Chapter 5

After being found by Bell a farmer. She voluntarily invited Okara and Cassa to live with her. Knowing they aren't from earth. She even volunteers to teach them more about the earth and all its culture.

"Here you go, Cassa." Bell hands Cassa some clothing to change into.

"Thank you, Bell."

"These are for you, Okara."

"Thank you very much."

"No worries, now go get changed you two." Bell says and instantly they both begin taking off their armor.

"Wait! Wait! Use the bedroom to change!" Bell shouts as she points to the two bedrooms.

Okara and Cassa look at each other in confusion then go to the separate bedrooms. A few moments later they come out in completely different clothing.

"They look good on you guys!"

Okara was wearing a red flannel, with dark blue jeans and brown boots. While Cassa had on a white t-shirt, light blue overalls, and brown boots.

"They feel weird and... Restrictive." Okara says as he moves his arms and legs to get use to the feeling.

"I'm sure you'll get use to them." Said Bell as she looked out the window to look for the sun.

"Well seems we'll have maybe three hours. If we leave now. Come on you two. Let me show you the nearest city, we'll even get some things from the market while we're out."

Cassa and Okara rush out the door with Bell in excitement. Both instantly get back into the bed of the truck as Bell starts it up, and begins their drive to the nearest city. As they drive for a bit. Cassa and Bell begin talking some more.

"Hey Bell, how come you're being so nice to us? I mean we aren't even from this planet. Why go through all the trouble?"

Bell looked at Cassa through her rearview mirror with a smile.

"Believe it or not. But y'all aren't the first people I've met that aren't from this planet."

Cassa looked concerned and let Bell continue driving as she admired the world around her. After a twenty-minute drive from the country, they finally arrive in the city.

"Welcome to Westfall City!" Bell yelled excitedly.

Okara and Cassa's eyes widened from the number of people, vehicles, and buildings they saw. The amount of sound, and people talking. Cassa and Okara could hear them speaking to one another in different tones, and attitudes. Bell had to slow down as she drove in traffic. Even Okara looked over the roof of the truck to see the line of cars in front of them. Cassa listened to the conversations of those around her. "Oh! I can't wait!", "Yeah, I'm almost there. Actually I see you now.", "I can't believe it! You're such an..."

Cassa couldn't hear the rest of that one as car horns started honking loudly. There was an accident causing people to take a detour. But no one was hurt, fortunately.

"That's what happens when you drive recklessly. But don't worry you two! We're almost there." Bell mentioned as she turned right at a stop sign and drove a few blocks down. She parked her truck and turned it off.

"Alright! Let's go shopping guys!"

In excitement both Okara and Cassa shout.


Then an unexpected moment happened.

"Bell." Cassa said

"What is shopping?"

Bell looked shocked for a moment, then remembered they weren't from earth.

"Well, shopping is something we humans have to do in order to survive. You see we have to collect goods, with this currency known as money."

Bell pulls out her wallet that was brown and had a white cow with black spots on it.

"This is money." Bell says as she pulls out silver and gold coins. Along with multiple colored paper bills.

Okara realizes the currency and pulls out his pouch of Escar coins.

"Would they happen to be like this?" Okara asked

Bell examined the coins.

"Yeah, I would assume so. Did you have to work for them?"

"Yeah, it was hard. Most of the jobs I did were construction, to trash disposal."

"Wait so how do you guys not know what shopping is?"

"Well if shopping is anything like claiming then they are pretty similar." Cassa said.

"Claiming?" Bell asked.

"Yeah, on Escar our home planet, when you had enough coins you could claim a home or item. However, it was never truly yours."

"How terrible... Well, fret not! Here on earth what you work for is yours completely. Now come on! Let's go shopping!"

Excitement swelled back up in Okara and Cassa as they followed Bell into a crowded open market area. With many different people and races. Humans, to humanoid animals.

"This place is so alive during this time of year! So try not to get lost, okay!" Bell shouted. As Okara and Cassa were following behind.

Soon enough Bell began showing them fundamentals of looking, prices, what things were, and what you should and shouldn't get. An hour had passed as Okara was carrying most of the supplies.

"This is, a lot of stuff!" Okara said as he tried holding onto every bag. His arms acting as hangers; his fingers also holding one to two things. While also carrying with his arms.

"We're almost done, we've just got a few more things to..."

Suddenly a whaling noise filled the air, as cars flew by on the road. Gunshots were being fired from the vehicle ahead of the car with red and blue lights.

"What's happening, Bell?!"

"It seems some no-good people are being chased by the good guys." Bell grits her teeth at the sight.

"I despise people like that. So much... It makes me sick."

Cassa and Okara look at each other than look at Bell.

"Bell, will you take some of this, you too, Cassa."

Okara handed off the supplies till he was free. He then stretched his arms and legs, and lastly his neck.

"Okara, you aren't thinking of."

"I am... Cassa."

Bell looked confused.

"I thought we talked about this!"

"We did." Said Okara.

"Then why are you still doing it?!"

"Because no one else will."

Suddenly Okara took off, running at high speeds. Blowing strong winds past all the markets and people. Things fly into the air and out of people's hands as he chases after the bad guys. Okara crosses the street nearly getting hit by two cars, finding himself running through an alley till he reaches the road where the shooting car was speeding down. As he stood in the middle of the road, he raised his right arm; and the car began speeding up.

"You're mistake! Moron!"

As the front of the car reached five inches from Okara's legs. He struck downwards, causing a giant dent in the hood of the car and forcing it to gravitate over him; then onto him. Making it look like he was crushed. The good guys stop instantly behind and exit their vehicles.

"What in bloody hell!"