Chapter 1

"I was just out taking a stroll. Nothing more, Cassa." Okara said hesitantly.

Cassa held the candle up to his face. As she held it closer to his face, he raised his right arm and gently pushed her arm back to look him in the eyes. The light shined on his hands, revealing his bruises and slight bleeding.

"Why are your hands bleeding, Okara?!"

"It's nothing..."

"What did you do?" Pushed Cassa

Okara sighed before explaining himself.

"I snuck to the elite training area and was caught by a pair of elites." Said Okara.

"What were you thinking? Do you know what would've happened if it had been more than two! You would've been beaten and then taken into custody! You would've gotten executed!" Cassa cried as she kept listing all the possible outcomes that could've happened.

"But I didn't, I got away, and I'm home, safe and sound," Okara said in slight aggravation, but what worried him was what the elite said.

"Come on... Let's go back to bed, Cassa." Okara said as he walked towards the bed and got under the covers.

"I don't know what to do with you sometimes... I swear." Cassa said as she got in bed and laid her back against Okaras.

"It worries me how you risk your life to get stronger." Cassa said quietly.

"If I don't, we won't be able to get out of this hell hole..."

"You're a worker, not a fighter. That's why I fell in love with you."

"I don't just want to be a worker; I want to be a fighter. I need to be a fighter." Okara said irritated


"Because, if I don't, I won't... I won't be able to protect you." Said Okara as he rolled around to face Cassa's back.

"Oh... Okara." Cassa whispered as she rolled around as well to face Okara.

"You don't have to do all this just to protect me." Cassa said, placing her left hand on his right cheek. Okara slowly drifts off to sleep as he stares into Cassa's eyes.

Hours pass as Okara is still asleep; however, he is awoken to the noise of voices yelling outside and Cassa quietly calling to him.

"Okara, Okara..."

"You need to wake up now..." Cassa whispered once again, but this time Okara slowly opened his eyes and found himself looking at Cassa.

"What's wrong?"

"Shh... Something's happening outside."

Okara woke up a little quicker with his ears adjusting to the noise outside.

"No! Please stop! He didn't do anything!!" Cried a woman.

"Get off me!" Yelled an older-sounding man.

The woman's crying could be heard loud and clear. But they heard other cries too.

"Mommy! Mommy!!" A little boy was screaming for his mother.

Others were crying and screaming, but then he heard someone shout at the top of their lungs.

"Find me that low-class scum! I want him at my feet now!"

Okara recognized the voice in an instant.

"W-Who could they be looking for?" Cassa asked quietly.

"I-It's me..." Okara said with fear in his throat.

"B-But why... Okara, is it one from...?" Cassa was stopped mid-sentence as Okara interrupted her.

"Yes, it's one of them."

Suddenly the intimidating elite screamed out again; this time, it sent shivers through Okara's body.

"If he isn't at my feet by the count of five, I want every Low Class here slaughtered!"

Okara's eyes widened as he was faced with his first real decision.

"O-Okara, you can't."

"Five!" The intimidating elite began counting down.

"I-I have to... People are gonna die."


"No, no! You'll die." Cassa whined more as she gripped Okara's left arm.

"I have to..." Said Okara as his chest got heavier.

Okara walks towards the door and reaches for the knob.

"Three!!" The intimidating elite started straining his voice.

Okara grabbed the knob and took a deep breath.

"Here I go..."

"Two!" The intimidating elite shouted once again.

Okara quickly opened the door and stepped outside.

"That's enough!" Screamed Okara, instantly catching the attention of everyone.

"You've finally shown yourself! Low-Class scum!" The intimidating elite stares down Okara with malicious intent.

Quickly Okara examines the situation and finds himself surrounded by other elites.

"Let the others go! I'll come with you! Just let them go." Okara asked hesitantly.

The elites grab him and drag him to the feet of the intimidating elite. The intimidating elite sways a hand movement and releases the other low classes. As the little boy is released, he runs to his mother, Okara, watching, feeling a bit of happiness that he was able to... Within a second, the sound disappeared from Okara's ears.

"No!!!" Okara screamed with no visible hearing.

As he watched the fierce elite fire a laser from his finger, piercing through the boy's body, gravity gripped the boy's body to the ground in mere seconds, and in no time at all, he began draining endlessly, creating a lane of blood that drifted towards Okara's feet.

The mother screamed in agony at her child's body; however, the elites were mercilessly laughing at it as if it were a funny joke to them.

"Kill the rest, might as well do this planet a favor while we're here." The intimidating elite ordered, and suddenly the other elites began firing off shots that killed the other low-class warriors; people fell dead; blood filled the ground around them. Soon enough, they began destroying the lower-class homes. Everything was breaking into hell, and Okara was at the center of it.

"Stop..." Okara whispered, the intimidating elite slightly noticing his voice over all the screaming and explosion noises.

"What was that, low class?"

"I said... Stop."

Okara looked up at the intimidating elite who looked down on him.

"Or what? Low class?"

Slowly and suddenly, an aura of green appears around Okara's body.

"Oh! So that's what you want to do! Then alright! Low Class! I'll let you entertain me for a bit!"

"I'm going... To kill you!"

Okara slowly stands up, pressing his foot into the boy's blood.

"For what you've done! Elite!"