Chapter 22

" …" Think

« … » Speak


____POV Hécate____




The construction is finished.

You can now upgrade:



Tidal turbine



As soon as I returned from the outpost/laboratory, I immediately resumed construction.

The system told me that the construction will end in 4:30 hours.

So, during this time, I practiced precision shooting on the roof of the seaplane.

But now that the construction site is finished, I will be able to visit but above all, park my seaplane in the port.

But above all, I want to see the opening of this gigantic door from the roof of my plane.

So, I open my system and go to base.

As soon as it is done, I notice that a new tab has appeared. The tab in question is "Building". And when I open it, I see all the things I've built.



-x1 Gate

-1x Port

-4x Tidal turbine


I imagine that this new addition is to improve my buildings but for the moment, what interests me, is to open this door.

So I select the door.



- Camouflage: 25,000 silvers

-Resistance upgrade: 25,000 silvers

-Improved opening/closing motors: 17,500 silvers

-Decrease in opening/closing noise: 10,000 silvers

-Remote Closing Opening Controller: 5,000 silvers


"What? "

How do I open this door? Did the system really just install a door that I can't open? And I must buy to be able to open it?

The system has just overtaken itself in the scam.

Fortunately, the improvement is not expensive. So, I'm going to take the controller and at the same time, the camouflage.


1x Remote Opening Controller + 1x Camouflage for 30,000 silvers, confirm?


"Yes, scammer"

And as usual, I throw away the smoke that appeared in my inventory.


Location of delivery identify and confirm. Material delivery is on the way. Wait


"I hope at least I don't have to wait too long before I can open the door"

Soon after, the package arrived at its destination, and the system started construction for free. The system also informs me that the upgrade will take 2 hours.

So, to pass the time, I open the system and look at the upgrades to my other buildings.

But, while navigating through the system, I noticed that the system charges for upgrades and supplies on vehicles but not on building construction and upgrades.

I think the system does that because I can upgrade myself or at least do the refuelling but as far as building a giant gate goes, that's out of my abilities.

Well, that's what I think.

Once in the building tab, I select the port.



- Port expansion: 100,000 silvers

- Water pump: 25,000 silvers


"Very little improvement"

There are only 2 improvements for the port but I think there shouldn't be much to improve. A port is a port.

But it's still interesting nonetheless. Mainly to enlarge the port, but as far as the water pump is concerned, I don't see what good it can be used for? During floods?

Or maybe it's to create a dry dock. If so, it's very useful, even essential, to repair a ship or improve it personally.

View that I'm done with the port, I pass on the Tidal turbines


tidal turbine

-Improvement of electricity production: 10,000 silvers

-Noise reduction: 5,000 silvers


It's not just the port that has little improvement.

But otherwise, the improvements are interesting. One upgrade gives me more electricity and the other makes me more discreet.

Now that I'm done looking at all the proposed upgrades, let's see how long until the upgrades are finished.



Time until improvement ends: 1h34 hours


I still have to wait 1h34 hours.

To wait, I will continue my shooting training but, this time, I will use the Ma Deuce.


____1h34 later____




Finished improvement



I can finally open the door. And the camouflage on the door is perfect. Looks like the gate is part of the cliff.

I put my M2 Browning in my inventory and head to the building tab.

Once I arrive, I see that next to the door there is an "open" button

Without wasting any more time, I select it.

As soon as I select it, the huge door I use to enter slides down.

Once the door is finished, I can see my port.

My port is very long but not very wide. I can even say that it looks like a huge arch.

Regarding the dimensions, the port must be +/- 200 meters long, +/- 40 meters wide and +/- 60 meters high.

With these dimensions, my ship and my seaplane will both enter at the same time.

And to conclude with my port, I see that the whole port is concrete, there are +/- 3 meters on each side where I can walk and the whole thing is to enlighten you with hundreds of lights.

Now that I can open my door and have confirmed that my boat and my seaplane can be stored inside my port, it is high time to buy my boat.

But before I buy it, I must get my seaplane in the harbor because I don't think there is enough place for the boat and the plane to be in the cove at the same time.

In order not to waste any more time, I jump into the water and get into the seaplane.

As soon as I got back, I headed for the cockpit to start the engines.

Once the engines start, I move the seaplane very slowly towards the door.

I have to be extremely careful because if a wing touches the door, then either the wing breaks or the seaplane will go sideways and block the entrance to the base.

" you go"

It goes without too much trouble.

Now I have to make sure the seaplane goes all the way to the bottom of the harbour.

And shortly after, the plane finally arrived at its destination. I can turn off the engines and get out.

In front of the exit, I saw that the seaplane door and the dock are at the same level.

But they are not close. I'm going to have to jump in the water if I want to reach the dock.

I hope I won't have to jump into the water to reach the dock with my boat.

Without wasting any more time, I jump into the water and reach the dock.


Once on the dock, I start a short run until I get out of the base.

It took me very little time to get in.

But before jumping back into the water, I am going to buy my boat. it is easier to buy it on land than in the water.

So, I open my system and go to the vehicle tab.

As soon as I get there, I select the LCS-2 to buy.


LCS-2 for 500,000 silvers, confirm?



Once confirmed, a smoke bomb appeared in my inventory. I take it out and throw it as far as I can into the water.


Location of delivery identify and confirm. LCS-2 is approaching, hold on.


And shortly after throwing the smoke, I see a huge grey boat appear between the pillars of the creek.

This boat is an original design. Its hull is divided into 3. The middle hull is thicker than those at the ends. We can compare the ship to a catamaran with 3 hulls.

I can also see that there is a turret in front of the ship. It is not very big but it owes a lot of damage.

I also see a radar above the command post.

