Chapter 23 ,part 1

" …" Think

« … » Speak


____POV Hécate____


Finally, I had to wait until the next morning to be able to leave.

I waited because I didn't want to leave at night and even less when I was tired.

So, after finishing my training and having eaten, I took a very long shower, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

I was finally able to wash myself from head to toe. It is even the first time that I wash myself in this world.

Before, I just didn't wash myself. The closest thing is when I was swimming in the sea and it's only about the corp. For teeth, I had nothing.

But now, I have a toothbrush and soap. But that's not the only things I found. I also found food in the kitchen. It's not much, but it's better than my rations.

Anyway, back to the present.

I'm in the command post of the ship sailing north.

I'm sailing in this direction because I want to go back to the village I razed to make sure everyone's dead. I don't want survivors to do whatever they can to get revenge on me.

With my ship I could let them do what they want but since I don't know the power of magic, I don't want to take any risks. Better attack them now than wait for them to get stronger and attack me with a weapon capable of destroying my ship.

And that's why in the last 8 hours, I've been sailing in this direction.

One thing is certain, when by boat, it takes much longer than by plane.

With my seaplane, I would have made the trip in less than an hour. At the same time, my cruising speed with the plane was 350 km/h(217mph) and that of my boat is 25 km/h (15mph)

But I have more protection and a better armament with my boat. So, it's okay if I take more time.

Moreover, if my calculations are correct, I should arrive at my destination during the night. So, if there is a battle, it will happen overnight. And at night, I have the advantage.

I can see in the night but not them. Finally, if there is no magic to see in the dark or to illuminate. But for that, they have to...



This sound is characteristic of radar.

So, with alacrity, I go to the radar post. Once arrived, I see multiple points on the radar.

Signatures are too small to be schools of fish and too big to be single creatures.

They are also in a formation. None of the signings break the formation. Which means I can exclude unintelligent creatures.

I see only one thing that can meet these signatures and that is a fleet of boats. And this fleet is coming in my direction.

"Well, he makes my job easier. "

No need to flush them out of hiding since they come to me.

And according to the radar, they are 20 kilometers (12 Mile) from me. I have time to prepare.

With this valuable information, I head to the shooting station. More precisely, at the position of the 57 mm gun.

Once installed, I verify that all work.

As soon as everything is checked and functional, I wait for the enemy to be close enough that I am sure that my shells hit them.

After 35 minutes of waiting, the enemy must be +/- 2 kilometers from me.

I would like them to be 1 kilometer from me before I start shooting. I have never trained with this gun. So, there's a good chance I'm wasting ammo.

But I think I wouldn't have the luxury of waiting for them to get closer.

With the canon camera zoom, I see light of multiple colors. And these colors are a sign that a magic spell is going to be cast.

I have to shoot before they shoot me.

But according to several lights heading towards me, it's too late. They have already fired.

So, I cling to the control board and hope the enemy shots miss.






No shaking, no alarms, just splashing noises.


Now that they missed, it's my turn to fight back.

I aim for the biggest boat that is in the middle of the fleet. He must be the leader of this fleet. If I destroy it, the other ships will be disorganized and will do anything.



Two out of three shots hit. I really have to practice with the cannon. But it does not matter. My two shots were enough to sink the boat.

Now, without their admiral, they're disorganized, and they'll start messing around. And I will enjoy it.

And as I said, the enemy does anything. Some rush at me at full speed, others try to flee and others do not move at all.

I'm going to start by eliminating the 4 boats that are currently heading towards me. Then I'll target the two cowards who fled. And finally, I would destroy the 6 boats that do not move.

With my cannon, it shouldn't take long.

"Okay, let's get started"


All my shots hit their targets and that was enough to sink them. Each boat took two pulls to sink them.

Except the one in the middle where it just took 1 shot because it exploded. I must have hit a weak spot.

Now let's move on to the coward.


I missed a lot of shots but finally, the boats sink.

Before moving on to the final enemies, I notice people from the boats I've sunk jumping into the water.

I suspected that there will be many survivors since I only sink the boats and not explode them. I hope the sea creatures will finish the job.

Well, let's destroy the last enemy ships. Afterwards, I will decide whether or not to kill the survivors.

Let's start with those in the middle. After those on the left side. And finally, those on the right side.


I really must practice with the cannon. With all the other armaments of the same boat. If I don't train, it can be catastrophic, not to mention the expense of ammunition.

I'll practice later.

Now I have to decide if I kill the survivors or not.

There is a high chance that...


Radar is still showing me signatures. It must be the carcasses of boats that I destroyed but it is better to check. We never know.

When I looked at the radar, I see a lot of signatures but as I said, these are the destroyed boats.


It's not this radar.

This noise comes from another radar.

When I head to where the noise was coming from, I find the airborne radar. Approaching the radar, I see a signature. And this signature is rapidly approaching me.

Without wasting time, I go to the checkpoint of the Mk.49 Mod.3 launcher. This weapon is used to destroy air targets by firing missiles.

Once I get to the post, I look for the enemy in the air with the launcher's camera. But, even helping me with the radar, I can't find it. It is very difficult to find something in a dark sky.

But after searching, I finally found something.

As the camera zooms in, I see it's a griffin with a person on it.

So, without wasting time, I try to lock this griffin. Once locked, I shoot.


"Missile launch "

I watch that the missile hits the griffin well but when the missile was about to reach its target, the griffin rolls to the left and narrowly avoids it.


I try to lock again but impossible, the griffin is above me.

Shortly after, thanks to the radar, I see that the griffin leaves. But when I zoom in on it with the camera, I notice that its rider is no longer on its back.

He must be on my ship.

"Fuck it"

I'll have to go get it. Fortunately, I am already equipped.

But what weapon to take.

If I want to put the best luck on my side, I should use the Ma Deuce but it is too heavy and too bulky. If I could lure him into a trap, it would have been perfect, like last time. But I don't have that luxury.

The Scar but the P90 would be more ideal in a confined space.

I'll take the P90. Hoping the bullets from the P90 will be enough to kill him.

After taking the P90 and checking my equipment, I go in search of the stowaway.

But before going there, I just had an idea. I head to the command post and shut down the entire ship.

Now all electronics on the boat are turned off. Lights included. The boat is plunged into darkness.

I would have the advantage in the night with my night vision.

So, I lower my night vision goggles and my world turns from black to green.

Now that I'm ready, I go in search of the stowaway.

"Let's go"