds it and by some miracle, knows how it work it, I'm in big trouble. I don't want my ship to be sunk with torpedoes.

And I can't even imagine people taking my plane apart to figure out how it works. This is the worst scenario that can happen.

I also don't want to destroy it. The seaplane cost me dearly in terms of upgrades. And it can still be useful to me in the future as a patrol plane or as a bomber.

So, what to do?




"Too bad for the LCS-2. I will buy it when I have a base where I can store my aircraft. "

This question answered, I can lean for the other question.

The answer to this question will determine the rest of my life.

The question is: Where do I make my base?

I do it on a small island or a big island or an underground base or I do a base on the main continent.

It all depends on what attitude I adopt.

If I'm aggressive, I'll make a base on the mainland so it's easier to attack the worlds.

But if I adopt a defensive attitude, I will go to a small island. It's easier to defend a small area and the enemy won't be able to deploy their entire army.

So, before choosing where I will build my base, I must first choose my attitude.

And as far as my attitude goes, I would like to lay low.

During the last days, I made a lot of attack and I am sure that the King, who executed me, heard about my attacks. And I'm also sure he's not going to do anything to stop me since I attacked a city.

So it's only a matter of time before he sends his army or worse, his saviours to eliminate me. And given the results obtained with the attack on the port city, I do not know how to destroy them with their magic.

It would be a horrifying sight if the saviours moved little by little towards me without my being able to do anything.

So that's why I want to be discreet.

Now, with this answer, I can decide where to settle.

And quite naturally, since I want to be as discreet as possible, I will build my base underground.

But where underground? Am I going to build it on the mainland or on an island?

On the mainland, I would have more space but, on an island, I will be easier for defend.

There is also the question that if I move to the mainland, where am I going to put my ship and plane?

They will be directly identified and destroyed. But I have the same problem with the island.

The only solution I see is to settle in a cliff at the edge of the water.

I could store my seaplane and my boat out of sight.

Now that I know where to build my base, all I need to do is find the place.

With my objective clearly defined, I settle into the cockpit and start the engines.

After a while, the engines roar telling me they are ready for take-off.

After finishing the check-up, I push thrust lever to the maximum.

Once the speed of the seaplane is sufficient, I pull the stick towards me in order to make the plane take off.

Once in the air, I lower the speed and retract the flaps.

"Which direction to take? "

I went there to the North and to the West but, in my memories, I did not find a good place to build my base.

So, I still have the East and the South but which one to take?




Go South because there is a good chance that I will only find water in the East since in the West is the continent.


_____45 minutes later_____



Since I was looking for a perfect place to set up my base, I couldn't find any plot of land.

Just water as far as the eye can see.

If it continues like this, I will have to land to refuel.

And I'm starting to be tire. If I land, I'm sure to stop the search for today.

And for finish, the sun begins to set. It's going to be hard to find the perfect location if I don't see anything.

So, with all these problems, I keep looking for another 10 minutes and if I can't find anything, I give up for today and will start searching again tomorrow.

While I was complaining about my problems, a huge mountain came into my vision.

"Finally… "

Given my height of flight which is 1,000 meters high, the mountain must easily be 2 kilometres high.

I must be careful if I don't want to crash.

To avoid collision with the mountain, I turn the plane to the right.

Once done, I try to block the stick so that the plane turns around the mountain without my help.

As soon as I manage to block it, I go down to the aiming station in order to analyze the base of the mountain.

Once installed, the first thing I see is that the base of the mountain is in the water.

The second thing I notice is that there is no vegetation. Everything is just rock.

After a moment of observation, I realize that the mountain is quite large. It should easily be 4-5 kilometres long.

There is no longer a large cliff missing and it is perfect….



"I find it"

I found where I will make my base.

There, just below me, a cliff. It is very tall and very wide. I am sure that my ship ,which I have never seen, will be able to enter it. At last, after I made a hole in the cliff otherwise the boat will sink.

But beware, that's not all!

Around the cliff, there are 4 rock pillars sticking out of the water. Which makes a cove.

It's perfect for my boats but as far as planes are concerned, I would find a way to get them off the ground later.

Well, now that I have found the perfect position for my base, I just have to build it now...

"Wait, what is this thing? "

There, in the cove, is a creature.

This creature is huge and looks a lot like an octopus.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who likes this place"

This creature found this place first, but I will kill it and conquer this position.

With my new enemy confirmed, I leave the station where I was and head into the cockpit.

Once arrived, I unlock the handle and start to move away in order to make a passage. I also take the opportunity to bring the plane down close enough to the sea to drop the torpedoes.

Once far enough away, I do a 180° with the plane and head straight for the beast. I am careful not to touch a stone pillar.

Once I get past the pillars, I drop all my torpedoes on that octopus and pull the stick so the plane climbs high enough that the creature doesn't hit me.

As soon as the seaplane passes the cove, I have the plane circle around the creature to see if it has been killed.

And as soon as I see the octopus, I can say that it is indeed dead.

You can't even tell it was an octopus anymore.

"Quickly done ,well done"

Now that the previous owner is dead, this place is mine. I can finally start building my base but I have to hurry because the sun is about to set.

So, I hurry to land the seaplane next to the pillars of the cove.

As soon as the plane has landed, I move it slowly inside the cove.

Once the plane is in front of the cliff where I want to build, I cut the engines and leave the cockpit.

I walk to the exit door of the plane and open it.