But that's all I can see from where I am. If I want more details, I have to get on the ship.

And I know how to do it. I saw a ladder in the bottom left of the ship.

So, as soon as the boat is stopped, I jump into the water and head for the ladder.

Once reached, I board my ship.

As soon as I climbed up, the first thing I saw was a very large platform. It must surely be used to take off and land helicopters.

Turning my head to the left, I see two large doors. They must surely be hangar doors.

So, to be clear, I head for these doors.

As I head towards the large doors, I also see 2 small doors located on each side of the large doors.

I decide to change destination and head for the small door on the left.

Once in front, I manage to open it without difficulty and I get into the boat.

After passing the door, I see a short corridor and another door located at the bottom right.

Behind the door is the shed. I just see the two large doors from earlier and a hallway to the left.

The hangar finished, I continue my visit and head into the corridor on the left.

The corridor splits into 3 other corridors towards the middle. One goes to the left, the other to the right and the last one continues straight up a ramp that goes up.

I will start with the one on the right, then the one on the left and finally, finish with the one in the middle.

In the left corridor are two doors on each side.

Behind these doors are dormitories.

"Two useless rooms "

And that's all.

Let's continue with the one on the left has 3 other doors, one on the left, another on the right and the last one at the bottom.

The one on the left is a kitchen. The one on the right is a bathroom. And the last one is a rest room. In this room, there is a pool table, table football, sofa, a library with books and a TV. I also see that there are game consoles.

"Too bad, I'm team PC "

The left corridor finished, I can explore the corridor where there is the ramp going up.

Once I climb the ramp, I see the command post.

In this command post, I see that there are several levels.

The highest level should be where the captain is.

But otherwise, I don't know anything else. I see a lot of joysticks, buttons,…

I have to quickly take the manual.

But before taking, I must be sure to have all visited.


____Time Jump____


I did well to check.

I realized that in the hangar there were elevators to lower the helicopters.

And when I came down, I saw a huge space that is empty.

While visiting, I noticed doors leading to the front of the ship.

Behind these doors, there is the ammunition stock, the automatic reloading of the barrel and a few empty rooms.

But that's just what I missed.

So, I went to my rightful place, the captain's seat.

Once installed, I open my system and look for the improvements of the LCS-2




- Hull upgrade: ¬50,000 silvers

- Engine upgrade: ¬50,000 silvers

-Enlargement of the stern door: 10,000 silvers

-Added a magic detector: 5,000 silvers

- Addition of a remote-control module: 5,000 silvers

-Added 2x missile launcher for Naval Strike missiles: 50,000 silvers

-Addition of 2 torpedo launchers: 50,000 silvers

-Modification of the MK.49 mod.3 launcher to fire intercontinental missiles: 25,000 silvers

-Automation of armaments: 10,000 silvers

-Autopilot: 10,000 silvers


-1000x 12.7mm ammo: 2,500 silvers

-1000x 57mm ammo: 20,000 silvers

-11x Raytheon surface-to-air missiles: 10,000 silvers

-21x RIM-116 missile: 10,000 silvers

- 6x Trident II missile: 50,000 silvers


-Fuel: 25,000 silvers

-Oil: 10,000 silvers

-Food restocking

- Water replenishment

- Replenishment of miscellaneous items

- LCS-2 manual: free



There's a lot of improvement but for now, I'll stick with what I have for now.

I have already used enough silvers for today.

I'll just take the manual which is free.

And as usual, after using the manual, a headache comes. Not much time. Soon after, the headache is replaced by relief and the knowledge of all about the LCS-2.

Now I'm ready to go.

But before, I must close the door of my port.

As I close the door, I have a thought for my seaplane. It was very useful to me.

Thanks to him, I had air traffic control but now I no longer have….

"I have an idea"

I can still have air traffic control if I buy the Sikorsky CH-63K King Stallion.

I'm pretty sure that vehicle is a helicopter.

I know this because the system never gives me the same vehicle twice and it only gives me vehicles that fit my situation.

So, eagerly, I run to the helicopter pad.

Once I arrive, I hurry to buy the helicopter and throw the smoke bomb on the deck.


Location of delivery identify and confirm. 1x Sikorsky CH-63K King Stallion is approaching, please wait.


Shortly after, I hear a helicopter.


Looking in the direction of the noise, I see a large grey helicopter approaching me.

The helicopter has a large main propeller and a smaller one at the tail.

I also see some kind of spear sticking out of his nose.

As soon as it has landed, the engine noise decreases, and the propeller slows down to a complete stop.

"I knew it, a helicopter"

Without wasting time, I head for the side door of the helicopter and I open it.

The first thing that comes to my mind after coming in is that it's big.

You can easily transport 30 soldiers with their equipment

As for the cockpit, there are two seats and lots of buttons and levers that I don't know what they're for.

Well, for now.

I settle into the left seat and open my system to see the upgrades to my helicopter.


Sikorsky CH-63K King Stallion

Improvement :

-Improved engine

-Improved fuselage

-Improved propeller

- Added speed camera

-Added a magic detector

-Added 3 caliber .50 BMG machine guns

-Automation of armaments


-1000x 12.7mm ammo: 2,500 silvers

Various :

-Fuel: 25,000 silvers

-Oil: 10,000 silvers

- Coolant: 10,000 silvers

-Sikorsky CH-63K King Stallion Manual: Free


Without dwelling too much on the improvements, I take and use the manual directly.

And as usual, a time ache arises to be replaced soon after, with relief and the knowing.


I just learned from the manual that this helicopter is a transport helicopter.

So, no means that I have control of the sky.

But it does not matter. With it, I will be able to go to the mainland and if something serious happens with the boat, I could evacuate easily.

Now I'm ready to take control of the sea.