Chapter 21 ,part 2

" …" Think

« … » Speak


____POV Hécate____


"Find it"

After 2 hours of searching, I finally found the entrance to the dungeon.

And I understand why I had such a hard time finding it.

The entrance to the dungeon is a small metal door. The door is, easily, 30 cm wide. And thanks to its metallic colors, it blends perfectly with the surrounding decor.

In addition, it is in a difficult place to access. It is on the western side of the mountain, at +/- 1 km above sea level.

Anyway, I don't know who built this dungeon, but he didn't want us to find it, let alone enter it.

Too bad, it failed.

As I approach the door, I notice that there is no handle and that there is a trap door on the door. The hatch is at eye level of an average man.

As soon as I'm close enough, I push the door to open it, but it doesn't move an inch.

Either the door is too heavy to open, or it is closed.

Either way, whatever the answer, I'm still going to enter the dungeon whether you like it or not.

So, I open my inventory to buy two 1,500 kg bombs. With that, it'll be easy to blow up that armored door.

Once I've purchased the two bombs, I toss the smoke bomb my system gave me and wait for my package to arrive.

And, only after 2 minutes, my two bombs landed right outside the door.

Now, with the bombs in place, I will hide about ten meters away, behind a rock that is large enough to protect me from the explosion.

As soon as I'm sure I'm safe, I get a grenade out of my system, unpin it, and throw it near the bombs.

Shortly after, a huge explosion occurs.


Directly after the explosion, I come out of my hiding place and aim for the place where the door was.

I wait several minutes before the dust comes off and I start to see.

I wait a few more minutes to see if someone arrives but nothing.

So, I start to walk slowly towards the door while pointing it with my P90.

Once at the entrance, I notice that the interior of the dungeon is plunged into darkness.

To remedy this, I lower my night vision goggle and my world turns to green.

With my goggle on, I can see pieces of the door smearing all over the dungeon.

I also see a long corridor that sinks into the mountain.

Without wasting time, I head down the hall.

As I walk, I notice that the floor where I walk is made of wooden planks, the walls and the ceiling are the rocks of the mountain and there are torches installed on the walls.

And when I analyze a torch, I can notice that it smokes and when I approach a hand to the torch, I can feel heat emanating from it.

With this information, I can conclude that it was still on a short time ago.

Maybe it was my explosion that put those torches out or it was someone who put them out.

Anyway, I'm not going to take the risk and think that it is a person who extinguished them.

So, I'm extra careful and keep going.

After walking 20 meters, my vision becomes greener and greener, signaling to me that there is a source of light nearby.

Heeding this warning, I take off my night vision goggles and like my show my goggles, there is indeed a light source.

The light comes from a torch installed on the wall. I can even see several torches that are on the walls and they are all lit.

With this observation, I resume my lead.

Shortly after, I can hear voices coming straight ahead.

« SOLDIER, prepare to face the enemy! » shouted a man with authority.

« YES! » replied to men and women.

"Let the serious things begin"


____POV Okuyama Yozo____


I am Okuyama Yozo, first son of demon lord Sawano Gidayu.

I'm on a mission in the Mana Accumulator on Shaded Isle.

My mission is to protect and manage this establishment

As the name suggests, this establishment is there to collect mana.

With this mana, we open a bridge between our continent and that of our enemies.

So, this is a mission of great importance, and anyone would be honored to be the leader of this place but the problem is that we are bored to death.

The island where we are is not heavenly and a kraken has taken up residence in the cove. So, to swim or rest at the edge of the water is impossible.

We must stay inside the mountain all day and all night.

And we only have a few books to distract us.

From time to time, I even wonder why we must protect this establishment.

No intelligent creatures, apart from us, have ever come to this island. And even if they came, they must find our place. And if they managed to find it, they still have to go through the door which is enchanted and which is several centimeters thick.

All that to say, that our presence here is useless.

Anyway, for now, I'm chatting with my friend Itoh Toyozo.

Our discussion is about the few girls who are here with us.

« And what about Seno Akae? Don't you find her cute? » asked my friend

« She's cute but not as cute as Hosoo Miyo » I replied.

« You always have her name on your lips. Go talk to her. OR BETTER! Go ask her to go on a date » Itoh suggested.

« You know that I can't do thi.. »


« Hein ? What is that noise? » Itoh asked.

« Bof. Surely a mage who made a mistake with the machine. So, when it comes to Miyo, you know I'm already engaged with someone. »

After a few minutes of discussion with my friend, the guard who was to monitor the front door of our landmark came to meet me.

« Chief, the front door has been destroyed and the enemy is advancing towards us! » informed the guard.


« The door was destroyed by a loud explosion, chief. Must be a rank A siege mage. » replied the guard stoically

"Shit ! How did they find us?! How ?!"

I look at Itoh for an answer, but my friend is completely scared. He even trembles.

I can understand it. A rank A siege mage is always accompanied by a rank A guard. Not to mention that if he launches an attack on us, they must bring a small army.

So, for the sake of my friend and all the people under my responsibility, I must be calm and prepare to defend ourselves.