Once done, I put on my diving gear and jump into the water without even checking if there are no other creatures.

Once in the water, I swim towards the end of the wing, where there is a float. I'm going to use the float to get on the wing of the plane. Beyond that, it would be easier for me to build the base.

As soon as I'm on the plane, I open my system to start the serious things.


Army System

-Name: Hecate Smith

-Age: 17

-Code Name: Nightmare

-Levels 35: max

-Silver: 2,747,480 silvers

-Quest in progress: none selected



-Quest list

-Fighting method




I see my money increasing. It must be the creature I killed.

Anyway, I select the base function.



Select the location of your future base


As the system asks me, I select the cliff as the location of my future base.



Base location: Cliff, confirm?


"To confirm"



-Base Status: Control Center Required

- Base location: beacon required



"I see"

If I want to use one of these functions, I must first have built what the system asks me to do.

But for the moment, there is only the construction function that interests me. So, without wasting time, I select it.




-x1 Gate: 500,000 silvers

-1x Port: 1,000,000 silvers

-1x Tidal turbine: 100,000 silvers


Oh, the system helps me. It's new.

But I find his suggestion useful.

So, I'm going to take all of them and even a little more.


-1x Gate, 1x Port, 5x Tidal turbines for 2,000,000 silvers, confirm?



As soon as I confirmed, a tab opened on its own. This tab showed me the cliff and the mountain in 3D.

In addition, on the side, it was all my purchases.

I quickly understood that this tab was used to build my base.

So, I selected the gate, which by the way is gigantic, and put it in the middle of the cliff.

The system showed me that the door was touching the ground and that the door will be emerged from 6 meters.

After, I selected the port that I put just behind the door.

The port is very tall but not as wide. I think I could just put my seaplane and my boat but no more. I should install more port in the future but for now it will be enough.

And finally, I select all the tidal turbines and I position them between each pillar.

Once finished, I confirm my locations but as usual, nothing happens.

I know straight away that I have to go to my inventory.

And as soon as I went there, I saw a smoke bomb that wasn't there.

So I unpinned it and threw it in the water.


Location of delivery identify and confirm. Material delivery is on the way. Wait


Shortly after, several cargo planes and transport helicopters arrived.

The planes dropped their packages and the helicopters deposited enormous pieces.

The biggest piece is the door. It must be 60 meters high, 40 meters long and 1 meter wide.

I can't wait for it to be installed.


Delivery complete!

Construction to start.

Time before the end of the construction: 12h34


"I'll have to wait"

Since I have nothing to do, I jump into the water and get into my seaplane.

Once inside, I start my routine before going to sleep.

"I hope to be able to sleep with all the noise outside"



POV Princess


I arrived at the castle less than 10 minutes ago and there are saviours still trying to flirt with me. They are always the same. Besides, they know I'm engaged but they don't care.

After I manage to get rid of them, I stop a servant to find out where my father is.

« Servant, arrest you » I called the servant.

The person, hearing his function call, turns around and smiles to me.

« Yes, your Majesty. What can I do for you? » asked the maid

« Where is the King? »

« The King is currently meeting with his generals »

« Thank you »

Without wasting any more time, I head into the meeting room.

It's okay if I interrupt his meeting. I must warn him of what is going on there! That an unseen demon is raging at sea and has already tried to attack us.

After a short sprint, I finally arrive in front of the big door where my father is on the other side.

With force, I hurriedly open it and enter the room.

« Dad! I need to talk to you right now » I exclaimed.

« Daughter, can't you see I'm in a meeting? » The king replied calmly.

« Sorry but it can't wait. I have important information for you » I replied.

« Very well, if this is important information. So, what is this information? »

« A new kind of demon is unleashed in the sea. It was able to destroy the whole city of bandits and according to some, it would not be its first attack on bandits. The bandits who saw it, are going completely mad and they have an absurd fear towards its. »

After having finished speaking, a silence is installed in the room.

« And? What is the problem? » finally say the king

« And? This demon can destroy cities single-handedly! It terrifies its opponents to the point of driving them completely mad! It even tried to attack the port city Porto! We have to get rid of it before it gets too powerful, » I replied angrily.

« Calm down my daughter! Since when you raise your voice at me?! » cried the king with authority and anger.

« But you don't understand! I saw it in action with my own eyes! It destroys everything in its path! »

« So much the better! It destroyed the town of the bandits, and it is attacking the sea bandits. And even though it attacked Porto, the city dome protected Porto well from its attacks because I received no reports of a destroyed city. Besides, it saw that attacking us is useless because we have our domes to protect us. So, it won't try his luck again, it's a waste of resources » Explained the king

« But father, you have to believe me! This thing is… » I begged before being interrupted.

« There is no "but!" We're gonna let this thing destroy our problems for us. And you my daughter, you are going to get ready for your wedding! »

« What?! But that's not for at least a month! » I declared

« The marriage has been brought forward. You're getting married in 5 days. Our discussion is finish. Now, GO! We work among adults here! » Ordered the king

« Very well, I let you play with your little flags, my king! » I screamed before turning and storming off

"Very well! If he doesn't want to take action against its monster, I'm going to take care of it personally. Even if it's a suicide mission, I'll do it. It will be the last thing I will do before I am married and useless for the kingdom! "

More determined than ever, I run out of the castle and call my griffin.

As soon as it arrives, I jump on its back and fly away. I go to the sea, in search of this demon.

« I'm coming for you, demon! Get ready! »