Chapter 4

As both Saiyan's sleep, their space pod begins closing in on earth. Soon to enter its atmosphere as the pod begins to shake from the harsh entry, Okara awakens and immediately wakes Cassa along with him.

"We're entering earth's atmosphere." Said Okara as the space pod wobbled in short bursts.

Soon enough the pod shot through the clouds and revealed the lush green grasslands below them. It was almost endless, the color green flooded their view as they approached the ground. The pod had a countdown that was speeding to zero.

"Hold onto something, Cassa We've got a rough landing incoming!"

Cassa grabbed hold of Okara and the sides of the singular seat in the pod. As the timer was rapidly descending from five to four, then three, two, and lastly one. They impact forcefully against the ground creating a medium-sized crater. Chunks of dirt and grass dug up from the landing and soon enough. It was over, Okara and Cassa had landed. Not the best landing they managed, till they tried to open the pod door.

"It won't budge..." Okara said sadly.

"Try kicking it open, Okara."

"Oh! Good idea."

Okara used the singular chair arms as a hold up for his hands; lifting his body and aiming his crunched legs; then with a forceful extension of his legs, his feet came into contact with the door and shot it off the hinges almost instantly. The door slammed against the dirt wall in front of them. Completely busted up, along with the window shattering.

"There we go!" Okara shouted as he pulled himself out of the cramped space pod and into the new environment. As he fully stepped out he inhaled the earth's air supply.

"That's weird, it's oddly similar to the air we breathe on Escar." Okara mentioned as he slowly looked up into the bright blue sky, which had a few fluffy white clouds floating along it. Cassa appears behind him realizing the same thing.

"Guess you could say we had a smooth operation." Okara smirked as he looked at Cassa, who ignored his pitiful joke. Okara's face shot to disappointment then blank as he too began looking at the edges of the hole.

"Cassa, let me lift you."

"Good idea, darling."

Okara leaned against one of the dirt walls and bent his knees. Giving Cassa a foothold with his hands.



"Alright, three, two,..."

Instantly on one Okara lifted Cassa upwards giving her enough reach to grab the dirt edge and pull herself out of the crater. As she appeared above him, she turned and reached down.

"Grab my head, Okara."

"Alright! Here I come."

Okara stepped back a bit to get a jogging start up the wall; jamming his right foot first and pushing off it; reaching outwards to Cassa's hand with his left arm; quickly grabbing hold and having Cassa pull him up. As she pulled up Okara, they find themselves finally able to witness Earth's visual beauty.

"It's so pretty, Okara. Don't you agree?"

Okara looked around in astonishment.

"It's like a dream. Like something you'd hear in a Saiyan folk tale."

Slowly as they walk away from their pod, they notice a truck driving by on a dirt road. Coming to a slow stop, the windows of the truck slowly rolled down. Revealing a female farmer.

"Hey, strangers! Need a ride?"

Okara and Cassa look at each other as they politely accept the ride.

The stranger points to the bed of her truck.

"Hop on!"

As they jump into the bed; they both take a seat on some hay the stranger's hand stored in the back. She kept the windows down and began driving onwards.

"So! Where are you strangers heading?" The Farmer Woman asked.

"Heading?" Questioned Cassa.

"Yeah! You going anywhere?"

Cassa and Okara still looked confused.

"The names Bell, by the way!"

"My name is Cassa, and this is Okara. My husband."

Bell looked at them with a smile as she kept driving. Soon enough they found themselves surrounded by crops. Corn to carrots, even trees, and watermelon.

"Say! You're not from around here, are you?" Bell asked.

Cassa shook her head.

"No, we're new to this planet."

"That would explain the names and the outfits. But you guys look human as far as most people see."

"Say, Bell? Are you from this planet?" Cassa asked.

Okara listened to the conversation while looking at the beautiful earth around him.

"Why, yes I am! I was born and raised here on earth, and out here in the country."

"Wow, and is there over seven billion of you on this planet?" Cassa asked.

"Well, that number is a rough estimate, and I guess you should also know, not everyone looks like me. Everyone here on earth has their looks, careers, and even personalities."

"So we, can fit in?"

"Yeah, I'm sure if we get you some different clothes. We'll be able to fit you right in."

"Did you hear that, Okara!"

Okara still staring out into the distance, as Cassa tries to talk to him. However, her attention is also taken aback thanks to the beautiful background. Green lush hills; light blue sky and clouds; even the nice bright sun.

Bell smiled as she kept driving, as roughly ten minutes passed. They find themselves closing in on a farmhouse, with a big white barn, and two tower silos.

"Well! Here we are!" Bell yelled.

Okara and Cassa quickly threw their attention to the house.

"What is this place?!" Asked Cassa.

"This is where I live. You can call it home."


As Bell pulls into her gravel driveway. Okara and Cassa see a white, two-legged animal walking around.

"Bell! What is that?"

As she parks her truck; and turns it off. She gets out and looks at the animal.

"Oh that's a chicken, but her name is Bell The Second."

"Bell... The Second?" Question Cassa.

"Yeah, she's my precious baby. I hatched her from her egg when her mother died. She's family."

"Awwww!" Cassa crouches down to look at Bell The Second.

"Hello! Bell The Second, I'm Cassa!"

The chicken looks at Cassa like she's crazy.

Bell laughs as she explains to Cassa, animals can't talk. At least not all of them.

"Oh!... That makes sense."

"Come on, let's go inside. I want to get you guys settled in before nightfall."