
There are twelve universes throughout the multiverse.

As we enter universe eight, we begin the story of a Low Class. who will have an adventure of unexpected events. Slowly we appear towards the planet known as Planet Escar. A giant red planet with dashes of dark brown. This is a Saiyan planet, Saiyan's are a warrior race born and raised based on their power levels at birth; Saiyans are savage beings whose only goal is to overtake planets and sell them for money and resources. However, not every Saiyan agrees with this style of living. This leads us to the hero of this story.

The planet is divided by strengths known as power levels; our hero and his wife are known as Low Classes meaning they are poor, weak, and fragile of the litter. As we approach their home, we see they live in a tiny hut lined up in rows of two hundred and three hundred.

"Cassa! I'm home!"

A male Saiyan enters; he has black hair and black iris; he is six feet and partially muscular; his hair is medium length and spiky. His outfit was a standard Saiyan armor set, with no shoulder pads; a plated body; no sleeves or compression shirt; wrist bands; and short padded Saiyan pants; with white boots.

"Welcome home, Okara!"

Cassa was five nine compared to Okara; she had short black hair and iris and wore the same thing as Okara, but her lower half was a padded skirt.

"How was your day?" Asked Cassa with a broad smile on her face.

"Well, I managed to get a few jobs for some coin, but it's not much."

"Well, let's see it."

Okara reached to his waist and pulled off a brown pouch that jingled with noise. As he unties the string holding it closed, he turns it upside down and dumps the coins into his hand. Only five coins fall out.

"I mean, it's more than last time..." Cassa said with a nervous laugh.

It gets quiet as the married couple stands with worry; then, in a sudden movement, Okara grips hold of the coins in his hand and looks down at Cassa.

"Let's leave this planet, you and me! We'll leave and find another planet to live on!"

"O-Okara... We can't... We don't know where to go. Or if we'll even be able to escape this planet. They'll detect our power levels in mere seconds."

"There's gotta be some way off this stupid rock!" Okara shouted as his right hand gripped the coins even harder.

"Hey, hey, look at me."

Cassa put her right hand against his cheek.

"It'll be alright; we've managed this long. What's the rest of our lives gonna be like if we keep this up?"

"Better... They'll be better." Answered Okara

"Exactly, if we keep working, we'll be able to do whatever we want."

Time passed as Okara and Cassa spent the rest of daylight together.

However, when night came, Okara was awake and ready to venture off.

He snuck out and headed to a training area only made for those of elite classes. Okara traveled for an hour till he arrived in the lightly guarded training area. Okara secretly hid from them until they left; a pair of elites were finishing.

Once the coast was clear, Okara appeared from the dark alley and before the training dummies made out of the most robust material on the planet, Aion.

Okara shrugged off his traveling sack from his back and tossed it to the side. He begins stretching and warming up his muscles on the cold night out.

There were only the city lights aiding him. The training area was in a big industrial area surrounded by large, expensive buildings. They were mainly rectangular or square, with many windows for each story.

"Alright, let's get started." Okara whispered quietly

Okara throws a right punch hitting the dummy hard, his fist feeling hot with pain jolting into his knuckles.


Okara struck again, this time with his left; each time he struck, he felt his body warming up slowly as he got into it. He began jumping left and right, hitting in rhythm with his leaps, moving his head and putting up his arms into blocking motions. He was fighting against a shadow of himself. He was feeling ecstatic with his workout. However, he got careless.

"Hey!" Yelled a man

Okara's eyes widened, and he stopped, ending his bounce, sweat dripping from his chin and sliding down from his forehead. As he slowly turned around, he found himself being stared at by the two elites who were there before him.

"What the hell are you doing here, Low class?"

"I was just... Training."

The intimidating elite looked at his partner, and they both began to laugh.

"Get a load of this guy." The intimidating elite said as he laughed.

"He must not know what he's got himself into." Said the elite's partner as he laughed too.

Okara quickly grabbed his traveling bag and began walking away.

"Whoa, whoa, where you going, low class."

The Intimidating elite stepped in front of Okara, blocking off his exit.

"Yeah, don't you want to stay and train some more?" The elite's partner sarcastically asked. As he reached for the traveling bag, Okara had.

"Hands off!"

Suddenly his whole body froze up as he realized his mistake.

The face of the intimidating elite changed from a smirk to a frown in seconds as he quickly got into Okara's face.

"What was that?... Low class?"

Okara kept his head down and eyes closed.

"Come on, tough guy, say something." The intimidating elite pushed Okara more.

"What a coward! He won't even speak now."

"How about you hand over whatever's In that bag, and we'll let you walk away without a scratch."

The intimidating elite reached for Okara's bag.

Without thinking, Okara lifted his head and slammed his forehead against The intimidating elite. Causing him to stumble back; then, as the elite's partner stood in shock, he too was struck back by Okara, who drove his left elbow back into his nose—causing him to fall on his butt, with a bleeding nose.


Okara said nothing as he quickly rushed away from the elites, but as he ran, he heard the intimidating elite scream at him.

"We will find you! Low class! Don't you forget that!"

Okara continued running then as the time finally came. He arrived home; he walked in quietly, making as little noise as possible; however, the moment he entered. He's caught by Cassa, Who was awake and waiting for him.

"Okara, where have you been?" Cassa asked as Okara quietly closed the door behind him.