Chapter 11

Previously on Fate Of Two Saiyan's!

Okara was out training as Bell was showing Cassa more of earth's creations. However, upon Okara's return, we find they've been kidnapped. Okara finds a gi in the bedroom Bell gave him and Cassa and sets off. To seek aid from Coll and find his missing friends.

After a hasty flight to Westfall City. Okara finally arrives, the current time is four twenty-six, it is a clear day with slight clouds. As he lands he begins walking with the crowd of people. Looking for the Westfall Police Department building. Soon enough he was lost and began asking around for directions. He stopped a woman who was holding a baby, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Um, excuse me." Said Okara.

"What'd ya want, kid?" The woman says angrily.

"I-I'm looking for the police department building. Do you know where I could find it?"

The woman looks him up and down, then points him in the right direction.

"It's that tall building with six windows, now leave me alone will ya!" The woman storms off as Okara watches her walk away. With a confused look on his face.

"T-Thank you..."

Okara looks towards the building and starts crossing the streets, within the same moment he hears tires screeching and horns honking as he steps in front of oncoming traffic. In a moment of panic, Okara jumps back onto the sidewalk and watches the car pull up by him.

"Watch what you're doing! Moron!" The angry driver bolts off in his red box-shaped car.

"S-Sorry... Man earth's city life sure is different compared to Escar."

Okara begins following the sidewalk towards the police building and notices people walking on the road. However, it was a civilian walk section and Okara slowly understood. As he rushed past people and got to the other side of the road.

"There we go!" Okara shouts as he continues running up to the police building's doors. He quickly walks in and instantly notices the number of people inside.

"Whoa! This place is bigger on the inside than I thought!"

Okara quickly remembers why he was there.

"That's right... I've got to find Coll."

Slowly he begins looking around and again finds himself lost.

"Excuse me, sir."

Okara turns to the voice calling to him.

"Yes, you sir."

It was a female police officer waving Okara to her.

"Is there something I could help you with?"

"Yes, actually I'm looking for someone named Coll."

"Coll? Hmmm... Oh! You must mean Detective Coll."

"Yes, Coll."

"What business do you have with him?"

"Urgent Business. I need to speak with him now."

"Well, I'm sorry, sir. But he hasn't been back for a while."

"Wait, what?"

"Detective Coll isn't here right now. He must be on some super classified case that requires him to be... Sorry I mean I can't disclose anything as he isn't here."

"Do you know when he will be?"

"I do not. I am sorry, but if it's anything regular officers could help with we'll provide as much assistance as possible."

"I'm sorry I can't have anybody else involved."

Okara quickly turns and walks towards the doors. As he exits he looks at the crowds of people walking.

"If I don't hurry, who knows what'll happen."

Okara begins walking off trying to find clues.

Back at Rose's lab, Cassa and Bell are being tortured. However, Cassa's the only one being tested on.

"Fascinating! You Saiyan's are a strong race! With this DNA I could make multiple Saiyan armies and finally take over the world."

Cassa is strapped to a metal table with four straps holding her down. Tools and goons in black sac masks surrounding her.

"So where did you come from? I've searched the entire database and there seems to be no sign of where you came from."

Cassa didn't speak and Bell just sat unconscious in her chair.

"Oh... Could it be you and Okara are the last ones alive of your race? No, highly illogical. If you were then something would've had to be even stronger than you to annihilate such a strong species."

The buzzing of saw blades starts up as Cassa's eyes widen in fear.

"Now to see what you've got under that skull of yours." Rose said evilly as she hit the button to initiate the cutting process.

"Creator, wouldn't it be wise to keep her alive?" Arako speaks up.

"What illogical bug has flooded your circuits?"

"You could produce multiple clones of her and have them be improved with time. Resulting in a more successful takeover."

Sudden the spinning buzz saw stops three inches from Cassa's forehead.

"I suppose you are correct, very well we'll let her live for cloning purposes."

The buzz saw pulls back and instantly Cassa relaxes.

"For now, clean her up and take her and her friend to a cell. We will continue our production another time." Rose says as she walks out of the room.

As the door closes Arako begins unstrapping Cassa's restrains and instantly grips hold of her.

"I didn't save your life for her purpose. I did it for mine."

He whispers as he pulls her off the table and cuffs her with magnetic cufflinks. As he does the same to Bell, he cleans them up and puts them in a cell together. Leaving the cufflinks on.

"Soon, I will be able to fight Okara again." Arako says as the cell door closes between him and the ladies.

Cassa struggles to stand up, making Bell instantly take action and help her.

"Don't push yourself. You've been through hell."

"D-Did you hear him..."

"Yeah I did, what do you think he meant by that? Cassa?"

"I-I think he..."

Cassa passes out from blood loss.

Two hours pass and Okara is still searching for clues but ends up with nothing. He's traveled so long he's ended back up at his pod landing area.

"Damn it... There's nothing! No signs, no hints, not a single damn clue!"

Okara tosses his backpack to the side and clinches his hands into fists.

"Why do things always happen to us! When we're finally happy!"