We still have a few minutes before they arrive. I must come up with a plan to repel them. We can't let our mana accumulator be recovered by our enemies.

« Itoh Toyozo, I want all the men and women to get ready and join us at the entrance to the hallway leading to the exit. » I ordered with authority.

« YES SIR! I WILL DO IT IMMEDIATELY! » Itoh replied before running off.

« Chief, may I know what your plan is? » asked the guard

« We will wait for them in front of the entrance to the corridor and we will push them away. »

« But how ? They are surely much more numerous than us. »

« The hallway is not very wide. We're going to use that. We will just face two opponents by two. In conclusion, we go from 100 versus 30 to 2 versus 30. We will have the advantage of numbers. « I explained

« I see. You are not the boss for nothing. » replied the guard stoically.

« Alright, now let's join the others and get ready to fight! »

With that, we go where the others should wait for us.


After only a few minutes of walking, I am in front of my men. We are 27 in total.

Normally, we should be 30 but 3 of our men stayed near the accumulator to protect it.

« I want 7 fighters to line up to the left of the entrance. I also want 7 other fighters to line up at the right of the entrance and the last 7 fighters to line up so that you close the formation. » I ordered

Once my orders were given, my men started moving. They very quickly got into formation as I requested.

« Okay, now I want the 5 battle mages to get behind the back ranger. » I commanded

And like the fighters, the mages quickly got into position.

« Fighters, your role is to slow down the enemy. Mages, you will have to cast your spells in the corridors. Understood? » I asked

« YES! » answered my soldiers

Very well. Everyone is in position. They only miss our adversaries.

And speaking of the wolf, I can hear footsteps coming from the hallway.

« SOLDIER, prepare to face the enemy! »

« YES! » replied my men.

My soldiers are brave.

Many of them are shaking so much they are afraid, but they stay in position.

Even I, a rank A fighter, am a little worried but it will do.

It will do because I can count on my men and them as well.

« W.. What are these things?! » asked a fighter with fear

Coming out of my thoughts, I see 3 cylinders rolling towards us.

Shortly after, smoke comes out of the cylinders.

« WHAT IS HAPPENING ??!! » yelled a frightened mage


After my order, the fighting mages cast all their spells they knew. Fire, water, earth, lightning spells and so on.

You could hear explosions in the hallway but...

"Something's wrong…" I whispered.

Why can't we hear anyone screaming? Why don't the enemies retaliate? Why is it so easy?

« Stop shooting! » I ordered

It took a while and some reprimands but eventually the shooting stopped.

Shortly after the end of the pulls, the smoke that blocked our view dissipated.

With the smoke gone, we can finally see what's going on in the hallway.

« Chief… there is no one. Does that mean we won? » asked a mage

« WE DID IT! TAKE THIS IN THE TEETH! » shouted a fighter

« YEAHHHH! » cried the others in unison

"It is not normal. There is no body. It is not finished! "


« What? But chief, there is no… » someone started before I interrupted him.

« I SAY, IN FORMATION » I yelled angrily

After rehearsing myself, my men get back into formation and they await my orders.

As I was thinking what to do, an enemy attack interrupted my thinking.


I could feel dozens of projectiles touching my magic shield.

I saw dozens of my men succumb to these projectiles.

But I didn't see any of those projectiles that caused hell.

After a very long second, the shooting stopped.

The first thing I do is check to see if I've been hurt. I need to check if my magic shield protected me from this attack.

It seems that my shield protected me.

Then I have the state of my soldiers and it's a butcher's shop.

Only A-ranks survived. All the others are dead. Which includes my friend Itoh Toyozo. But I don't have time to mourn him. I must avenge him and all the others who fall in battle.

And to avenge them, I must know where the enemy is.

And according to the shots, they managed to get around us and shoot us in the back. They surely took advantage of the smoke to slip.


« REVENGE ! » howled the survivors

And with all this rage, I and my men head out into the hallway that leads to the Mana Accumulator to pursue those who have harmed us.


The noises we just heard are surely due to our enemy.

"Shit, they are already at the machine "


But, this order I just gave just signed our death warrant

While we were in the final corridor that leads to the accumulator, a silhouette was waiting for us there.

And as soon as that figure sees us, hell is pouring on us again.

But this time, I won't see the end.


____POV Hecate____


The Ma Deuce works very well.

At first, I used the M249 but it didn't kill everyone.

So, after killing 3 more people and luring the last survivors down a hallway, I pulled out the M2 machine gun.

Now that the occupants have been eliminated, I can finally think about what this place is for.

Obviously, this is not a dungeon.

It looks more like an outpost or a laboratory with little means.

Anyway, it doesn't matter since I killed all the demons.

About demons, when the king spoke to us about demons, I would have thought that they looked like monsters destroying all in their paths. But what I killed looks more like somewhat tanned humans with horns.

Looks like the king wanted to brainwash us for his war.

In short, I'm not in his war so I don't care.

Now that I have cleared this place, I will be able to continue building my base and buy my boat.

With that, I head for the exit.